Chapter 5: building a way of life

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Between the three friends they have decided until the day the wall falls. They'll grow in strength and try to see if they can build an army. They will report in every year on their own progress and what they found out on what they could do. Now we see down to the earth Kevin clearing his new territory said territory is a giant forest that is miles away like the others also miles away from the walls. Kevin has decided to make a check list of what he wanted to do. see if he can build other weapons see if he can have Mag or Nyx or a Kubrow as companions see if he can use the Syndicates the location he is in to build Cetus base with there energy walls any Tenno ship or Archwing the dojo (private space base) a Relay (public space station) army of Tenno(warframes), Corpus, and Infested
9.find a way to be human again
10.see if he can bring/build things from other games all types of food and drinks and lake
12. Most important: LOUTUS
It is now the middle of the night the perfect time to test a thought he had. If Angel can build a drone with a tablet, and Ace at the same time then could he just in theory build all the things he wanted to do at the same time? So it won't take forever to build an army, base, farm, lake, and everything else he wanted. He went down on a knee putting his hand on the grass and willed it to happen...nothing happened "shit I knew it was no-" a black ocean of mist erupted from the ground consuming him and everything around him for three miles and a pillar of black spiraling mist shot up into the sky past the clouds and going into space but no one saw this in the pitch blackness of the night. "Master,Master wake up" A light female voice said softly. Kevin slowly awoke he felt he was lying on something soft,he slowly sat up. Kevin's eyesight was blurry but slowly he was able to see. He was in black and red room that is massive, there is a build station,king size bed, two kubrows at the end of the bed,a window that shows space?, he was also back into his Rhino Prime form, And finally a woman over him that is sitting next to him holding his arm "wh-what did you c-call me?" Kevin said as he tried to move but felt her arms push him down "your still weak Master. You should rest while I take care of you" the beautiful woman said as she stood up to get a bowl of water and a rag. As she stood up Kevin could see her clearly. "Lotus" Kevin said as she came back "Yes it is me Master do you wish for me to tell you what has happened while you were asleep?" "Yes lotus..." (image of the lotus and the kubrows which are basically space dogs and don't own images like usual)

"When you willed all the things you wanted to appear it took your energy, but not all the things you wanted

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"When you willed all the things you wanted to appear it took your energy, but not all the things you wanted. The corpus attacked us so we had to exterminate all of them but the infested did follow us. In fact they have helped make some new warframes and are the long range detection system if any unwanted attention comes here they can take care of it." The Lotus said as she was washing Kevin's face which he found out was unmasked "w-wait they are b-building new warframes?" Kevin asked as he gratefully drank water she offered "yes in fact my guard is a one of the new ones" lotus said as she waved to the door as someone came threw it

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