Chapter 1: Real or Fake?

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Mario was slowly falling into the darkness of this abyss, but it felt as if he was floating. What was this feeling of dread that coursed through him? Guilt? Sorrow? No, this had to be something else, but what does it feel like this feeling is connected to him somehow? Why does it feel this is something a part of him? Why does it feel... something's trying to break his free will?

Mario watched as his arms limply swayed left and right from the air from falling. He took this time to look around for a moment. Nothing but darkness shrouded everything..literally. Not a single trace of light was to be seen. Not a light...or a positive feeling.

"Where am I?" Mario wondered as he stared up at the darkness above him. How did he get here? Was he dreaming? Did he get knocked out? He started to wonder more about this place, but then he heard a voice speak through the neverending darkness.

"Do you believe in destiny?"

Mario's eyes widened as he heard the mysterious voice.

"Who's there?!" He got himself up as he was still floating as he was looking around for the source of the voice.

"There's a time where no one can matter. Whether they keep you in their pocket, or you put them in yours...they'll only throw you away, and to cast you aside in this endless prison of loneliness and dread."

"W-What are you talking about?! Who are you?!" Mario demanded as his hands clenched into fists, getting ready to fight if he needed to. The voice only chuckled as Mario could tell they had a smirk on their face.

"That is something you need to figure out on your own. But let me tell you...that you need to be careful who you trust."


"Trust can lead you to the inevitable. It can lead you to your pending doom. Trust is something that can't be taken lightly...but it is also something that can get yourself killed. If you think this is only a're wrong. All of this will happen before you can even have a second to blink."

"...I won't let that happen." Mario said determinedly. "I'll keep the people I love safe no matter what. You can say all the negative things you want, but that won't make me give up."

"Are you sure about that? You need to make sure that what you choose can also effect the people around you. You'll only end up causing things to get worse for your relationship with them. And that regret...will hunger your negative emotions."

"Who are you?" Mario asked again. The voice chuckled as they formed into a dark shadow as they had blood red eyes glowing from the dark flames that shrouded him.


Before Mario could even react, it charged at him ag full speed as he felt it seep into his chest as he screamed in pain.

"aM YoUR WOrsT NiGHtMarE."


"*Gasp!*" Mario sat up as he was breathing heavily. He took a few seconds to calm down and he put both his hands on his chest as he sighed and closed his eyes.

"...That dream again." He muttered to himself. When he looked around, he noticed he was in the living room of his and his brother's home. He was laying on the couch as well.

"I must've fallen asleep here last night." He assumed. When he sat up, he now noticed he had a soft blanket over him as he also had a pillow where he had his head on. How did he get these things? It must've been his brother that got him those.

"Are you awake, bro?" He glanced back at the entryway of the kitchen and he saw his little brother, Luigi, as he had two pieces of toast in his hands as they were under a napkin.

"Yeah, I'm awake." He answered as he sat up against the couch, making enough room for Luigi to sit beside him. "What happened last night?"

"Well, I dunno exactly." He answered as he set the pieces of toast on the coffee table in front of them. "After me and Yoshi came back here, you were dead asleep on this couch. We didn't want to wake you so we both got the blanket and pillow for you to let you sleep. Yoshi also went back to his island too."

"Strange...I don't remember feeling that tired." Mario said.

"Well, it was a rough day having to save Peach again." Luigi chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. He then took one of the pieces of toast, and gestured it out to Mario. "Want one?"

"Sure, thanks." Mario accepted it as he took a bite out of it. "So, is something going on today?"

"Oh Yeah! I almost forgot!" Luigi stood up as he went through one of the drawers behind the couch as Mario glanced at him. Seconds later, he sat back down beside him, and he saw it was a letter. A letter from the Princess herself.

"Princess Peach sent us this while you were sleeping." He said. "She told me to hand it to you after you woke up."

Mario looked at the letter for a moment but he opened the envelope, and he took out the paper that had her handwriting on it.


Dear Mario,

Something terrible has happened in the kingdom...and every other kingdom for that matter. Last night, I sensed an incredible amount of dark energy. I don't know what this could be, but I think it has something to do with...negative emotions.

I asked the professor to look into where I sensed it, but I have a feeling this is a matter that needs to be taken seriously. You and Luigi have handled things more gruesome than this...but I have a feeling this needs more attention than it already has.

I sent the professor to Chucklehuck woods. I  sent them off before I gave you this letter. I want you and Luigi to keep them safe from any harm, especially from that dark energy.

Be careful, Peach.


Mario's eyes widened after he finished reading the letter. Negative emotions. That's exactly what the voice told him through his dream!

'T-This can't be a coincidence!' He thought. 'Negative emotions and dark energy. I-Is it possible that maybe that dream isn't a-'

"Mario?" Mario snapped out of his thoughts as he looked at Luigi. "You okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." He assured as he stood up. "Peach said that she sensed this dark energy coming from Chucklehood Woods. She sent E.gadd to look into it, and she wants us to be with him to make sure he doesn't get hurt."

"Professor E.gadd. It's been a long time since we last saw him." Luigi smiled as Mario smiled back as he agreed to that sentence, but he frowned at the thought of this energy.

"But we should get going. Who knows what's happening right now." Mario said.

"I'll grab ourselves a few items before we leave!" Luigi volunteered as he went upstairs to their bedroom and began to take whatever item he could carry. Mario, however, put his hand on his chest as he felt an uncomfortable pull on his heart. He didn't know why, but it made him...angry.

"What is this feeling of dread...?"

Mario and Luigi: Darkness In LightWhere stories live. Discover now