Chapter 15: Shattered Memories

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"...Salem...healed you?"

"Yes. I don't know why he did, but...he saved my life. He helped me."

"Do you think it was only because you're his vessel? He needs you alive."

"It feels that way, but...I also feel like that's not the reason either.."

Mario, Luigi, Lucian, and Peach were all in the castle library as Mario finished explaining what happened between him and Salem. He explained the fight with Bowser, where Salem took control, every detail he did to stop him. It was a lot for them...but it seemed like they could manage.

Lucian, however, he began to question this sudden change in Salem. The only times he has helped someone was him. But ever since their fight...he was remorseless, uncharitable, yet he somehow helped Mario? He never heard, nor saw this change in him. He has only heard of Salem being clement before they...

Lucian shook his head out of his thoughts as he turned his attention towards, the trio.

"I suppose we shall keep this story in memory...for the time being." He said as he looked out one of the windows. "What matters now is that we focus at the situation at hand."

"W-What exactly can we do about this?" Luigi asked nervously. "We don't know where we can even start."

"On the contrary...we do." Lucian said as he walked over to one of the bookshelves, and he looked over the shelves for a few seconds, until he took out a huge book that had the picture of a sun with a scepter on the left, and the moon with the picture of a blade on the right on the cover.

"During our fight began, I have managed to destroy what has drained his sanity to begin with." He said as he laid it on the table. "The Edge of Darkness is no more once I managed to get a hold of it."

"So you destroyed it?" Mario stated.

"Yes. However, Salem became very disgusted at me for that action." Lucian looked down at his hands as he had a depressed look on his face. Peach saw this, and began to ask:

"...Why did you and Salem fight in the first place?" She asked as she put her hand on his shoulder. However, his hands began to shiver as the three noticed this.

"Y-You don't have to tell us if you-" " all deserve the truth.." He said as he turned his back towards them, and walked five feet away from them. He put his arm out, and a huge orb of light appeared in the room as the trio gasped. Lucian glanced at them as he frowned.

"This was before our fight began.."


Lucian was sitting on top of this huge hill as he was watching the beautiful sunset in front of him as he was laying on his back as a gentle breeze flowed through him. The form he had was as if he was only a regular person. Just a normal, ordinary person. But regardless, he was still only light. The sun. He closed his eyes as he felt a gentle breeze flow through him as a small smile formed on his face. He refused to move from his position, even just to stand up.

He was like for what felt like minutes, until he heard footsteps, and a familiar voice approach him.

"Why am I not surprised to find you up here?" Lucian glanced behind himself, and he saw another person staring at him. However, He was shrouded in darkness as he looked similar to Lucian's form.

"You always know where to discover me." Salem smirked as he sat down beside him as he put his hand on his knee, and stared out at the sunset in front of them.

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