Chapter 2: Unheard Saying

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Mario and Luigi were both walking side by side in chucklehuck woods as they were both looking around for E.gadd. Even when the princess said he was going to be here...she didn't specify where he was going. And at this part...this stumped the two brothers.

"No offense to the Princess...but she really needs to add more details on these letters." Luigi stated as he put his hands behind his head as he and Mario kept walking.

"At least we don't have to wander around the whole world just to look for him." Mario said. "Remember Pillo Island with the Dream Spirit?"

"So many high places.." Luigi shuttered at the memory as Mario chuckled at his behavior. However, he frowned as he remembered that...'vision', he now calls it, and what Peach said in the letter. Negative emotions and dark energy. He can't help but feel like that those two could be connected to him somehow. What that voice told him startled him a little, but at the same time, he doesn't want to believe it.

'I don't understand..' He thought.
'This really can't be a coincidence. I mean, a dark energy source appearing the same day I have that vision? Honestly, if it's the dark star again, I will never hear the end of it! But if it's not the dark star...then what else could it be? An enemy? A person? Wait...person. A person full of...darkness?'

"...ario? Mario! Snap out of it!"

"H-Huh?" Mario blinked out of his thoughts and he looked around. He realized that they were on a completely different path. How long we're he and Luigi walking?

"Mario, are you sure you're okay? This is the second time you spaced out today! I'm getting worried!" Mario saw Luigi's worried face as he saw he had his hand on his shoulder. Mario tried to think of an excuse...but nothing came to his mind. He sighed in defeat as he closed his eyes.

"Luigi, I...I need to tell you something." Mario said as he crossed his arms.

"W-What is it?" He asked. "Is something wrong?"

"...Yeah." He said. "Remember when I fell asleep back home?" Luigi nodded his head. "Well...I saw something in my head."

"A dream?"

"That's what I thought it was...the past thirteen times." Those were the times Mario has seen that vision. "But apparently...I have a feeling it might be connected to this dark energy."

"What do you mean?" Luigi started to pay close attention to this.

"This voice in my head said that my regret would make my negative emotions react, and that was what Peach said in the letter." Mario took a few steps forward as he stopped about six feet away from Luigi.

"I don't know why or how this happened to me, but...I'm honestly scared about what it could do to me?" Mario looked down at his hands. "I don't even know if I'm even right about this. I don't know what it could do to me. That's the worst type of hurt I'm feeling right now.."

"Mario.." Luigi walked over to him as he put his hand on his shoulder. "You're strong. Who cares how powerful this dark energy can be? We both fought koopas, nightmares, shroobs, we can take on anything together! Besides, brothers always stick together, even if they're different, right? I know you're stronger than this Mario. Where there's darkness, Light follows it."

"..." Mario smiled hearing those words as he put his hand on his chest. "Thank you, Luigi.."

"Anything to help you, Mario." Luigi smiled in relief seeing the calm and relieved smile on his face. "Anyway, we should probably keep looking for E.gadd now."

"Yeah, let's-"

"Light and Darkness are fated to clash."

"Huh?" Mario heard the same voice from his vision speak as he looked around for them.

"Mario? What is it?" Luigi asked confused.

"You didn't hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"That voice! It's the same one from my-"

"No matter how hard you try, you will always end up facing your fate, whether you have the courage to face it or not."

"Where are you...?" Mario started to run towards the voice.

"M-Mario! Wait!" Luigi quickly ran after him.

Mario didn't even stop for a moment to wait on his brother he kept hearing the whispers of the voice calling out to him, saying things about his fate. He didn,'t know why, but he could sense that dark energy. Exactly where the voice was speaking to him. However, he winced as his head slowly started to ache with every sentence that voice spoke.

"You think you can change reality, but you're wrong. If you want to believe reality does exist that is your choice, not mine.

Light and Darkness can't exist without the other. They both have their own tasks, whether it's about balance, or eliminating each other, they shall meet their final stand."

Mario started to slow down a little as he felt his ears ringing as he put both of his hands on his head.

"Curiosity killed the cat, Mario. I know what this pain you are feeling is like. After all...negativity doesn't have it's final stand."


Mario felt a hand on his shoulder as he heard the concerned voice of his brother calling out to him, but the voice kept toying with his mind. He tried his best to block it out, but it was as if he opened the cage, and lost the key.

"See? Light and Darkness both need each other, Mario. Your brother is the light...and you are the darkness. Want to know how you became the darkness? Let me ask you this: Have you ever thought about how you forced someone to doing something for your sake?"

Mario's eyes widened at that question as a tear fell from his eyes. He knew exactly what they were talking about. It was the time when he got captured by King Boo, and Luigi went and rescued him. He knew his biggest fear was ghosts, yet he still went through that pain for his sake.

"Mario! Please! You're scaring me!" Luigi gently shook Mario on his shoulders trying to get his attention...but it didn't work.

Mario's vision started to flicker as he tried to stand up, but he fell to his knees as Luigi helped him sit down.

"M-Mario! What's wrong?!"

"...I' sorry...little bro.." He felt his awareness go completely blank as he felt himself fall to the ground. The last thing he heard was Luigi's cry of concern as his entire vision went black.

Mario and Luigi: Darkness In LightWhere stories live. Discover now