|| Three ||

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"Me?" (Y/n) asked, flabbergasted at Prompto's response.

The blonde nodded, swallowing hard. "I-I don't know why, but I always see you with these... these people who push you around. One day, you just snap and, and try to..."

"Kill them..." Famine muttered.

Prompto heard her and his eyes widened. "How did you...?"

(Y/n) sighed sorrowfully, staring down at the floor. "I was hoping to avoid this discussion for a little while longer, but it seems it can't wait."

Prompto shook his head. "You don't have to, (Y/n)."

"It's best if I do." She took a few seconds to compose herself before telling her story before her soul was dragged to Hell. "I used to live with my parents in Altissia a little over a hundred years ago. They would push me around and most of the time they were violent towards me. I had no friends, which made finding an escape even more difficult. It was the day after my twentieth birthday that I finally snapped. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen and killed my father. While I was stabbing him, my mother retrieved the pistol from their bedroom and... well, you know the ending."

Prompto slowly nodded, eyes filled with melancholy. Tears glistened in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall.

(Y/n) knew why he was experiencing the nightmare over and over again and felt guilty for plaguing him with such gruesome images. Not only was he kind and sweet during their small adventures through Altissia, but he accepted her when she told him her biggest secret. The guilt continued to gnaw at her as she stood up and left the seat. She walked down the aisle, hoping the train would stop any second now so she could get fresh air.

Before she could open the door to the next car, two arms wrapped tightly around her. Her back collided with a chest and felt the person lean their head against the back of hers. "You're not gonna do that vanishing thing again, are you?"

"Prompto," she sighed. "The reason you're experiencing this nightmare is because you possess the summoning orb. It's a manifestation of my memories when I was alive. If I had known it was gonna show you my past in the form of a nightmare, I-"

"Would've never gave it to me..." Prompto said, finishing her sentence. He released his hold on her and stepped back a few inches, patting the pocket that held the yellow artifact. "I'm keeping it, (Y/n)."

"But, Prom-!"

"I don't care about the nightmare," he calmly responds. "It'll eventually go away."

"I'm not so sure about that. It's possible the images will stop once you give the summoning orb back to me." Famine replied sorrowfully. "It's the best course of action and the only one we have at the moment."

"B-But-!" He stutters.

The Horseman placed a hand on his chest, feeling his racing heart with a smile. "I'm not going anywhere, Prompto. I promise I'm never gonna leave, okay? Besides, traveling with you and your friends will provide me with the opportunity to find my targets."

Prompto sighed in relief with a smile and handed the summoning orb over. (Y/n) thanked him and took back the artifact. It vanished into thin air the second it rested in her palm.

The train lurched forward, causing both individuals to grab onto the nearest seat. With a screeching halt, the train came to a complete stop. The conductor announced their arrival at Cartanica Station and all the passengers exited the train.

The moment Prompto and (Y/n) stepped off the train, the Horseman vanished. The sharpshooter knew she would return and regrouped with Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {Book Two: Famine} (Prompto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now