|| Five ||

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Prompto and (Y/n) currently sat in their cabin aboard the train. The two were sitting on one of the bottom bunks, talking each other's ears off. When the cerulean-eyed boy suddenly fell silently with a frown plaguing his freckled face, Famine leaned forward and peered into his face. "What's with the frown?"

Prompto clamped his hands together, fiddling with his thumbs. "It's... It's nothing, (Y/n)."

"I definitely don't need my blade to know that's a lie," she scoffed. Turning her body, she faced him and poked his cheek with her finger. "Where'd that adorable smile go?"


(Y/n) huffed, throwing her head to the side before pushing herself off the bed. She stood in front of the photographer with a hand on her hip. "You're not gonna tell me, huh? Well then, I guess I better start searching for that goofy smile, then."

The Horseman bent down slightly as she stood in front of him. She placed her hands on his cheeks, staring deeply into his azure eyes. From her simple touch and gaze, she could see Prompto's cheeks were turning red. Humming, she searched his face. "Hmm... Let's see..." She began squishing and kneading his cheeks in different directions. "Nope. That's not it."

She tugged at his cheeks a little more and made sure to not hurt him in the process. She created a crooked grin and shook her head. "That's not right, either." Morphing Prompto's face into a various array of goofy expression brought a kind, gentle smile to said boy's face. When (Y/n) saw him smiling up at her, she stopped squishing his cheeks. "There it is," she whispered with a beautiful and breathtaking smile.

Prompto stared up into her (e/c) eyes, his heart racing a mile a minute. His cheeks were heating up once again, but he didn't try to hide them. He couldn't get his heart under control as he seemingly got lost in her glistening eyes. He swallowed the lump in his throat that formed from how nervous he suddenly became from (Y/n)'s touch.

There was only one reason Prompto started acting strangely around the Horseman. His palms would get sweaty, heart racing whenever she touched him or looked his way, and even a faint blush would blossom on his cheeks every time she casted a smile in his direction. He was falling in love with her.

When he first met her in Altissia, he was a nervous wreck because of her beauty and how she wanted to talk to him instead of another guy. Out of all the people she could've chosen to tell her secret and entrust the summoning orb with in Altissia, she chose him. That thought alone was enough for him to fall in love with her.

"Prompto?" (Y/n) called out to the blonde boy.

The sharpshooter blinked a few times once he was yanked from his thoughts. "Uh, w-what's wrong?"

"I'm perfectly fine. It's you that seems to be acting strange. Are you feeling alright? I've never seen you space out like that before." Her smile faltered as the concern made its way across her face.

"I-I feel great!" Prompto's voice faltered as he looked away, showcasing his lie.

"Ah, you really like lying when it comes to your well-being." (Y/n) pried her hands off his cheeks and placed them on her hips in disapproval. "You know you can talk to me about anything. If you think-" Her body suddenly became rigged as her eyes widened in horror.

Prompto, baffled as to why she suddenly became silent, looked up and saw her petrified expression. "(Y/n)?" He called out worriedly. When she didn't budge, he flew to his feet and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Hey, (Y/n), you're freaking me out here. (Y/n)!" He shook her shoulders and managed to snap her out of the petrifaction.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {Book Two: Famine} (Prompto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now