|| Twelve ||

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Escaping the cell block, (Y/n) and Prompto began their long and treacherous trek through Zegnautus Keep. Numerous of times, they encountered dead ends and a plethora of magitek troopers and powerful daemons. Fortunately, they had yet to encounter the Gashadokuro.

While running through the Keep, Prompto had questioned the Horseman about the Gashadokuro after hearing its ghostly howl once more. She had answered all his questions, each response chilling him to the core. Learning the facts about a monster set on destroying Eos and all that called it home frightened him more than any daemon would ever.

"At least the Phantom Knight is out of the picture," (Y/n) comments. "It'll be easier taking down the Gashadokuro without having to worry where the Knight is."

When they were about to round a corner, Famine grabbed ahold of Prompto and pushed him behind her. A blade swiped through the air, but (Y/n) wrapped a hand around the sharp edge to halt its descent. Her hand sliced open, blood trickling down her palm and arm. She gripped the sword tighter as the owner of the weapon rounded the corner to reveal themselves to try and reclaim it.

(Y/n) came face-to-face with Noctis as he stepped around the corner. His crystalline eyes recognized her as they widened as big as saucers. "Holy shit... (Y/n)?"

"Should I know you?" She teases, releasing the sword.

Noctis smirked as Gladio and Ignis rounded the corner. "Not really," he joins in on the teasing before switching his focus to Prompto. "We've been lookin' all over for you, Prompto."

"You alright?" Gladio asked.

"Are you hurt? Do you need help?" Ignis added with his own concern, unable to see the sharpshooter's battered up body.

"I'm fi-"

"A potion will suffice if you have one," (Y/n) interrupted her lover. The tactician handed her one and she thanked him before turning to face Prompto. She crushed the bottle in her hand a few inches from his injuries and watched as a green glow surrounded his body. She saw as the small cuts healed, but a few bruises still remained. "There. All better."

"Thanks, (Y/n), Iggy." The marksman's eyes traveled back over to Noctis nervously. "Tell me. Were you worried about me?"

"Of course I was," Noctis scoffed in disbelief at the question. "What kind of question is that?"

"Of course. That's why you came, like I believed you would. Well, I did kinda lose hope for a little bit, but it returned all thanks to (Y/n)," he casted his gentle smile in the girl's direction.

"How did...?" The Horseman pondered in bewilderment.

"The orb. You must've been trying to do something with it because it kept rolling and jumping around," he replied.

"Oh. I had no idea it would roll around on its own. It might've also been reacting to the Gashadokuro," she commented.

"Uh, the what?" Noctis inquired.

"Gashadokuro," she replied slowly. "It's the other monster I'm after. According to some intel from Aranea, the creature's here and I can definitely sense its chilling presence."

"Exactly how dangerous is this thing?" Gladio wondered.

"No human however strong cannot slay the Gashadokuro. If we do come across it, you four stay out of its way. It's rather fond of human blood and nothing or no one can satisfy its thirst."

Noctis and Prompto winced while Ignis kept his stone-like expression. Gladio crossed his arms and tried to imagine what the monster looked like, but he had no inkling to what its horrid appearance truly is. (Y/n) cleared her throat and gestured to a hallway they had yet to explore. "Shall we proceed forth?"

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse {Book Two: Famine} (Prompto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now