Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Looks like someone was here earlier." Gelgar said.

"That's odd for a place this near the Wall."

"Maybe one of the bandits used it. It said Ruins of Utgard Castle on one of the signs. Who would have thought that there was a castle around here?"

Iris didn't find the conversation interesting. She leaned on Leon, pulled her legs to her chest and buried her face on the folds of her arms.

"Hey, look what I found." Gelgar went out of the room with a bottle in hand.

"Gelgar, is that booze I see?" An officer said.

"What the heck does this say?" Gelgar said.

"You're not gonna drink it now, are you?" Nanaba chastised him.

"I wasn't, not at a time like this."

"Convenient. All of this contraband to enjoy for ourselves."

"Now, youre making us sound like bandits." Nanaba chuckled.

Iris frowned.

Well, one of you is. She thought.

"You rookies should try to get some rest... Titans won't be roaming around at this time, but the rest of us will take turns keeping watch. We'll leave from here four hours before daybreak." Gelgar said.

"Um... what if the Wall wasn't broken?" Krista began. "The Titans... where could they be invading from?"

"Finding that is a job for tomorrow." Gelgar said, and went to get to his watch duty.

"Gelgar." Iris spoke.

Gelgar turned to her, as well as the other officers and cadets. Iris didn't bother to stand up or meet the man's eyes as she continued to speak.

"You were wrong..." Iris said. "Captain Mike... didn't make it back." Her hand balled to a fist.

Gelgar looked down at the ground, he knew how Iris admired Mike, how close they were. He remembered seeing Mike taking walks with Iris when Levi first brought her from the Underground. And he knew that Mike cared for the girl that he made a cane just so Iris could walk around when her legs were growing weak. Gelgar said nothing and walked up the stairs to take the first watch. He looked down at Iris and he was sure he saw tears form at the girl's eyes.

"I'm sorry." He said in a whisper and then left.


Levi stared at the necklace with complete shock, all this time, he had been wearing something made out of Titan. But moreover, knowing that the necklace had a connection with the Reed family, it meant that the aristocrat family had more secrets to hide behind the doors of their home, and he knew Pastor Nick knew something about it.

"Tell me." Levi began. "What relations do you have with the Reed family?"

Pastor Nick's eyes widened.

"There's no point in not talking because I will get answers." Levi said.

"Captain, where did you get that?" Armin asked, his face shocked as ever.

"It was given to me by someone I knew before." Levi said. He turned to the Pastor. "Now talk, who are the Reed family?" When the Pastor said nothing, he grabbed the Pastor by the collar of his shirt.

"LEVI!" Hange cried.

"Bastard, tell me!" Levi demanded. "Who are they?!"

"Tell us!" Eren said.

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