Chapter Thirty

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Levi stood hidden at the top of the stairs, waiting for Hange's return. When he heard the door, he listened as the woman sighed. It was strange for him to find the woman silent and in deep thought. But that silence was suddenly disturbed by the sound of her kicking the table and everything falling on the ground. He took this as the time to finally check on the woman and see how she was.

"I'm sorry, it's seems that I made a mess... I encountered a large cockroach..." Hange said.

"I see... and with how hard you kicked it, I'm sure it learned its lesson." Levi said. "It's time you filled them in..."

"Levi, wait." Hange spoke. "There's something you need to know."

Levi stopped mid-step and turned to Hange, waiting for what she was to tell him.

"It's something about the Reed family... Erwin was right..."


He's insane! Iris stared at the man in complete shock. Who is he to suddenly tell me he's my grandfather?! She tried to remember if her mother or father mentioned her grandparents to her, but she wasn't able to remember anything about them telling her.

"Your mother, Maria Reed, is my daughter." Lord Reed spoke. "Your father, is Levi Ackerman... he's Kenny Ackerman's nephew –"

The information being told by Lord Reed was too much for Iris' mind to process. This has to be a joke!

"You're fucking insane!" Iris said.

"Call me insane, but what I say is true. Your father knows so little like you do, but your mother hid the truth and lied to your whole life. Making you believe that you have no purpose but rot in the rat-hole –"

"Don't you dare talk about my mother! You don't know her! You don't know anything about her or about me!"

"I know everything about your mother. I raised her. And I know everything about you, Iris."

"You can't possibly think that I'd believe you!" Iris said.

"I've anticipated that, that's why she will be the one to explain everything to you..." Lord Reed said. The sound of the door opening and closing caught Iris' attention. "They do say that the child listens to anything that their mother says..."

"The fuck do you mean?! My mother's dead, she has been for the past eight years –"

A woman came to the dim-lit room. She wore a dress worn noblewomen, had smooth slightly tan skin, a button nose, pink lips, red hair flowed down freely but for a portion that as braided at the back, and beautiful sapphire blue eyes that could enchant anyone that would look at her. Iris stared at the woman, frozen in place, not knowing what to feel; she was in disbelief, shock, and afraid at the same time. Her mind couldn't comprehend what she was seeing.

No... she's dead... she's dead... he said that she was dead! He left her there to die!

The woman took a step forward, her eyes sharing the same shock as Iris, but there were tears flowing endlessly. When the woman was about to reach through the cell and speak, Iris felt a sudden panic.

"STAY BACK!" Iris yelled as she tried to get herself away from the woman.

"Iris, please don't be afraid –" The woman cried.


"It's me, Iris... please, don't move too much or you'll make your injuries worse!" the woman begged.

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