Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"Iris' getting used to piloting her Titan." Armin said. "This is their third spar for the day and it's her second win since Eren pinned her down."

When they saw the steam coming from the two Titans, they knew that the two done for the day. Iris and Eren were helped out from their Titans by Mikasa and Leon, and were brought on the ground.

"That's enough for the day." Hange said.

Hours ago, Iris and Eren had their experiments with Hange. After Eren's fifteen-meter-Titan fell on the ground as Iris' own fourteen-meter-Titan kicked him at the head. Standing at the cliff that over looked the spar, Hange, Levi, and Armin were satisfied with the results, they ended it for the day, seeing that they were both tired.

Leon watched as Iris ate her second plate of food. The girl was starving after her day of experiments with Hange and Eren; she slept almost the whole day and have been eating since she woke up. The rest of the Levi Squad and Marlo who sat next to her protected their plates from Iris' grasp, they never expected that they would protect their plates from someone other than Sasha.

"Slow down, Iris." Leon said. "I don't think people would believe us if we said that you died of choking on a potato."

Iris swallowed the food in her mouth.

"I'm just starving... the last time I ate like this was when Dad brought me here from the Underground." Iris said. "I ended up throwing up after because of a stomachache."

"Well, I not cleaning up after you if you do." Leon said. "So slow down."

"Is it always like this, Eren?" Iris asked.

"What is?" Eren asked.

"Starving, sleepy, my body weighing a ton after transforming to a Titan?" Iris asked.

"I guess... but you just get used to it." Eren answered. "It's funny."

"What is?"

"Back at the Cadet Corps, you were the one who taught me how to properly disarm someone with a knife... but now, I'm the one teaching you how to control a Titan."

"Yeah well..." Iris suddenly frowned.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Armin asked.

"It's just... for the past months we've been doing this, we found out that nothing is so special about my Titan..." Iris muttered. "I can't harden my skin, nor can I control other Titans – I'm pretty useless against the Armored Titan, and especially the Colossal Titan... what use am I to this operation? At first, I thought that I could actually make a difference, but after seeing that I'm just a regular Titan that can just fight at will... I'm pretty useless."

"No, you're not." Armin said. "With you being there, there is a chance that we can easily apprehend the Armored Titan... besides, you hold Humanity's Greatest Treasure, you hold our history – you're just as special."

"Don't worry, Iris." Eren spoke. "We can do this."

Iris turned to him, she couldn't help but remember what happened to him days before when they went to see the new tool made from Eren's Titan Armor that Hange called "the Executioner", his nose bled excessively. Hange and the others only thought of it as a side-effect for overusing his Titan abilities, but she knew what it exactly meant...

Thirteen years... Iris remembered. If that's true, then... that means...

"Hey, you okay?" Leon spoke.

Iris was pulled from her reverie.


"You were staring at Eren for a long time." Leon said.

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