Chapter 2

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Seo Ah POV
I was working at the tea shop with Shancai.
It was empty and dull.
"Seo Ah, for twins sisters, I don't feel as close to you as I topically are."Shancai sighed.
"I agree sis."
I nodded cleaning the tea machine.
"So tell me what's up?"
Shancai plopped on the counter.
"No you."
I blurted.I know stupid.
Everything and nothing is happening.its frustrating.
"Uno-reverses card."Shancai chuckled.
"Alright fine..."I sighed.
"So tell me...Why are you always out?"Shancai looked deep into my eyes.
"So basically, Lei and I found ourselves investigating Domain Si, medical record, to see if something happened to his memory behind the scenes....And we found..."
I was debating to tell her the truth or not.
"And...?"Shancai repeated.
Shancai POV
Seo Ah POV grabbed my shoulders.Thats how I know she's serious.
"Shancai.You cannot tell ANYONE.I mean anyone what I'm going to tell you.understand?sister swear?"Seo Ah sounded serious.

understand?sister swear?"Seo Ah sounded serious

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"Sister-swear."I repeated.
Seo Ah moves back."Basically, Domain Si's mom payed a hypnotist to hypnotize Domain Si to forget me."
I was jaw-dropped.
"B-But, she could go to court for that, because he did that without her consent."I blurted.
"Yeah, well.Family is family.I dunno."Seo Ah shrugged.
"So did you tell Domain Si?"I asked.
"Yes.He sounded furious."Seo Ah looked down at her foot.I noticed her moving it around in circles.
"Alrighty, Shancai, your turn.Whats up with you?"Seo Ah asked.She was leaning against the tea machine facing me.
"Cheng Long and I were hooking up and we decided to slowly but surely go back to being a couple unofficially at least..."
Cheng Long use to always give me butterflies when he came around, so did Mei Zuo at the time.The difference was Mei Zuo gave me butterflies because he simply always made me feel our "relationship" was simply a thrill.As for Cheng Long...It's different...It's crazy because I want the butterflies to come back....
"Alright back to you,you still have feelings for him...?"
"For who?"Seo Ah playing dumb.
"Domain Si."
I saw Domain Si outside the glass door, I was shocked but kept a straight face.I knew he was listening and maybe this could be the push they need because I feel Domain Si is a good person for Seo Ah.Lei is too...Simple.I don't feel the passion.
"Shancai.Its complicated.I will always have feelings for Domain Si.As much as I hate to say it, he was the only person that made me feel loved, like a crush...But..."
"But?"I hate buts.especially because I don't have one.
"I move on.I don't think I'll ever stop caring or loving Domain Si.But I moved on...I think.Im going to go back to Lei.Things were good.And I need good."
"Was I not good?"
Seo Ah and I both turned.
It was Domain Si.
"Domain Si?"Seo Ah face was red because she Was ashamed.
"How much did you hear?"I asked.
"Everything."Domain Si looked straight at Seo Ah.

"Domain Si looked straight at Seo Ah

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Meteor Garden Astro~Twins Volume.2Where stories live. Discover now