Chapter 5

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Domain Si POV
Waking up next to Seo Ah sleeping in pure contentment was so satisfying to watch her lying peacefully, her skin was glowing and her black noir hair was glistening.
Seo Ah POV
Oh shit.No, no.
I wake up to Domain Si next to me in bed.

"Shit!"I blurted out loud slapping my head against my face.

"What?!"Domain Si asked in the same irritated tone I was in.

I stood up. "Domain Si, I shouldn't have slept with you, I'm sorry.I regret it."I shrugged.

Domain Si narrowed his eyes and darted at me, he pinned me against the wall, the same way he pinned me against the wall at school.

Domain Si narrowed his eyes and darted at me, he pinned me against the wall, the same way he pinned me against the wall at school

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"Shut up.I hate it when you lie to my face..."Domain Si looked right through me.

I was silent.

Domain Si POV

"I'm sorry."Seo Ah sighed.

I pulled a strand of her hair.

"Stupid girl..."I chuckled...

"No you."Seo Ah remarked.

"So you are calling me a stupid girl...?"I asked
And I saw Seo Ah's face was immediately red.

"Seo Ah, Lei's here to see you...."Nini said through the door.

"Oh shit!"Seo Ah's widen, as she shoved me over to her closet.

"What the hell-..."I whispered, before I could finished she shushed me shoving me into her closet.

"Stay here."She said.

And just like that Lei came into the room, without even knocking.What a asswhipe.

"Seo Ah..."Lei croaked her name.

I could see him standing walking over to her, and Seo Ah plopped on her bed through the creek of the closet door opening.

"Lei.I, have nothing to say to you..."Seo Ah has her arms crossed and looked away from Lei like a pissed off toddler.

"Seo Ah...Please hear me out..."Lei crouched to her level stroking her arms.

Seo Ah reluctantly looked over to Lei, she was easing over to him, which made my blood boil.

"I wanted to tell you about my trip to France, because I wanted to surprise you and..."

I swear he better not say what I think he's gonna say.

"And go to France with me Seo Ah."

Seo Ah's eyes widened and her mouth dropped.

"W-What?!But then why did Jing text you?"Seo Ah shocked face quickly transformed into her poker face.

"Because, she found out I was going to France, probably because of family and thought I was going back for her.But I immediately told her I was going for business...And I'm going with you...Hopefully..."Lei showed Seo Ah the messages.

"Lei...I'm sorry.I really am..."Seo Ah looked down at the phone.

"But I don't think I can do a relationship right now, not like this, not with Domain Si back not with my feelings for you and him all over the place.I don't want to hurt anyone, I really don't.But I'll go with you to France but not as a girlfriend..."Seo Ah looked down.I know she feels ashamed, but she shouldn't.

"Seo Ah, I understand."Lei nodded.

They hugged...which lead into a deep embrace, which lead to Lei cupping her face and giving her a peck on the lips.

I was two seconds from kicking the closet door but Seo Ah told him that she had to get ready to go clothes shopping so they said their good byes and he left.

"So..."Seo Ah looked down at the ground.

"So..."I repeated...
Seo Ah POV
"You have feelings for me...?"He smirked.

"Stupid boy...shut up..."I didn't say it defensively because I couldn't even defend myself.

Xiaoyou POV

So I texted Xiamen.

Me:Xiamen.I know I promised I would let you be.But I just need one more thing.Please meet me at the cafe downtown tonight, it's all I ask...

No response.

So I texted everyone from the group chat (disinclining Xiamen)

Me:Everyone, please come to the cafe tonight I need all of yours help with something.If can Please inform, Xiamen.

Seo Ah:Alright

Nini:Okay, sweetie.

Mei Zuo:you got it ;)


Domain Si:Okay.(that's how you properly spell it 😑)

Shancai:Yes ma'am.

Cheng Long:👍

Seo Ah POV

"Promise, me..."

It was me and Lei outside of the cafe.

"Promise What...?"Lei asked smiling at me.

"If we hate each other, no matter what, we will always be there for each other..."

Lei without hesitation said "promise."

He pinky-promised and kissed his thumb.

I could love Lei, but doesn't mean I do...

I like Lei but I don't love him, not the way I did Domain Si.Or maybe even do...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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