Chapter 3

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"One more month left of School."Shancai turned to me with a grin.
"One more month..."I gleamed.
Shancai wore

"Seo Ah, what're you gonna wear

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"Seo Ah, what're you gonna wear...?"Shancai asked me.
"Breakfast..."Nini called us.
Shancai POV
I head down stairs to see Seo Ah.I was jaw-dropped.
"Your bad..."I sighed.
"Is that...?"Nini asked eyes wide.
"Yup."Shancai grinned devilishly.
Domain Si POV
I'm at campus, Mei Zuo and Xiamen are doing something's for graduation.
Lei come towards me.
"Lei, you are one of my best friends, you will always be."I looked straight at him.
"Likewise Domain Si."Lei smiled contently
"But I'm not giving up on Seo Ah, I am going to try my best to get my love back."
I see Seo Ah.So does Lei.
I felt my finger tips get engraved into a fist.She was strutting in the sweatshirt Lei was wearing from yesterday night:

Sure she looked beautiful as always but it infuriates me that she's wearing my best friends sweatshirt

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Sure she looked beautiful as always but it infuriates me that she's wearing my best friends sweatshirt.I always wanted what I can't have, and I learned to except those past things but I'm not giving up on what we have.

"You look nice in my sweatshirt."Chuckled Lei.
He squeezed her cheek, and I saw a tint of pink cross her face.

"Thanks."She grinned.

Seo Ah POV

"Seo Ah."Domain Si looked straight at me with a straight face.


"Can we talk...?"Domain Si looked down at his shoes then looked into my eyes, I saw a fierce fire in his eyes.
I can't keep avoiding him, if I want to cut things off with him.
Lei opened his mouth and before he could say anything I put my hand on his chest and said "sure."

Domain Si started walking, then he paused.Turned to me and nodded me to follow me.

"See you later."I smiled Lei.

"Bye-Bye."Lei kissed my cheek.

Domain Si lead me to the roof.
"Seo Ah, I'll leave you alone.But you need to do two things for me, and if your honest I'll leave you alone to be happy with Lei."
"Fine." Agreeing right off the bat, made me immediately regret it.

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