Kara POV

I landed Frost down close to the infirmary. Mala sees me and runs up to me.

"Kara so good to see you." She greets me.

"Good to see you too Mala, but I am in a hurry." I say getting off of Frost. As I do Mala sees Viggo and pulls out her sword.

"How dare you bring this man into our home!" She yells pointing the sword at Viggo.

"Mala calm down! He is no longer our enemy!" I yell. She lowers her sword.

"Alright I trust you. But what is he doing here?" She asks wearily. I pick him up off of Frost and Mala sees the arrows in his back. She nods and helps me carry the unconscious man into the building. We set him down in a cot and get to work. I pull the arrows out of his back and through them to the side. I then take of his armor, leaving the top half of his body bear. I clean his wounds and wrap gauze around his torso to cover the puncture wounds. As I put the stuff away he sits up and looks around.

Viggo POV

I hear rustling and sit up. I look around until my gaze lands on Kara. She is putting medical supplies away. I look down and see the top half of my body is completely bear except for some gauze. I look around for my armor but to no avail. 

"Looking for this?" Kara says handing me my armor. I nod and but it back on. As I do Mala leader of the Defenders of the Wing walks in. I half expect her to kill me the second she walks in, but she just glares at me.

"So he is awake." Mala says hostility laced in every word.

"Mala be nice." Kara warns. Mala gives me one last glare the turns her attention to Kara.

"Do you need to resupply before you leave?"

"Thank you Mala, but we're good. We need to start heading back."

"Well I hope to see you again soon Kara." Mala says hugging Kara. They let go of each other and Mala walks out again. Kara looks back to me with a smile.

"Come on lets go." She walks out. I stand up and follow. When I walk out side I see the skrill standing right next to Frost. Kara follows my gaze.

"He followed us as we flew away." Kara explains getting on her dragon. I get on behind her and we take off, the skrill close behind. For the first time in my life I don't know my next move. 

"T-thank you for s-saving me." Did I just stutter? I am Viggo Grimborn! I don't stutter!

"Your welcome."  We continued to fly in silence. After a while I could not bear the silence.

"Why?" I ask.

"Why what?" Kara responds confused.

"Why did you save me?" I clarify.

"Because I thought you deserved saving. " She says as if it were obvious. At this I feel heat rise to my cheeks. Am I blushing? First stuttering and now blushing? What is happening to me? After a while it starts getting dark.

"Find us a cave girl." Kara says to Frost. We head down to a nearby island and fly over it for a while until we spot a cave. After a while we get every thing set up and sit by the fire.

"I still don't understand why you saved me Kara." I state still trying to wrap my head around her words.

"As I said I saved you because I believed you deserved to be saved."

"After everything I did to you and the ones you care about? After all the people and dragons I hurt? After all that I have done I deserved to die in that cave." I say still not understanding why she thought I deserved to live.

"No one deserves to die Viggo. Not even the worst people. Especially not the worst people for that matter. If you have done something horribly wrong you don't deserve to be let off easy and die. You deserve to be shown the error of your ways. To have something you care about taken away. You have already had your face scared, your brother killed, and your glorious empire taken away. And to top it all off you then learned what you did was wrong, and came to be a new person. When it comes to what you have done wrong you have already gotten what you deserve. But you redeemed your self and fought for what was right. And for that you deserve to live." She says breathlessly. I once again feel heat rising to my cheeks. If any other person had said that I would have been enraged, but strangely after she said it I don't feel that way. I feel warm and fuzzy inside. What is this feeling? 

"I-I d-don't know w-what to s-say K-Kara." Great I'm stuttering again. I normally don't act like this. So why am I now?

"Then don't say anything. It's late. We should get some sleep." With that she walks over to her makeshift bed and lies down facing in the opposite direction off me. I do so as well. After a few minutes I close my eyes and fall asleep.

Kara POV

As I try and fall asleep I could not help but think about Viggo and the conversation we just had. He blushed and stuttered. I don't think he has ever done that. Is it possible that he... likes me in a romantic way? No that's not possible, is it? There is a possibility but it is a very, very, slim chance. With that I fall asleep thinking about the possibilities. 

Hiccup POV

As I lay in my bed trying to sleep. I worry about Kara and Viggo. If they were to survive Kara would have gone strait here. If so unless she had to stop to tend to Viggo's wounds, she would have been back by now. I just hope they are ok. With that I fall asleep.

I hope you enjoyed it! Also for some Aphmau fans reading this there is a reference to Emerald Secret, season four of mystreet, about how Aaron tells Ein no one deserves to die and that he will show him true suffering. Do not forget to vote and comment! Ciao!

- Alpha

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