Kara POV

I stretch sitting up. I stand and tend to the fire getting it started again. I look over to where Viggo sleeps peacefully, the skrill sleeping next to him. He really has bonded with that dragon. I call to Frost and head to the entrance of the cave. I look out towards the sunrise. So beautiful. I walk around until I find a stream. I wash up a little bit and notice some fish swimming around. I shot them with my bow and head back to the cave. I sit down by the fire and start to cook the fish. After a few minutes Viggo wakes up and sits by the fire.

"Hope you slept well." I say handing him a fish. I through a couple of fish to the dragons, saving one for my self. We eat in silence. After finishing my fish I start to pack up and put out the fire. Once everything is packed up I get on Frost.

"Come on we have to get back to the edge." I call out to Viggo. He climbs on and we take off.

Viggo POV

I climb onto Frost and we take off. I look back to see the skrill is still following us.

"You really have bonded with that dragon." Kara says following my gaze. "He deserves a name." I think for a moment until I think of the perfect name.

"Lilith." I say with a smile.

"Lilith. I like that." The rest of the flight is silent. After a few hours we arrive at dragons edge. We land in front of the stables. Every one sees us and runs up to us. Well more like they run up to Kara.

"Kara your alive!" Hiccup shouts hugging his sister. They all surround her and tell her how happy they are that she is alive. Hiccup then notices me.

"Viggo." Everyone looks at me and becomes silent. The awkward silence continues for a minute or so before Kara breaks it.

"So since you need a place to stay for a while until you can get back on your feet, you can stay in my hut." She says pointing at a white and light blue hut. "Fishlegs will give you a tour of the edge. The rest of you can continue doing whatever it was that you were doing."

"Why does Fishface get to do it?" Snotlout asks.

"Because Snotlout he was the tour guide back on berk." Kara responds glaring at Snotlout. "So that's taken care of! Hiccup a word." Kara says dragging her brother off. That was weird.

"Well come on Viggo, I'll show you around." The one I presume is Fishlegs beckons to me. I follow him.

Hiccup POV

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask as we enter my hut.

"So as you know Viggo doesn't have anywhere to go really. And he has bonded a lot with Lilith..."

"Wait who is Lilith?"

"The skrill."

"Right continue."

"So I was thinking about making him a dragon rider?" She asks nervously.

"Make Viggo a dragon rider."

"Now hear me out. He has proven that he is on our side, and we could use his mind and the skrill. Of course we would have to talk to the others and he would have to agree and..."

"I think its a wonderful idea Kara." I say cutting her off.

"You do?"

"Yes." I say with a smile.

"Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She exclaims giving me a hug.

"Your welcome." I say hugging her back.

Kara POV

We gather in the dome to discuss Viggo becoming a dragon rider. Hiccup sent him off to start working on his sadle. 

"So what is so important you had to wake me from my nap?" Snotlout asks angerly.

"Well we gathered you all here to discuss making Viggo a dragon rider." Hiccup announces cheerfuly. "So what do you all think?"

"We could use his knowledge on dragons and battle tactics to help us defeat Johan and Krogan." Fishlegs points out.

"That skrill would be pretty handy too." Astrid chimes in.

"I'm fine with it. How about you sis?" Tuffnut asks his twin.

"Yeah I'm cool with it." Ruffnut responds shruging her sholders.

"I don't mind. But how do we know we can trust him?" Snotlout asks.


"It's ok Astrid. Snotlout do you think I would have suggested this in the first place if I didn't think we could trust him? Do you think I would have brought him to the edge if I didn't think we could trust him?" I ask Snotlout. He simply shakes his head, to afraid to speak. "Thats what I thought."

"Then its decided. If he accepts the offer Viggo will become a dragon rider." Hiccup concludes. Everyone goes back to what they were doing. I head to my hut where I find Viggo sketching ideas for his saddle.

"Hey Viggo?" I call to get his attention as I walk into my hut.


"How would you like to become a dragon rider?" 

"You want me to become a dragon rider?"

"Yes we want you to become a dragon rider." I say with a smile.

"I would be honored to join the riders." He says returning my smile.

"Then its settled. I'll go tell Hiccup your answer." I say running out of the hut.

Viggo POV

I turn back to what I was doing. Now I need to find the right material to make sure the lightning isn't attracted to the saddle....

~~~  Start of Day Dream ~~~

"Wooohooo!" Kara yells flying Frost. She looked so happy and blissful, her hair blowing in the wind. Frost looks pretty happy too.

~~~ End of Day Dream ~~~

That was weird. Why did I suddenly start thinking about that? What is going on with me? I've been stuttering and blushing around Kara. Now I'm even thinking about her! I normally don't act like this, so why now? And why only with her? Do I... like her? I don't really know what this feeling is. But I can't think of any other explanation. 

"Hey Viggo? Its time for dinner." Kara says walking into the hut. 

"I'll be right there. I just need to finish up a few things." I say with a smile. She smiles back and nods, walking out again.

I hope you liked it! Don't forget to vote and comment! Ciao!


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