Leo Valdez x Reader

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Ever since Leo came into Camp and became young Harley's Number One Role Model, (Y/n) had to deal with the fact that the kid whom she had considered her young brother, was losing interest in her.

She had met Harley on her way to Camp Half-Blood. Her mortal parent—her father, had told her that she was a child of Athena. She found the young boy crying on the street, running away from a creature she could only describe as hideous.

So (Y/n) did the most sensible thing a fourteen-year-old thought of—she yanked off her shoe and flung it on the face of the snake-like creature. It annoyed her that the monster kept trying to offer her cheap rental cars while pursuing her.

(Y/n) outsmarted the monster by daring it to jump over a spiky fence. The monster did, rather stupidly, and its body was impaled there. From then on, she grabbed Harley's hand and bolted.

(Y/n) even had rough, thick scars on her arm and neck when she had shielded Harley, and she could always remember the way the nails raked over her skin and the blood pouring from her. She never stopped until they were picked up by a satyr and an Ares' kid, who killed any other monsters in their wake.

Harley and her stuck by each other ever since. He stayed by her side when she was in the infirmary. (Y/n) comforted him whenever he felt sad and cried about missing his family. She would move the world to make him smile, because he loved her as much as she loved him. When she was claimed by Athena and he was claimed by Hephaestus, they hung out every time they were free. She made sure his siblings took care of him when she wasn't around, and he developed a rather innovative yet crazy sense of creation.

When she glanced at the lava lamp on her night stand that would suck and dissolve the hand of a person who touched its glassy surface, she was reminded of the young boy.

Now, when she saw Harley tottering after Leo like he was the best person in the world, (Y/n) felt her heart ache. Sure, Leo and Harley were really half-siblings, but she missed her little brother. She missed how he would rant about his newest inventions or complain about his half-sister, Nyssa, who always made him sleep at curfew while the others tinkered around. He was the youngest, after all.

The first time she had met Leo after he took Harley's attention, (Y/n) only growled at Leo and stomped away.

Leo shouted remarks after her nonetheless, doing his best to keep his pride.

She honestly thought that they could've gotten along, if it weren't for pride and the fact that Leo was popular. Not amongst the girls— he was terrible at that. But he was one of the Seven. He was a hero, while (Y/n) had never even slain a beast.

But they saw each other regularly because of Harley. The kid would use her as a test-subject with his inventions that would nearly get her killed.

Once, he had made flame-throwers that would've skewered her if it weren't for Leo shielding her with his body. They were both awkward after that, but she thanked him.

Then there was the night of the party. Chiron had decided that all the kids could have a nice party to relax. The smaller kids were given a party that ended by nine, and they were sent off to sleep while the older kids got to hang out till morning.

The Stoll twins, of course, snuck in booze. Chiron had gathered his Party Ponies and danced by the campfire while the rest of the students had an evening beach party.

(Y/n) didn't attend the party. For good reason too, because she didn't have many friends.

So she was alone in the cabin, mapping islands and monster-infested areas on a large white sheet, referring to reports from her notebook. She had found her passion as an Athena kid—cartography.

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