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Alexandra was a girl who was with her family all the time. She loved them and never wanted them to leave. But then the scorch came. Her dad taught her many things to protect herself, she carries a gun everywhere now. Her parents turned into cranks when she was five and she had to kill them. Her brother turned into a crank when she was 11 so she killed him too. When she was 15 her last sibling Katie her younger sister was bitten and Alexandra had to kill her too. She's a new person now thats why she goes by Alex she will never be the same.

When she was 15 she met Brenda which they both ended up meeting Jorge and they live in a old building. Now 17 Alex can do a lot of things and has been through a lot. She gets herself mixed up with WICKED and it doesn't end well for herself. She took the path with them because she wanted Jorge and Brenda to be safe.

She is hispanic American. She's a teenager. She falls for someone who falls back. She cracks her shell. She fights for what she believes in. She is Alexandra Croft.

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