Chapter 2

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Hello loves! Another update tonight, since I can't sleep. If you are liking my story, make sure you leave me your feedback in a comment!

Xoxo, Margaux


Chaos was the only fitting word that could possibly describe the cafeteria at that moment. Some dumb kid had jumped on top of a table, and stepped on a girl's lunch. Immediately, a crowd formed around the table, swallowing up the view. Victoria found it funny that people were actually interested in chaos as such. And of course, it was obscenely loud in the room.

Victoria searched the cafeteria for a friendly face. Her eyes focused in on one, well, two to be more precise. It was her best friends, Mike and Lizzy. Mike had been Victoria's best friend ever since she was in kindergarden, when they used to collect rocks together on the playground. Although Mike had changed since then, (he didn't really collect rocks anymore), Victoria could always count on him to be there for her in times of need. And so far, he always was.

Lizzy's and Victoria's friendship was different than the one with Mike. Lizzy was the one Victoria turned to when she wanted to go shopping, or get mani/pedis. She was the one she turned to when she got her period at school, and couldn't stand the cramps. Lizzy was her go-to when Victoria was DYING to talk about Brandon. There was a freedom within their friendship, since they didn't go back as far as Victoria and Mike did. Best of all, Lizzy was just fun to be around.

But there was an easiness that Victoria had with Mike, and she hoped they would never loose that.

Setting her bagged lunch down on the table, Victoria greeted them with a, "Hey guys."

"Hey Vic!" smiled Lizzy as she looked up from her tiny Tupperware of lettuce, (otherwise known as a salad).

"Hi Vicky," said Mike, shooting her a smirk. He knew that Victoria despised the nickname Vicky, which, of course, was exactly why he said it.

Victoria sat down, and watched as Lizzy opened her mouth to speak. "So homecoming is approaching, and I think I've got an idea on how you can get Brandon to go with you."

"Really? Tell me!" Victoria saw Mike uncomfortably focus in on his sandwich. He always felt awkward when she and Lizzy talked about Brandon in front of him, it just so wasn't his thing.

Lizzy continued, "Well I say you should hint to him that your going to homecoming, and keep talking to him about it. Then, when you think he might ask you, stop talking about the subject, completely. Men only want what they can't have, so he's BOUND to ask you out if you act uninterested."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Victoria replied skeptically. "What about just asking him myself?" But who am I kidding, thought Victoria, I can barely talk to him, much less ask him to homecoming.

"Well you could do that," said Lizzy. "But my plan is absolutely foolproof. You see all you have to-"

"What's so great about Brandon anyway?" asked Mike as he looked up from his sandwich.

"Mike you are oh so ignorant! Vic, tell Mike why you totally adore Brandon."

"It's hard to explain exactly," Victoria said to Mike. "I just feel completely attracted to him you know?"

"Oh, I guess I get it," Mike muttered the tips of his ears turning pink.

"Good because we need your complete help to get Vic with Brandon. Are you on board?" Lizzy asked.

"Um, on board." Mike said through gritted teeth. What was with him, Victoria wondered, he never acted like this usually. Didn't he want her to be with Brandon?

As the bell signaled the end of lunch, Victoria sighed and picked up her half eaten sandwich to throw out. With Lizzy's (and hopefully Mike's) help, she would be able to end up with Brandon. She knew it, it was going to be perfect.

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