Chapter 1

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Hi Wattpad users! Margaux here, and this is my first story. Its realistic fiction, and I hope you find it relatable and interesting to read. Im only 13 years old so I don't have a ton of experience in writing (yet) but I hope you like it! I'll update as often as possible (probably on the weekends).

Happy reading!

xoxo, Margaux


Have you ever felt the stars align? Have you ever had a moment so perfect, words could not describe it? A chilling sensation of hope and possibility?

Victoria hadn't. Sure, maybe it was the same for a lot of people, but watching couples walk down the hallway hand in hand, made Victoria seem very, very, alone. Was she the only ninth grader without a boyfriend? Sure seemed that way.

It was the middle of the school day, and Victoria had to to hustle to her next class. Oh well, she thought. I can wish for a boyfriend later. As she sat down in math, Victoria sighed, gazing across the room. There he was, the only boy she had ever liked, Brandon. Adoringly, she thought of his tousled brown hair, warm olive skin, and inviting green eyes. She watched him open up his math binder to his homework answers. Waking from her daydream, Victoria realized maybe she should do the same.

As math class began, wart-faced and strict Mrs. Grabenson yelled, "Homework! Open your binders!" Immediatly, binders opened, papers rustled, and homework was checked. Victoria scanned over the variety of complicated problems she had completed the night before, which, surprisingly, had taken her very little time.

Once Mrs. Grabenson began the days lecture, Victoria zoned out, focusing instead on the exact hue of Brandon's flippy hair. Every time he moved, the sun would patter across his locks, bringing out slight golden highlights. Flip, flip.

"Victoria!" yelled Mrs. Grabenson. Immediatly, all eyes shot to her, including Brandon's sparkling green ones. "Pay attention."

Sinking deep into her plastic chair, Victoria felt her face get hot, and she knew she must be the color of a tomato. She had been blessed with the amazing ability to turn firetruck flaming red at even the sllightest embarassment. No wonder I can't get a date, she thought to herself.

Turning her attention to Mrs. Grabenson, she realized today's lesson was on how to solve for a variable. "Next, class, you have to isolate the variable, which in this case, is V. The numbers on the same side as V have to be applied to the other side of the equation, until V, is absolutley alone."

Absolutley, ridiculously, and hopelessly alone, thought Victoria, the story of my life.

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