Chapter 9

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Victoria was annoyed. Extremely annoyed. So annoyed that she didn’t know it was humanly possible to be that annoyed. And it was all stupid Mike’s fault.

She was trying really really hard to ignore all of the whispers about Aubrey and Mike, but oh god, listening to them made her want to pull her hair out. Aren’t they just sooo cute! I heard he took her to the mall yesterday and spent tons of money on her. Awww, just look at them! They are so perfect together!

Lunch couldn’t have approached slower. When it finally came, Victoria plunked down her lunch bag next to Lizzy, who again, was eating her lettuce. “Hey, what’s up?”

“Oh don’t go pulling that ‘what’s up’ act. Get your butt over to Brandon right now,” Lizzy ordered.

Victoria gulped, nervously glancing around the cafeteria. And there he was, surrounded by a group of boys. He wore ripped jeans and a crew neck sweatshirt with his Jordans. She swooned as she looked at his face, his gorgeous eyes, perfect hair, and crinkly smile that made her melt. Soon enough, he would be hers.

Brandon caught her eyes, and gave her a smile. Then her started walking towards her. “Hey, Victoria.”

‘Heyyy, Brandon,” Victoria purred. “Sooo, you wanted to ask me something?” She rocked back and forth nervously on her heels, with a plastered grin on her face. Come on Brandon, spit it out, she thought.

“Haha, yeah. I was wondering,” Brandon began, “You know we’ve been talking a lot, and your really cute. Wanna go out?”

That’s it? Victoria thought. No dramatic proclamation of his love, no flowers, no doves? “Sure Brandon, I’d love to go out with you!”

“Awesome,” he said with a cocky wink. “So how about the movies tomorrow?” 

“Of course! I mean, uh, yeah, that sounds... cool. Yeah totally cool, righteous,” she stuttered. Then, naturally, she took a step backwards and tripped over a chair. “Ack!”

“Uh, are you okay?” Brandon inquired. He ran his hands through his hair and furrowed his brows.

“Oh, better than ever!” What a gentleman, asking if I was okay. Victoria clumsily grabbed hold of a table to help herself up. “So wanna come over to my table?” She gestured over to Lizzy who offered an amused wave.

“Look, babe, I totally would but I’m hanging with my bros over there. Tomorrow, aight?”

“Oh. Okay,” She replied, disappointment ringing all over her face.

Brandon leaned in and grabbed hold of her hand’s, causing electricity to pulse through her body. “Nothing personal, you know you’re the greatest,” He whispered with a smile.

Victoria giggled. “Kay,” she answered. Then, Brandon let go of her, and she stumbled back to her own table.

“You look drunk,” Lizzy stated, while laughing. “What the heck happened?”

“Oh, nothing, he just, I don’t know, ASKED ME OUT!”

“Omg! Omg! Eeeeeeee! I’m so happy for you!” Lizzy squealed in delight. “So, why isn’t he sitting over here?”

“He said he wanted to ‘hang with his bros’ haha. But he said he would sit with me tomorrow, and we are going to see a movie!”

“Wow! Moving fast, I like it!” Lizzy winked, then took a sip of her water. Victoria sat down and began to unpack her lunch bag. Then, she heard Lizzy groan, and saw her roll her eyes. “Oh joy, look who it is.”

Victoria swiveled her head to where Lizzy was looking, only to see the devil (ahem, oops, Mike) walk in hand and hand with his new girlfriend. They looked at each other dreamily and smiled. “Ew,” Victoria grumbled.

Mike scanned the cafeteria. His eyes dropped to Victoria’s for a second. All she felt from that split second stare was a whole lot of anger, and, could that be remorse? But he quickly turned away and gazed back at Aubrey.

“It annoys me how everyone is saying they are the new ‘it-couple’. Ugh it’s grossing me out.” Mike gave Aubrey a peck on the lips. “And woah, PDA much? How long have they been dating, like 3 days?” Lizzy complained.

“Yeah it’s pretty gross,” Victoria mumbled, but secretly, she wanted the same thing to happen to her. Her and Brandon should be the new it-couple, who showed PDA, and were always together. As of right now, that wasn’t going too well. But hey, they only just started dating. Anything could happen.

*Brandon’s POV*

“So your dating her now, huh? Nice work man, she’s cute,”  Andre said to Brandon as they sat around the lunch table.

“Yeah I guess. If you really want her, you can have her in a week or so, I’m just waiting for the math exam answers,” Brandon said with a laugh.

“Wowww. Although, isn’t that just a little cold?” Andre questioned.

“Nah not really, I’ll show her a good time and break it off easy,” Brandon reassured. Andre gave a knowing look. “Seriously man chill. It will be fine.”

Victoria was kind of cute, but she came with way too much baggage. She had that fight going on with her friend, and the last thing Brandon needed was to be her shoulder to cry on. And did anyone else see the way she tripped whenever she was near him? She could at least try to stay on her feet.

Oh well, she was his for a week or so, and then it would be all over.


Oh wattpad I've missed you! 

I'm really really really super sorry to anyone who's been waiting for me to update. I got writer's block for a while, and I also got a lot busier. But here's an update!

I know some people really like this story, and to those of you that do, I love you. But I'm finding it really hard to write this. My plot is kind of cliche and boring, and writer's block is striking me nearly every sentence.

I'm considering discontinung this story. Do you think I should continue? Please be very honest and leave your answer in the comments. If I do stop this story, I will start a new, more interesting one, so my work won't be gone completley. 

Thank you all for reading!

<3 Margaux

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2012 ⏰

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