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We had made it through security, and we were now at the gate, waiting to board the plane. Colton told me that the plane ride there was about two hours, and the drive from the airport to his cabin was an hour and a half.

Announcer speaking: Now boarding first class.

Colton stood up and grabbed his suitcase from the ground.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"We are boarding." He said.

"Oh, I didn't know we were in first class."

"I haven't really told you about my dad. I have I?"

I shook my head. The more he mentioned him, the more curious I was about him.

We walked up to the lady at the ticket scanner. She scanned our tickets and told us to have a nice flight. Colton grabbed my hand as we walked down the tunnel to get onto the plane. Our seats were seats three and four.

"Can I have the window seat?" I asked. The thought of being on an airplane was not settling well with me. I had always gotten a knot in my stomach when traveling on them.

He nodded while putting his bag in the compartment above our heads. I pulled my headphones and phone out of my bag so I could switch it to airplane mode. We sat patiently, waiting for the rest of the passengers to board. He grabbed a hold of my hand. A voice came over the intercom, and one of the flight attendants began demonstrating different safety procedures. Shortly after, the captain told the flight attendants to prepare for takeoff.

"I'm honestly so scared right now. I don't like planes." I admitted to Colton. It felt like I was always afraid of something.

"It's okay, don't be afraid there is nothing to worry about. Relax. After we get off the ground, just shut your eyes and let your mind go blank." He said, while rubbing circles on my hand with his thumb.

"Okay, I will try."

The plane lifted off the ground and into the air. I let go of the breath I was holding in. The flight attendants told us it was okay to use our electronic devices now. I put my headphones in, closed my eyes, and tried to clear my mind. I eventually fell asleep.


"Rachel, wake up. Come on, wake up. I will let you sleep later." A hand rested on my thigh.

"Go away," I replied to whoever was trying to wake me up. Obviously, it was Colton, but sleeping me did not recognize that immediately.

"I'm just going to have to tickle you."

When I heard him say this, my eyes flew open. "I'm up, I'm up." This was the second or third nap that I had taken today. I took a look around at my surroundings. We were parked diagonally on the side of a building in what resembled an alley.

Colton helped me out of the car. "It's pretty cold out here. Put this on." He said, handing me a jacket. I put it over my shoulders and let it wrap around my body. It smelled like vanilla and cinnamon, just like him.

"Thank you." I said. I was still coming out of my nap daze. Being so worried about flying today really wore me out.

"I called and ordered a pizza while you were sleeping. I hope you are okay with eating that." He told me as we walked into the pizza place.

"Colton! It's nice to see you again! Who is this fine young lady?" An older woman said, hugging Colton.

"This is Rachel, my girlfriend."

"Hi, nice to meet you," I said.

"You are quite a cutie." She said. "Here is your pizza. Tell your mother I said hello. I would love to stay and talk, but it is very, very busy here today. There is some great powder out there right now. Everyone is coming off the mountain to eat dinner. I'll have to catch up with you later! Shoot me a call before you leave, bud!"

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