twenty three

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"I still can't figure out what I want to do when school is out, or what college I want to go to. I've applied to a bunch of places but I don't know which one to choose because I don't know what I want to do with my life."

"How long has this been on your mind?" Colton asked. We have a big AP chemistry test tomorrow that we are studying for, well trying to study for, right now.

"On and off since Christmas dinner." I said.

"You really need to stop worrying about that right now. We have to study for this test." he said.

"I know we do, but it is really bothering me." I said. He began to rub my back.

"Just relax. Try to clear everything from your mind. Once we are done studying for this test I will help you start doing some research."

I took a deep breath. I have trouble focusing when I am trying to study.

"Hey, you know what would help me?" I asked.

He took his textbook off of his lap and set it to the side. "Let me guess, you want food."


He chuckled. "Okay, let's make a deal."

"Let's hear about this deal you speak of." I crossed my legs.

"I'm going to divide the chapter we are studying into parts. For every section we finish, you earn an ingredient for a meal that I will make for you later." he said. This was the dumbest thing that I had ever heard, but he was dead set on doing thing this way.

"Aw, I have to wait that long?" I complained.

"If you want to do good on this test, yes. It won't be as long as you think."

"Fine." I pouted. "Where were we?"

"Page 247, Section 1, Paragraph 3." he said.

"Very precise." I mumbled.

We took an hour and a half to finish studying. Like Colton had promised, he was making me food. I wanted macaroni and cheese. I wanted to make the kind that came out of the box, but he insisted on making his homemade kind. It was taking forever to cook.

"Are you almost done cooking. I'm starving." I complained, shutting my laptop.

"Can you get me the salt and pepper and two bowls?" he asked.

"No." I said.

He quickly turned around. "What! You are the one complaining about being hungry!"

"If you say that request the right way, maybe I will get them." I said.

"Can you please get the salt, pepper and two bowls out?"

"Yes I will. You tend to get bossy when you cook." I said, walking to the cabinet.

"I'm sorry. I get so into my cooking that I don't think about anything else."

"It's alright. You do a great job with your cooking when you get into it." I said handing him the things he asked for.

"Thank you, sweet pea." he said.

I went and sat back down at the counter. He brought the bowls over, and sat next to me. "Did, you make extra?" I asked. He nodded. I took a bite of the mac and cheese. It was still hot, so I sat there with my mouth open breathing weirdly and moving my hand by my mouth like it was helping to cool it. I could hear Colton laughing. I was finally able to chew and swallow it. He was still laughing. "Stop it!" I said.

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