Author's Note

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*Summer 2020: For those of you who have been around for quite a long time, you know that this story has been a very long work in process.

I started this story when I was in eighth grade. As of next week, I will have finished my first year of college. Obviously there has been some editing since then as I have grown as a writer, but it's still crazy to think about.

Taking the time to write this story was a way to deal with all of the stress that was going on in my life. It was a way to cope with what was going on.

Before this story, I had never really considered story writing or finding enjoyment in writing. The first chapters of this book originally were so poorly put together when they were first published. Over the past five to six years I have felt myself grow so much as a writer. Writing has become my way of outlet when I don't know how to say what I am thinking.

This may not be the best story. It may be cheesy and stereotypical, but it is really special to me because I put so much effort into a story that is probably well over 80,000 words and 35 chapters. This is such a big accomplishment for me that I never even imagined that I would reach in my life. To have finished something that I put an incredible amount of time and effort into over the years. It is my first finished work. It is my baby.

Thank you for those of you who have read to the end. Thank you to those who started reading but found that it wasn't for you. I appreciate the support that I have received for the past five and a half years.

Maybe I'll start a new story, who knows? Life seems to take me in crazy paths that I never expect. I have some ideas currently, but nothing official yet. If you like poetry, I have a few short little poems posted in a collection on my profile.

If I do end up creating a new story, it will be able to be able to be found on my profile later by following me. If this is the end of the road for us and you're not interested, that is okay too.

Thank you all again. I appreciate every one of you.

*2021 Update: I am a full time college student on a pre-health track. I've switched my major several times. I have switched my career plans more times than I can count. I work in the library on my college campus. If anyone has questions about anything related to school or just anything at all I am so willing to talk to anyone about my experiences. Feel free to reach out to me on Wattpad or through my social media links on my profile page.

I am in the process of trying to write a new story. My life is so busy at this point in time so it is hard to find the free time to write, but it is slowly coming along. The first few chapters have been posted!

*October 2021 Update

The Boy Next Door  has a new home! Check out the full version of The Boy Next Door  on Radish Fiction!

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