Being Friends

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(A/N thank you for all of the reads! I didn't think it would blow up this much, so thank you! And I'm sorry for the wait)


It didn't take long for you two to become friends, the two of you surprisingly had a lot in common. Rhys having nowhere to go, stayed with you as your roommate. He'd help you repair, scrap, and create things out of the salvage you would pick up on outings.

He was a great roommate; He cleaned, he knew how he could help you with your projects, plus he was very funny and made you laugh all the time. He'd talked about his friends and how they took down Helios, though you had a hard time believing him sometimes.

After about two months of being roommates, he asked you to come with him to an old Atlas base he went to a while back; He said he could find better material to repair himself with. You agree and made your way to "The Dome" as he called it.

There, you helped him build his new prosthetics, and enjoy amazing fruit you've never had before. The wildlife was beautiful and you would find yourself staring at it, while listening to Rhys ramble on.


Gaige would visit you almost everyday, and you loved it. Seeing her at the end of the day, or even on a day off, always brightened your mood. She'd bring you snacks and little gifts she made.

Gaige was a pretty loud person, but sometimes when she's with you, she'd get really flattered, like the first time you met. It kind of made you happy because you seem to be the only person who could do that to her.

You'd both hangout at the shop or mess around in town. You'd watch movies on your ECHO, and spend a lot of your time just laughing together. You thought of her as a great friend and wanted to keep her with you as long as possible.


After getting to know each other better, the two of you kinda ran things together. People would see you guys together so much, they started to look to you as a leader as well. Vaughn actually liked having a "second in command," and really liked the help.

The two of you would joke around and take a lot of walks around the area, just to get away from your "followers." You always fault good having him around because you knew you had someone you could trust.


You became a regular at Moxxi's very quickly. She'd always make sure you had everything you needed before doing anything else. In her words, you were her favorite customer. Your friendship was very strong, and you always had each other's back.

One day, after you were fired from your job, you went straight to Moxxi for reassurance. She gave you a strong drink and brought you to the back because the bar was closed. Moxxi was someone you could tell your feelings to, and you knew she would listen. She listened to every word you said as you talked about your job.

She stopped you and said, "Listen, I hate to see you sad, and I know a jobs hard to come by. So.... Why don't you work for me?" This surprised you, your eyes widen as you stare up at her. A huge smile grew on your face as you wrapped your arms around her hugging her close.

"Thank you Moxxi!" you said into her hair. She was frozen for a second, but hugged back, patting you softly saying,
"No problem Sugar, but-but ah, if you keep hugging me like this you'll take off my makeup." You let go and apologized, she smiles and laughs a bit, then moves a piece of hair out of your face saying,
" Be here early for training tomorrow."


Krieg is an interesting friend to have. Because you were always on the move, he'd run around from place to place trying to find you. You thought it was sweet, but also too much work, so you just gave him your ECHO.

The two of you would talk while you drove. At first it was hard to understand him, but with help from his friends and being with him for so long, you started to get the idea.

Sometimes you'd meet up in a town, or a place least likely to be attached. When you did meet, he'd try to keep you safe the best he could not letting anyone, but those he knew close. It surprised you at first, but you slowly got used to it and even felt comfortable and protected.

The two of you got along pretty well. He always made you smile with the strange things he'd say. And he always knew how to make you feel better. Though he couldn't show it very good, you could tell there was something deep inside him that made him different from other bandits. Whatever that thing was, it was your friend.


It started out as simply saying hello whenever you'd see each other; To her checking up on you after your missions; to the two of you spending time sitting together talking about whatever you wanted.

Your relationship was interesting. It was mostly professional, but had hints of inside jokes and complaining about your problems. You both got along well and trusted each other. Lilith would always ask you for advice before anyone else, and looked to you for reassurance. You were like the  second in command, and no one knew it.


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