Chapter 1 - A journey begins with shots and blood.

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7 hours later. Tokyo. C1. 8:45 p.m. A blue Mazda RX-7 was racing on the wangan. It drove faster and faster on every road. And then never lost against anyone else. Meanwhile. Shinjuku. I parked the FD in front of the driveway and the one who was driving that car was me. I turned off the car and got out. "I'm done with the deliveries mom!" I called as I closed the door. "Okay, get up early tomorrow for school." Adena replied. I handed her the key as I walked back to my room and went to take a nap. "Yeah, sure. Whatever." I said as I closed the door and went to sleep. The next day. 10:45 a.m. Tokyo High School. I was sitting in my desk looking outside. The bell rang, everyone else and I ran outside of class and did our own thing. It was brunch time. I sat down on the floor and took out my book from my backpack. Then a girl walked up to me while I was reading and she called my name and that friend of mine was Sayori. "Hey Branden." Sayori greeted. "Oh, hey Sayori." I greeted. "I have something I need you to talk about but I'd suggest you shouldn't come right now." Sayori suggested. "Uh? What is it about?" I asked. "It's nothing basically." Sayori answered. "You sure?" I asked. "Yes, I'm positive." Sayori answered. "I should check it out." I replied. Later. Room 634. "Sorry for interrupting your conversation? But we really need to get our preparations for the festival done. We can't make our literature club bad you know." Monika interrupted. "You seem awful familiar. You sure we haven't met before?" I asked. "Maybe in another life. So, I think we should revise our poems now? Sayori did you bring your poem? Because the file you sent me for the flyers seemed to be the wrong one. I had to throw all our flyers in the trash, please be more careful next time. So... do you have your file?" Monika asked. Sayori nodded in a weird way as she went to her bag to grab her poem. "I think I remember your name, Monika, right?" I asked. "That's right, and your Branden?" Monika asked. "Yes, anyway, do you think something's up with Sayori?" I asked. "I guess she does act a bit strange today. But you know her, she has those rain clouds inside her hea-." Monika answered as she got shot by Sayori. "HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!" I exclaimed as I was jump scared by Monika's lifeless body collapsing by a gun shot and I was covered in blood. "Not good." I said in my mind as I saw the person who shot Monika was Sayori. "S-Sayori..." I stuttered. "I'm sorry Branden. You shouldn't have come today. I warned you, ya know?" Sayori asked. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." I answered. "Shush! It's too late for apologies!" Sayori replied. "Sayori... you just shot Monika!" I exclaimed. "Well, Yeah. Today is Judgement day! I told you how I really feel about life! I got a better idea." Sayori replied. "You just shot Monika!! Let's stop and talk about this for a moment. Please, I don't want anyone else to get hurt." I suggested as I begged. "She wasn't innocent as what you think." Sayori replied. The two girls came in which were Yuri and Natsuki. Both of them screamed in terror as I was like screaming as well but very shocked. "Who wants to be next?" Sayori asked as she turns to Natsuki and Sayori pointing the gun at them. "Yuri is cutting herself anyway, you should shoot her! Emos wants to die, right?" Natsuki answered. "Agreed! She's like really obsessed with me as well and I have scratches on my face." I replied. "W-Whaat?? That's totally not true! And I'm not an emo!! You are just some brat who still thinks mangas are cool! Why don't you just grow up and stop annoying everyone, Natsuki!" Yuri suggested. "Oh, so you think self-harm is a better hobby than mangas? Very interesting!" Natsuki replied. "Come on Guys!! Can we just cut this out for a moment or are we just argue in front of a school killer and put our heads on a plater in a slaughterhouse where people get chopped by meat grinders??!!" I asked. "Shut up Branden!" Natsuki answered. "Stay out of it!" Yuri answered. "Whatever. Don't cry to me, if you get shot." I replied. "Anyways, Natsuki. I might have a self harm problem, BUT... at least I have parents that love me and care for me!" Yuri said. "Don't you dare talk about my dad like that! He has problems with alcohol, so what? I know he still loves me. Your parents are the only ones that loves you. You sit alone in the library during school break. You have no life AND no friends!" Natsuki replied. "I bet you are only a 9 year old child with no self confidence and that's why you don't have a boyfriend!" Yuri exclaimed. "Yuri, you don't have a boyfriend either!!! Plus you used to and he later broke up with you but he's standing in front of us right now. Fucking hyprocrite." Natsuki replied. "Aw, rats." I said in my mind. "STOP!! Can you two just PLEASE shut up!!? Do you two really want to argue like that IN FRONT OF A SCHOOL SHOOTER!? I HATE it when you two argue! It makes MY BLOOD BOIL!" Sayori exclaimed as she looks at Yuri and shot her to the ground which caused me and Natsuki to scream. "Sweet lord of Jesus, Sayori... stop killing your friends..." I said. "Sayori, you are fucking INSANE! Y-you won't get a birthday invite from me this year.. good luck Branden.. BECAUSE I'M OUTTA HERE!" Natsuki exclaimed as she ran away. "Go! I'll take care of this!!" I replied. Sayori tried to aim at Natsuki when taking shot but she was too fast for her and kept missing the aims. "Now it's only us again, Branden. Just like the old times when we were kids, haha- but I gotta do what I gotta do! It's your own fault for not listening!" Sayori said. "Aw come on Sayori, not only we are childhood friends... you're also my girlfriend! You can't do this." I replied. "I'm afraid I can, Branden." Sayori said. "Then fine." I replied as I took my gun out from pocket and I aimed it at Sayori. "Any last words?" Sayori asked. "Yeah, but look. Put your gun down and I'll put my gun down as well but listen. I love you." I replied as I slowly dropped my gun to the ground. "What? Really? After this? I don't know how to feel after this?" Sayori asked. "FOOLED YA! BITCH! SUCK MY ASS!!" I exclaimed as I take one of the chairs and threw it at Sayori. I quickly picked up my gun and put it back in my pocket. I ran as fast as I can out of the classroom. "Branden stay here! Please!" Sayori called. I hear people running and screaming as I was running. The gunshots were behind me while running. "Let me through you worthless worms! I need to get that boy!!" Sayori exclaimed as she shot one of the students. I keep hearing gun shots and I kept running. I see an exit door but it was locked. I tried barging it open but it can't be unlocked. "Branden!! Stop running, please... I'm sorry I won't hurt you. I promise.." Sayori begged as she fired the shot and it went through my left shoulder. "Ggghhh!!" I exclaimed. "Fuck it, I'll take the window. But I gotta break it first." I said in my mind as I aimed at the window and the glass broke. I jumped out of the hallways and down to the school yard. I quickly got back up and I saw a police van at the parking lot. There was one parked next to my FD. I quickly ran there and the person standing by the van was my mom. "Mom? What are you doing here? How did you find out?" I asked. "I don't know. The supervisor told us there's a shooting going on at the school and we'd all have to check it out to see what's going on. Anyone else got shot?" Adena asked. "Everyone got shot but I got shot as well." I answered as I showed my bullet wound to my wound. "OH MY GOODNESS!! Did the school shooter shot you?" Adena asked. "Yeah, it hurts really bad." I answered as I heard the doors open from a few yards back and it's Sayori. She tracked me down all the way outside by finding alternative routes to the school yard but I know my mother will protect me. "Finally! I got you now Branden! No more running! You don't do enough sports to be able to run longer!" Sayori exclaimed. "That's the target Mom...!" I called as I handed the gun to her. "DROP THE GUN OR I'LL PULL THE TRIGGER! HUH?! DO YOU HEAR ME?! DROP THE DAMN GUN!" Adena exclaimed. Sayori drops the gun and I hand my gun to my mom. "What do you got to say for yourself, criminal scum?" A S.W.A.T Member asked. "Uh. It wasn't me." Sayori answered. "Then.. why is there blood all over your clothes?" Adena asked. "I'm on my period? Tehehe." Sayori answered. "Ok I think that's enough proof that we have to arrest you." Adena replied. "What??? No, I'm innocent I swear!!!" Sayori asked. "Why don't you tell that to the judge and let's see what he thinks. Sergeant, tell her her rights!" Adena answered. "Yes madam! You have the rights to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you by the court." The Sergeant replied. "Take her away boys!" Adena commanded as she helps me out and the S.W.A.T team stuffs Sayori in their van. "I will come back, Branden! This is not over!!!" Sayori exclaimed. "Nngghhh... aggghhh..." I grunted as I felt the blood on my left shoulder and it was very painful from the shot. "Good job lieutenant Adena." The Sergeant said. "Thank you Sergeant Bobby. I am gonna stay with my son because he got shot from the incident." Adena replied. The Sergeant and the other cops stuff Sayori in their van and entered the vehicle. "Nooooooooo!" Sayori exclaimed. The nightmare is over but my shoulder was bleeding. But we heard foot steps coming from by the door and it was Natsuki walking by to me and my mom. "Natsuki! You made it out alive too?!" I asked. "Of course! I won't let myself get killed in a school shooting like that dumbass Yur- Whoa! You got shot?!" Natsuki asked. "Yeah, he got shot really bad. Dispatch, I need a 11-59 at my location ASAP. I have an 11-80 that has a shoulder injury with me right now." Adena answered. "EMS is on the way to your location right now." The supervisor replied. "10-4." Adena said. "So who called you mom?" I asked. "I'm the one who called the cops but I didn't know that was your mother. I'm fast as fuck, boy!" Natsuki answered. "Yeah, she filled me in on everything that happened and I got here as fast as I can and then you ran but you got shot but it was good that you weren't dead. The ambulance is on the way right now, you're gonna be okay. Trust me." Adena replied. "Really? It was you? Natsuki and Mom, you guys saved my life! Thank you! I won't forget that!" I said. "I know, I know! I'm amazing, no need to tell me that again!" Natsuki replied. "With pleasure Branden, I'm just glad you're alive." Adena replied. "Hey! It's here!" I said as I saw an ambulance arriving at the scene. "What happened here?" The Ambulance driver asked. "I got a 10-33 that got shot on the shoulder really bad. Take him to the EMS immediately!" Adena answered. "Roger that! Come on kid! We're gonna take you to the hospital." The Ambulance driver replied as he and my mom picked me up and carried me to the hospital bed and then they carried it to the back of the ambulance. "Branden, you're gonna fine. Natsuki, I need you to watch him on the way to the hospital. I'll be on my way there." Adena said. "Yes, Ms.Lee." Natsuki replied as she got in the ambulance. The ambulance driver got in the car as well. "Dispatch, the code-4 is in custody, Pursuit complete, over." Adena called. "Copy." The supervisor replied. 25 minutes later. "Is he okay?" Natsuki asked. "He's okay for now. We're gonna do a few tests on him and he should be ready to go tomorrow but he's gonna have to stay for the night. You can come in as well." Adena answered. Natsuki came in to the room and went to check on me. "Natsuki... I've been meaning to tell you something." I said. "R-really...? Ohhh I mean.. is that so, Branden?" Natsuki asked. "Yes. But I've been stuck with Sayori a lot. But she's no longer our concern!" I answered. "Oh, Branden! Actually I always thought you were kinda cute too..." Natsuki replied. "I just broke up with Sayori... do you want to be my new girlfriend?" I asked. "YES!!! Oh Branden, let's be together forever!" Natsuki answered. "In fact, I'd love nothing more!" I replied. "I'm back. What are you guys talking about?" Adena asked. "Uh Nothing." I answered. "Yeah, it's nothing..." Natsuki answered. "Are you hiding something Branden? Come on, be honest." Adena replied. "Okay, I was wondering if Natsuki and I could be boyfriend and girlfriend if you don't mind at all mom." I said. "Of course! The two of you have been good friends, I'd figured you two would become a good couple." Adena replied. "Yes!! Thanks mom!" I said as I gave Natsuki a hug and a kiss while I was on the bed. The next day. 6:45 p.m. After several hours of a few tests on my body to see if I'm healing. It seems like my body is in good condition. Now I get to take Natsuki home. "So what do you say Natsuki? Want to go home?" I asked. "Y-Yes!" Natsuki answered. We walked out of the hospital and got in the RX-7. I backed my car out of the parking spot and drove off. Shinkanjo. Daiba. Wangan. When I was driving with Natsuki. I noticed a pop of headlights on my rear view mirror. "Who is that? Is that a car? What can it be?" I wondered in my mind as I looked at my rear view and the car behind me was and it was a blue Mazda RX-8 I could even recognize what team it is from.. "She's fast." I said in my mind. "Should I use my skills to impress Natsuki or not? Well, screw it." I wondered in my mind as I shifted down to 2nd gear. "Natsuki, I think you should hold onto something." I suggested. "W-Wha?" Natsuki asked. "You're about to see how fast I am in this car. Just relax and watch my skills." I answered. "Alright, let's do this." I said in my mind as I accelerated hard and drove fast. "Wow!! He's fast!! His shift work and techniques are amazing!!" Natsuki exclaimed in her mind as she witnessed my driving techniques as I was shifting up from 3rd to 4th gear. I accelerated and pulled away. "Hope this works." I said in my mind as I activated the nitrous buttons and pulled away. Meanwhile. Shinjuku exit. I took the exit down to the city that leads to my house. Then I noticed the same car that was chasing me next to me when we stopped at a red light. She looked at me and gave me a signal to follow her. I looked at her and nodded. I took a right turn and followed her. "Why are you following her Branden?" Natsuki asked. "I have a feeling that I might be asked for something. So just stay in the car and don't do anything until I'm done." I answered as I followed her and we stopped at a parking area in a plaza. We parked our cars next to each other and got out of the cars. "Kid, I have to admit. Your driving is amazing. How are you so fast? Why can't I catch up to you?" The girl asked. "I cannot say much because I've only driven since I was 11 and I've driven for 2 years. I don't know much about driving so you could just say it's a skill or a capability of mine that you have to figure out yourself." I answered. "Well, I guess you have a point. But you seem really older than me. What's your name?" The girl asked. "It's Branden Lee." I answered. "Good to meet you Branden Lee. Ellie Yajima." Ellie replied as she gave me a handshake. "I'll see you soon. Later." I said I got in the car and drove off. Ellie looked at my car and gave a smile. "That seemed off." I said in my mind. "How was it Branden?" Natsuki asked. "It was okay, but it wasn't a threat." I answered as I drove home. I parked my car in the driveway. Natsuki and I got out of the car and walked into the house. I handed the keys to my mom and we walked upstairs to my room. "Do you want to sleep here for the night Natsuki?" I asked as I climbed on the bed. "I might wanna sleep here with you Branden. Just with you." Natsuki answered as she climbed onto the bed with me. "Good night." I replied as I fell asleep. "Good night Branden." Natsuki said as she fell asleep and turned off the lights.

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