Chapter 14 - Demonly Downhill

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Friday. 11:30 p.m. Jackson Heights. The race is still going as the FC is fighting against the Z. Ellie is still trying to focus but what her rival did to scare her is starting to make her keep thinking about it and losing focus. Flashback. "Well Yajima, I'd hate to be the one to tell you this but just between you and me. You and your little crew over there are in for a world of hurt. My buddy here didn't appreciate your boy yelling at him and he may have gone off the deep end. Maybe you don't try so hard to win this thing." Kaylyn said. "Why don't you just say it girl. Either I take a dive tonight or my friends get beat up." Ellie replied. "Don't go putting words on my mouth kiddo, I'm just trying to do the neighborly thing here, that's all. I'm just saying there are a lot more important things than winning. Like being able to walk." Kaylyn said as she walked back to her FC. Present. Ellie was starting to feel a grin inside her. They were now approaching the next s corner. The FC3S was braking early and taking the corner. As soon as Ellie was about to catch up and take the braking point, she slams on the brakes and takes the corner faster than the FC. Starting point. "Yeah, loud and clear. Thanks. Word from the peanut gallery is she's flying out there. Ellie's braking technique has everybody wowed." Adena said. "Hmph, hey what'd you expect? Our girl's been practicing her ass off. Pushing her braking technique to its limit ought to be second nature by now, don't you think? After all, it's Ellie we're talking about. The kid's a genius." I replied. "Considering what she's up against though, the 350Z's braking system has been fine tuned with an emphasis on the front end for downhill is to flat out braking, yes. And by taking advantage of the car's lightweight it is possible depending on the driver's skill for the brakes to perform better that braking assist I'll grant you. *shows FC pulling away from 350Z* But it's important to remember, the FC3S can accelerate like crazy out of those corners, it won't take much for Ellie to get left behind. The best way for her to close the gap is to appreciate where her opponent takes her own braking style for granted." Jill explained. They were now approaching more corners on the first section. "Thought I told you to keep it low key little girl. Hey, you wanna be the hero. Go right ahead, just don't cry about what happens to your buddies." Kaylyn wondered as she looked at her rear view mirror and accelerating hard but Ellie was close to her bumper as she is keeping up. "Crap! Doesn't matter anyway, I should be able to shake her off once we get to the high speed section in the middle. Let's see what you think about your precious little Z once I'm done embarrassing you." Kaylyn said in her mind as she accelerated hard and Ellie was still on her. Back at the starting point. "Hey Branden." April called as Adena and I looked at her. "So just before they started, the girl Ellie's racing said something I think you're gonna wanna hear." April said. There were 5 yakuza cars coming on the pass. "You're kidding?" I asked. "Afraid not man. Chances are the girl was trying to bluff her way out of a fair fight but you never know. We might be in for a full on brawl." April answered. "Well it wouldn't surprise me, they're all just a bunch of thugs." Adena replied. "This is unfrigginbelievable, how long are those losers gonna try and push this? Let's round up some troops of our own and collect these assholes with everything we've got. You know it'd only take a phone call Branden." Elisa said. "Forget it Mrs.Chan. Calm down." I replied. "Calm down?" Elisa asked. "I think April is right, the girl was probably bluffing." I answered. "Maybe, but what if it was serious. Suppose these jerks have back up on the way, we're gonna have our asses kicked. I'm not trying to get beat down tonight." Elisa replied. "Yeah I know what you mean. Hey come on my friend, I'm kidding alright? Just lighten up." I said and Jill was starting to feel a grim coming to her. The drivers were about to approach the 2nd section of the section of the course. Ellie shifts up to 3rd gear and accelerates hard. "I can keep up, no problem. She's not bad but I don't think I'm gonna lose. It's not the car I need to worry about, it's the driver. And hey, it's not like this girl's in the same league as mom. Heh, now that was tough." Ellie said in her mind. A flashback was showing her getting passed by her mother's Evo 8. Present. The FC starts braking early. "Compared to her, this tool breaks like somebody's grandma." Ellie said in her mind as she slams on the brakes on the next corner as she keeps up with the FC. "I think I got it. I think I know what her weakness is now. Yeah, it's obvious." Ellie said in her mind as she saw Kaylyn's braking and weakness. Starting point. "But does it matter? Even if she was bluffing, for Ellie to have that idea planted in her head on the starting line. I know that it'd throw me off my game. It's a pretty damn effective tactic for tipping skills in their favor, wouldn't you say?" Adena asked. "Of course I would, I tried to tell her to just focus on the road. But I dunno, you could see she was pretty shook up by the whole thing." April answered. "The situation like this would be enough to throw anybody and on top of that, we're talking completely new territory for  her, no way is she gonna be able to focus." Adena replied. "You're wrong about that. Ellie isn't naive enough to fall for that crap." Jill said. "I sure hope you're right." April replied. "I agree Jill. Anyone who has raced the girl knows she doesn't scare that easily. Sure she may come off as the quiet type, but once she gets behind the wheel of a car. Ellie's level of concentration is about good as it gets. It's a godly." I explained. They were now on the end of the mid section and about to head into the 3rd section. "This girl's braking technique sucks! That's the chink in her armor!" Ellie exclaimed in her mind as she finally sees what the FC's weakness is and is starting to keep up with Kaylyn. "Son of a bitch! That hamster little piece of crap is really staying on me! Man this little punk is starting to get on my last friggin nerve. I gotta take it easy on this upcoming section. If she screws up and sideswipes me, we're in for some shit." Kaylyn exclaimed in her mind. "Her line's changed, looks like the speed I'm taking these corners at got this jerk pretty spooked." Ellie said in her mind as she saw Kaylyn changing her lines. "This is only a working hypothesis but if the FC3S was about to take up a defensive position, it's entry in the corners would probably start getting tighter, given that, if the driver isn't anticipating an attack from the outside. Than that's the line Ellie will go with." Jill explained. They were now taking the next corner on the beginning of the 3rd section and Ellie sees the outside of the lines. "The outside is wide open, that's my in." Ellie said in her mind. Starting point. "They're here? Good, good. We're in the middle of a race right now so keep them on standby there until it's over, okay? Yeah, I know they're a friggin group of thugs aren't they? My advice, treat em with crazy respect. Well, looks like the cavalry's arrived." A guy said as he was on the phone and then he hung up. "This will be epic." Madi replied. They were now on the third section. "She may seem like an amateur but by no means the FC's driver a fool. She has her car pretty well equipped. And you can be sure she knows how to use every modification for the best possible advantage, in terms of braking, she's exploiting the ABS to it's upmost, a wise move on her part, see ABS's are designed specifically so that even someone with a route of elementary understanding of tire traction can brake like a pro. The question is, if she's become comfortable with the way the car handles when conditions are ideal can she adapt when they're not, if she's not able to, and under pressure, where and when she decides to brake going into each corner can prove to be her biggest liability. Whether not Ellie can spot that weakness will be the deciding factor in this race." Jill explained. The FC was about to hit the next corner but braked early. "Ugh! Too slow!" Ellie exclaimed as she slams on the brakes as well when she was about to take the corner. "Persistent little bitch!" Kaylyn exclaimed in her mind. They were now on the long straightaway and about to hit the high speed section. "The high speed section's coming up, just a little bit farther. One more corner and I'll finish this thing." Kaylyn said in her mind as she accelerated hard and they were now on the oil section. She was moving to the inside but then she went on some leftover oil on the track as Kaylyn was losing traction from the oil. "What the hell?! What happened to my traction?!" Kaylyn exclaimed in her mind. "This is it." Ellie said in her mind as she saw the opening on the line and went for it. "Crap! Oil! Son of a bitch! I must've hit some leftover spill hugging the inside too tight!" Kaylyn exclaimed in her mind. They past the oil section and they were taking the next corner. Now Ellie is in the lead and Kaylyn is behind. "We're not at the finish line yet, I can still do this. I just gotta pass the lucky little buttmunch one more time!" Kaylyn exclaimed in her mind. "The next section is where I make my move, that 350Z doesn't have crap on me. Watch! This baby here is the fastest 1.3 Litre turbo on the road little slut! No way I'm gonna let some deeky little 3.5 show me up!" Kaylyn exclaimed in her mind as she was about to make a move and pass Ellie at the end of the 3rd section. "Damnit! It's no good!" Kaylyn exclaimed in her mind as she braked early and Ellie was going into the corner at the right time. "She's going in without braking?!" Kaylyn exclaimed in her mind as she was thinking that Ellie is taking the corner. Ellie is now taking the corner at the right time as she slams on the brakes and takes the corner while forcing her opponent to think she is going in without braking. She was now drifting into the corner and getting back on the accelerator timing the corner exit speed. Ellie takes the corner exit right and takes the next one as she slams on the brakes as it leads to a curve and she drifts on the last section of the curve. The 350Z now exits the corner fast and the FC lets off and slows down as she loses the race. "What the hell man? I don't believe this! That kid is something else!" Kaylyn exclaimed in her mind as she was shocked about Ellie's driving skills. The 350Z kept accelerating down until it arrived at the final section and now Ellie is the winner of this battle. Starting point. The gang and I were cooperating on a plan on what we can do about the suspicious cars while Ellie and April were working on the Z "I see, thanks for the warning. Okay guys, sounds like she wasn't bluffing after all. Five or six suspicious looking cars heading our way. What do you think we should do Jill?" Adena asked as she hung up on the cellphone. "Well I'd say our opponent's of defaulted on the next challenge, I want all of you to be on high alert, be ready to pull out at any time, the safety of our team is our concern. So no heroics okay?" Jill explained. "Yes ma'am." The others answered. "Right." Ellie answered. "Adena, listen to me. If it comes down to it, Branden and I will distract them. I want you to take the team and get everyone the hell out of here." Jill said. "No chance, we're not just leaving you here." Adena replied. "Only a matter of time before something like this happen. I assume responsibility for that risk when I formed this team, not you." Jill explained. "Yeah don't sweat it girl, I've got her back, trust me. Believe it or not I've been in my share of fights I know how to handle myself. You're just concentrating on getting everyone else out." I said. "If that's how you want it, you're a damn good friend and one helluva son Branden. I hope you know that." Adena replied. "Please you gotta let me go out there and throw down with you." Elisa suggested. "How about I just kick your ass." I replied. "Fine I'm trying to avoid that." Elisa said. "Promise me you're not gonna let these bastards hurt Jill. I want to you give me your word." Adena replied. "You got it, mother. No worries." I answered. "I'm gonna stay behind with you guys." Ellie said. "I appreciate that but no, we'll take it from here." Jill replied. The headlights were flashing and the cars were coming up. "Here they come." I said. "Everybody! Get in vans 1 and 2 immediately!!" Adena commanded as the others got in vans 1 and 2 while Ellie got in her 350Z. April got in the 2nd van and Adena got in the 1st van. The cars stopped on the road and they got out of their cars as they were a gang of bosozuku members attempting an attack. "Just sit tight Jill, I'll handle this." I said as I took out a baton from the trunk of the third van and was walking my way to the gang members. Ellie was looking at me walking towards them and she was getting scared as everyone else was doing the same thing looking through the van. The leader was walking slowly to me and the lights were showing our faces as he was surprised that he saw my face. "I had a feeling it'd be you." I said. "My bad b-boy, it's so dark out here I didn't recognize you, good to see you again sir." The bosozuku leader greeted. "Why the hell is a guy like you hanging out with these losers? Friends hard to come by these days or what?" I asked. "No I ain't huh, I'm just on the clock you know it's not like I run with them. It's just like a straight up. Now that I'm here, looks like those jerkwads have been disrespecting you, am I right?" The bosozuku leader asked. The girls were shocked that that the leader knew who I was. "Kinda yeah, but as far as my boys and I are concerned it's all water under the bridge. Now you wanna get those cars out of our way or do I have to say please?" I asked. "Damn are we in your way? My bad, you heard the man, move em!!" The bosozuku leader answered as he commanded his men to move their cars out of the way and I walked away from the scene back to my crew. He scared Kaylyn and Madi for attacking us as a prank. "How the hell did you pull that off? Don't tell me you actually know these guys." Adena asked. "Yeah, what can I say my friend, I'd always find socialites like you. The big bud of mine was an associate back then. Well I would say is he is like my older brother." I said. "Man, your junior?" Elisa asked. "Hey I couldn't careless of what he was to you. We dodged a major bullet, for a minute there I thought we were all gonna get our asses kicked. But thanks to that act just now, not a single one of us got so much of a nose bleed, i hope you realize how glad we are to have you by our side." Adena replied. The girls were in shock and they were attacked by the bosozuku members. Minutes later. Adena walked up to Kaylyn and Madi as they were both hugging each other like they were scared of her. "We'd like to cancel the time trials. As you know, Branden's R34 can't perform up to specs and uncertain under the circumstances, you're perfectly okay with that?" Adena asked. The girls were stuttering as they were acting nervous. "Alright guys! Pack it up and move out!! Time to go home!!" Adena exclaimed. "Yes!! As of tonight!! This racing team owns the Bayview mountain racing scene!!" Elisa exclaimed as she cheered. Ellie and April gave each other a high five as I was packing up the parts in the trunk onto one of the vans. Hours later. Jackson Heights. Ellie was back on the mountain pass racing through the downhill. She drifts into the first corner and accelerates hard on the straight. "I learned a lot out there tonight. I've got a lot better idea of what's coming. After tonight, I know what I've gotta do." Ellie said in her mind as she drifts in the next corner and tomorrow will emerge to a new battle.

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