Chapter 13 - The first furious hillclimb

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8:45 p.m. Jackson Heights. The oil on the road still remained but then the crew covered it with newspapers. "Ugh, man it's soaking right through." Elisa said as she grabbed the newspaper and saw the oil soaking through the paper. "Hey remind me what we're doing again what newspapers are used for." France replied. "Bunch em together. We'll burn them in a fuel or something. Whatever's left with the oil we'll just have to go out with good ol' fashion water I guess. We'll get a bucket relay going between here and the river. Course even then the slick won't wash away completely." Adena explained. "Maybe not but the first good rainstorm that blows through it ought to take care of the rest." Jill replied as she gave a sigh. Ellie was still driving on the pass and the crew starts cleaning the oil on the road. Elisa loads the bucket with water from the river as she hands it to France and he hands it to Adena as she spills it onto the oil section of the course. The Z was now driving the course until the end. The next day. 3:15 p.m. Parking area. The 350Z was parked alone. Oil section. France and I were working on fixing the car's suspension as one van arrived in our area. "Hey." Adena greeted. "Anything we can do to lighten the load? Huh, where did Elisa run off to?" April asked. "She went in to city core to pick up some parts. We're basically hammering out the dents while we waiting on her to come back." I answered. "What, you gotta be kidding me, what she's still doing awake." France asked as he saw Ellie driving by to their area and parking her car as she got out. "What's up guys. I thought I'd swing by to see if you need any help." Ellie greeted. "Dude. Thanks but no thanks, really. What the hell are you doing here? You should be resting up for the big race tonight, that's what you should be focusing on." I replied. "Yeah, but..." Ellie stuttered. "Alright, look. I'm gonna say this to all of you. I'm a realist, I know my chances out there are slim to none, whatever we do. Still, don't think I'm gonna take on lying down. I had my head up my ass because of this racing team's rep on the line, this is my responsibility. So whatever the hell it takes, I am gonna race tonight." I explained. 7 Hours later. 10:30 p.m. "For now, the name of the game is pace yourself. Promise me you won't do anything crazy out there." France said. "Promise." I replied. "Those right hand corners are gonna be murder on your left front side so it's important them as gently as possible." France explained. "I got you dude. Alright, I'm outta here. Peace." I replied as I closed my window and took off slowly from the start. "Come on baby. Show me what you got, for the sake of everyone I lost sleep trying to fix you. For the sake of my pride, show me a miracle!!" I exclaimed in my mind as I took the left corner without making a mistake and having better cornering vibrations. "There's a weird vibration when I brake at this speed, but she can still the left hand corners she always does. The right handers though, they're the ones that have me worried. Let's see if all that elbow grease was for nothing." I said in my mind as I exited the left corner and now proceeding to a straightaway that leads to a right hand corner. I took the corner but then I realized I took it to hard. "Damn it!" I exclaimed in my mind as I took the corner but then I was about to spin out and lose control as I stopped after it happened. "Argh son of a bitch!!" I exclaimed as I punched the horn of the steering wheel and it caused a loud honking sound. I got out of the car and closed the door. "I was only driving her at 80% but the moment I shifted the weight to the left front side,  friggin thing spun out like a top, it's hopeless... and here I was making this thing if it can work, what a dumbass. What the hell am I gonna do? I'll never be able to face the guys again.. sorry Jill, I guess this is what you get for putting your faith in me." I said in my mind as I was on the hood of my car lying down on it but then I heard an engine revving sound and I got up. "Aw, great. Company, hold on a second. I know that sound, that's a rotary engine." I said in my mind. A red Mazda RX-8 was coming up to my R34 and it was mother behind the wheel. "Hey Branden, hows the practice run going? Why are you stopped?" Adena asked as she saw me walking to her car. "Listen to me, this is important. Do you trust me?" I asked. Minutes later. "I know even as far back as when me and my mother called ourselves the racer Lee's. The whole idea of competing in a borrowed car has been strictly forbidden. I've always accepted that, but it just isn't gonna work for me tonight. And I don't care if you get that or not Jill. If you don't like it fine, this race doesn't have to be a legit D battle. But I'll be damned! I will be damned if you don't let me get our dignity back!" I exclaimed. Jill gave a sigh and picked up her cellphone. "It's me Jill. I know this is kinda late but we won't be needing that car after all. Yeah that's right, my apologies. I'll call you later, okay." Jill called. "Hang on, wait a minute. You let me go on and on like that and you already made adjustments for another car to be brought here tonight?" I asked. "It's not like I wanted to. But what choice did we have? When you bash against the wall you do gotta. I have absolutely no intention of compromising this team's winning streak by default. Especially if it means conceding to them." Jill answered. "Alright!" Elisa exclaimed. "Yeah!" France exclaimed. "Yeah, that's all well and good. But don't you think these guys are gonna object to our switching cars like this? I mean come on, you know anything little thing they can give us an advantage which will be flat out refuse. We're talking about using a car that haven't even countered on racing in the first place, there's no way they're gonna let us slip by with that." Adena asked. "It's funny you should bring that up cause I have a job for you. It's gonna require just a little bit of sweet talking on your part and a hell of a lot of aggression." Jill answered. Adena walked up to the two girls and asked for a request. "Come off it man. Don't try to tell me it's the same car type it's a totally different car. Give me a break, I mean what do we look like to you? A couple of chumps?" Madi asked. "No, not at all. I guess I'm just kinda surprised to see you taking this so hard on how eager for us to replace the GT-R with the 350Z." Adena answered. "The hell you blabbing about? We never said anything like that." Madi replied. "Isn't the 350Z the same model train car they use in F1 racing? Come now gentlemen, let's not be difficult about this. Think about it, he'll still be driving a borrowed car he's never driven. I'll say that it gives you the advantage of anything. If that isn't good enough, then I'm afraid our hands are tied. We'll have no choice but to postpone tonight's race which will just give it that much more time to practice. Well then I'm assuming if it's alright with the two of you if we pack up now and head back to City Core." Adena suggested as she walked back to Jill. "What do you know? I gave em the hard line cold as ice just like you said. They fell for it." Adena said. "I'd figured they've got more riding on tonight's race and they're letting on. They may act like they're being less forced into racing it. But the look on their eyes tells me a very different story." Jill replied. "Wow, you don't miss a beat do ya?" Adena asked. "Something hangs in the balance for the moment is but it isn't their pride. Not even bragging rights, which must mean there's something more insidiously specific." Jill answered. " *gasps* Wait, are you saying... it's about money?" Adena asked. "Most likely." Jill answered. "Those bastards! That's what they're trying to pull?! Now we've really gotta cream these guys!!" Adena replied. Uphill starting point. I got out of the RX-8 and I closed the door which was my mother's car. "Good luck tonight pretty boy. You'll need it if you're so desperate you're gonna borrow someone else's car. Man ol' man. Some people just have no shame. Haha." Madi laughed. "She's an asshole Branden. Try to ignore her, she's only trying to mess with your head." Adena suggested. "Trust me, it's cool. You think a cheap shot like that is gonna make me forget how lucky I am to be here. Believe it or not guys, right now there's not a damn thing anybody can say that can make me feel anything but gratitude." I replied. I got in the car and turned on my headlights as I revved. "Where would I be without this team? What about these guys? Or Ellie?" I wondered in my mind. "Let's do this thing!! 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!!!" Adena exclaimed as she started the countdown and the cars launched off the start as the Evo 9 was in front and the RX-8 is chasing. "The porcupine can watch my taillights get smaller while he's busy feeling out his new ride, that's why I chose to lead. Hell, I'm not stupid, I'm in this for the sure fire to win." Madi said in her mind. Starting point. "So Jill, there's something that I've been meaning to ask you about it. I mean you've already had a replacement car in route when you decided to let Branden go with my RX-8. It was the right call to make but it just doesn't seem in character for you to change your mind so arbitrarily." Adena said. "What have I told you about jumping into conclusions? May be the opportunity represented itself. I suppose and thought it would be best for Branden to fix the situation on his own terms. Based on his experience." Jill explained. "Of course! He's already familiar with other sport cars he's driven when he was up against other opponents in the city." Adena replied. "And hence my decision, he's gotten a close look at how that vehicle operates at its limits. And perhaps, more importantly how it differs from his R34. My choices may have been opportunely at times but in the end I'm really opportunist. Whenever I see something that might increases our chances of winning, I'd jump on it. It was damn lucky that you'd help him. He seriously owes you one, we all do." Jill said. I was still learning how to operate the RX-8 but it has great handling. "Awesome, just like I thought! This baby's got power and a killer suspension system! Thanks mom, this is one hell of a ride!" I exclaimed in my mind as I accelerated hard and the exhaust backfired. "I remember reading something in a car magazine once, for sheer speeds on the streets the Lan Evo is second of none, sorry RX-8 but this one lesson you're gonna have to learn the hard way. Time for trash talk is over pretty boy, now get out of my sight!!" Madi exclaimed in her mind as she was attempting to pull away from me while I'm catching up. Uphill finish. "You know I think I get it now. The point of this race is actually pretty straight forward. Unless I'm wrong, Branden is facing 2 major handicaps out there. 1. He is having to drive someone else's car and 2. He never got the chance do any practice runs on this course. Under circumstances like these, you wouldn't think he had a chance to win. But if there's even the slightest gap his opponent's skill it'll level the playing field for him. And I'm pretty sure saying Branden is better than this girl would mean the understatement of the year." Ellie explained. "Oh yeah, you really think so?" April asked. "It's kinda hard to explain, my instincts tell me his opponent is not much of a driver to begin with. I think if Branden was going toe to toe with her under normal conditions, this race would be over by now." Ellie answered. "I get it." April replied. "It's only because of those handicaps he's been behind this douchebag for as long as he has. That's what the hillclimb is about, you'll see." Ellie said. 2nd section. "Why can't I shake this guy?! Damnit!!" Madi exclaimed in her mind as she wasn't able to shake me. I was flooring it hard as I was managing to keep up with the Evo 9's speed. "Come on! I'm driving an Lan Evo for crying out loud! I nearly lost it back there flooring it to the tightest corner on this track and the bastard is still right on top of me! How could somebody be that good when they haven't even run the course before?!" Madi wondered in her mind. "Go any slower and that crazy little ride of your's might as well be going backwards!!" I exclaimed in my mind as we were continuing to battle in the race but then I saw an opening on the next corner that leads to a construction zone area. "There's the line to take right there on those upcoming s-curves! Don't screw this up! Just come out her from the inside, tight as you can. It'll be tricky, the Evo will gain just a little bit of distance on me. But if I do this right, the line will open out on the next corner and give me some cornering speed. Once we hit the long straightaway, I'll leave her in the dust! That's the same exit oriented cornering strategy I used against the Civic in the dockyards! The Lan Evo doesn't stand a chance against it! Time to take this punk to school!" I exclaimed in my mind as I swerved to the other side of the line that leads to the inside of the s-curve. "You idiot! What the hell are you doing?? Have you lost your mind?? The road ahead is under construction and there's a barricade on the left shoulder! It's not wide enough for both cars!!" Madi exclaimed in her mind. "Don't get closer to me you moron! You're gonna push me to the friggin pavement! Ahhhh!!! You son of a bitch!!!" Madi exclaimed as she slammed on the brakes after we were side by side but then she gave up and I took the lead. "Easy big gal." I said in my mind as I kept accelerating but then I won. Uphill finish. I crossed the line first and stopped as I got out of the RX-8 while the Evo 9 pulled up and parked behind me. "Crazy bastard! What the hell was that?! What kind of horseshoe you were trying to pull back there?! You could've killed us both with that little stunt of yours! Is that your team's idea of a fair race?! If I'd have backed off for the last second, we wouldn't have any hell of a mess, thanks to you!" Madi exclaimed. "You're kidding me, you don't actually believe that, do you?" I asked. "Wait, what?" Madi asked. "You mean you really have no clue?" I asked. "The hell are you saying?" Madi asked. "There was enough clearance that if you pulled your car all the way to the right we could've gotten through. But hey, you know the course better than I do, right? If you couldn't have judged that for yourself, there's no point in me trying to convince you. I can understand you being pissed if we had centrifugal force pushing on us but it was a friggin straightaway. If I'd have my car 2 centimeters from the barricade, it'd still been 5 centimeters up play between you and the guardrail. You couldn't tell that?" I explained. "Huh? No way in hell anyone can tell that." Madi replied. "Look if you don't understand your own car's specs, this conversation is pointless. Next time you wanna come at me like this, do it on the course. Not by bitching about my technique after the race is over. Why don't you try a full speed braking contest next time, that'll show you what a real street battle is like. Right now you can't even talk to me. I think I'm about done with giving free lessons hotshot. Now why don't you run along and stop wasting everyone's time." I explained as I walked by to my crew and I walked by to my mom. "Thanks for the car mom. You've got one hell of a ride." I said as I gave the keys to her and she gave a smile to me as well as giving me a pat on the shoulder. I walked back to the first van and I opened the door as I got in while pushing the seat down so I can rest from my race. Madi was upset that I won the race. "Hey don't try to start with it man. Not when the gallery's watching." Kaylyn said as she gave a pat to Madi. "This isn't good. I didn't think we could lose on the hillclimb. But our next opponent is only a kid, I don't think I should have that much to worry about." Kaylyn said in her mind as she was looking at Ellie talking to April. The RX-8 was parked between the 1st van which is where I was sleeping in. They were about to hit the start as the FC3S is parked in front while the Z33 is behind. "Looks to me like they removed the rear wing from the FC3S huh, might be the kouki FC. Hard to tell, you've ever seen one?" Adena asked. "Yeah, a while ago. Looks like it." April answered. Ellie got out of the car and closed the door of her 350Z. "You and me need to have a little chat before we start sport. Man, you're a young one, huh? What's your name kid?" Kaylyn asked. "It's Yajima." Ellie answered. "Well Yajima, I'd hate to be the one to tell you this but just between you and me. You and your little crew over there are in for a world of hurt." Kaylyn replied. "What?" Ellie asked. "My buddy here didn't appreciate your boy yelling at him. He may have gone off the deep end. He's pretty much the sore kind of loser if you know what I mean. He just called a bunch of bruisey cronies over to come kick your friend's asses. Quit giving me the stink eye girl. I don't want thing to come to blows anything more than you do. I just thought I had to have my up. None of this has to come down until you decide to help smooth out the situation. See what I'm getting at? Maybe you don't try so hard to win this thing." Kaylyn answered. "What?" Ellie asked. "Maybe my sore loser friend saves some face to watching me pull out the win over you and decides to call his cronies off you know." Kaylyn answered. "Why don't you just say it girl. Either I take a dive tonight or my friends get beat up." Ellie replied. "Hey don't go putting words on my mouth kiddo, I'm just trying to do the neighborly thing here, that's all. I'm just saying there are a lot more things than winning. Like being able to walk." Kaylyn said as she got in her FC and started it up. "Well isn't this familiar, once again the pressures on me to win this for us since a certain somebody couldn't pull their weight not that I'm pointing any fingers." Kaylyn said as Madi growled and got mad. "Whatever it is, we've gotta at least win one of these. Hopefully my heart to heart will have done the trick." Kaylyn said in her mind. Ellie was now starting to feel cold inside as she was about to become frightened and then April walks up to her car to check up on her. "Earth to Ellie, you're looking a little grim there even for you. Are you sure everything's alright?" April asked. "...Actually, there's something you probably ought to know." Ellie answered. 3 minutes later. "Those sons of bitches." April said. "I don't know man, what do you think I should do?" Ellie asked. "What do I think you should do? I think you should ignore the bastard and focus on winning. Forget about everything but the road in front of you and let us handle everything else. You're here to race not to be intimidated by trash talking scum like her." April answered. "I'd figured you'd say that. I was thinking the same thing myself." Ellie replied as she was starting to focus. "Alright people let's do this! Starting in 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! GO!!" Adena exclaimed as she started the countdown. The FC3S and the 350Z launched off the start off the first corner of the downhill. They were taking a few corners and Ellie was surprised and shocked about the FC's cornering. Downhill start. "Both Branden and Ellie aren't needing my advice anymore. I can give them freedom wherever their instincts lead them. Still the FC3S is nothing to sneeze at. It's harmless as it may look at. But I'm assuming that little ride can be quite the bombshell on a downhill run." Jill said in her mind. 1st section. The FC3S was performing well as the Z is doing it's best to keep up. Will Ellie be able to stay focused in the race and ignore her rival or will she fall behind and lose it? The battle commences!!

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