Chapter 16 - Endurance battle

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7:00 p.m. Jackson Heights. The 350Z was still racing and catching up to the RX-8. "How can she stay on those screwed up lines and still be so fast?" Ellie wondered in her mind as she looks confused and tries to catch-up to Allie but she pulls away due to those confusing lines. They approached the 8th hairpin and the chicane section. Ellie braked into the corner and drifted left to right on the section. Travels to flashback. "I have one piece of advice for you before you roll off. Remember, you're not racing a woman. You're racing a ghost. Don't forget that." Jill commanded as she moved her elbow out of the 350Z. Travels to present. "Fine tough it out, I get it. But for how long?" Ellie wondered in her mind as she squinted while concentrating and sees Allie braking into the 9th hairpin. She braked and shifted down to 2nd and starts drifting. On the curve, Ellie sees Allie doing the same thing again. "Here it goes again, the line she's using. It changes every single run." Ellie said in her mind as she looks at the lines of how her opponent's using it. "It doesn't make sense. Is that the type of thing she does when she goes out for a time attack run. Cause if a girl can pull off a record like this then why does she even bother switching lines at all?" Ellie wondered in her mind. They approached the final section and she drifted. Downhill start. "This is bad, it's getting way too close." Jill said in her mind as she typed on the computer. "Hey Adena, when they're finished with the 6th run. Let's ask The Shadow Racers if we can take a break to refill their gas tanks." Jill commanded. "Sure." Adena answered as she nodded. Minutes later. Back at the downhill start. "This is a pain in the ass. I'm getting dragged all over the course it totally sucks." Ellie said as she took a chug from her water bottle to recover her strength. "Jill was gonna warn you about the asphalt of this girl." Adena replied. "Sounds so. Um, do you think I can take a look at the time data of the race so far?" Ellie asked and Adena nodded and escorted her to the computer. "Cause if you ask me, there's gotta be a difference between the RX-8's time. It changes it's style on each single run." Ellie said. "That's not what I'm seeing. On top of that, you're the one who's losing and out of sync tonight." Adena replied as she looked at the computer. "Huh?" Ellie asked. "Here see for yourself. Take a look at the 2nd, 4th and 6th run chart on when the other girl was leading you." Adena commanded as she showed Ellie the computer's time data on the race. "It's almost creepy from how much the other girl was racing." Adena said. "No way, how is she pulling off such perfect times?" Ellie wondered. "You sure you're having a lot of fun?" John asked as he puts his elbow on top of the RX-8. "Yeah you could say that, but don't worry I'll end it on this run. After that it's over." Allie answered. "Good, if you win this race. We're gonna celebrate your victory." John replied as he walked away. "Now don't let Dawn into your head, she'll only try to confuse you through off your line so be careful. The fact that your times have been so inconsistent when you're leading. All that says is you have been falling under her control right where she wants you to be so she can clinch the win. Don't allow yourself to be fooled by what you see her do on the road, trust your instincts." Jill explained and Ellie nodded. It was now the 7th run. They started off and approached the 1st corner. Ellie looked behind on her rear view mirror. Flashback. "There's gonna be a huge flip in this race on the 7th run. There's no need to match her pace, just relax and do your own thing. Your best shot is to take the counteroffensive. You should've already noticed that you can take the gutters and hedges on this course. You need to take advantage of that when you can. Pay attention to those things, I don't have to remind you of what this racing team has riding on this." Jill commanded. Present. Ellie brakes into the corner and turns the wheel. The RX-8 and 350Z's exhaust backfired. "You scared the hell out of Ellie. I don't think you consider taking the course and different time using completely different lines. Same time I have a hard time wrapping it around my head myself. All of my years doing this stuff I never heard anyone or any god making that happen." Adena said. "The lines may change but they're not what's important. Consistency helps but running the course the same each time is unnecessary. Remember our opponent has years of experience on us." Jill explained. "But what is still however unlikely." Adena replied. "Absolutely, but I'm assuming that Dawn has a favorite line that we haven't seen it yet." Jill said. "Huh? Then that would mean?" Adena asked. "She's holding back, almost toying with her. I'm just hoping that Yajima knows it by now. She didn't get the name "God Hand" for nothing. I'm assuming she has the ability to drive equally fast on different lines. Which is why she's been able to keep her times are consistent. Well that said, she should have specific lines that she uses for her best time. But even after those runs. She hasn't took this run quite yet, she's waiting for the right opportunity." Jill answered. "So that's why Jill told Ellie to ignore her opponent and concentrate only on the course. That's what she must've meant when she called Dawn a ghost." Adena wondered in her mind. "You were saying that Ellie's ability is to absorb the strengths that the people she chases is hurting her the longer she's behind this guy. The closer she watches the less she knows what to do. She sees all the dummy lines Dawn throws at her to get inside her head and confusing her." Adena said. "You got that right, but the 7th run is gonna change things up. I am assuming that the doctor is planning to overtake the leader at a weak point." Jill explained. "You may be right, I hope not." Adena replied. They approached the 3rd hairpin. "You can't be serious, I had to push myself and the Z to it's limits. And she hasn't even given up on this whole race?!" Ellie wondered in her mind as she braked into the corner but notices her tires are about to wear out. "Damn it, my tires are practically worn bald! I'd hate to say it, but this time around I don't think I could win. It's seems like I'm the puppet and this guy's got control of my strings. Man what the hell is it between with old elders and fast cars. Seems like no matter how hard I try, this guy is still on me. I've got no idea to do, I'm friggin lost tonight!" Ellie exclaimed in her mind as she tried to grip the 4th corner but then her tires were worn and they were skidding which caused her to slide. "There's gonna be a mid speed hairpin that leads to a s curve section which doesn't make the car an easy ride. There's gonna be a switch up in this battle, it'll be there. Unless I'm way off, Dawn will make the move there." Jill explained. "There's a mid speed hairpin bend that Douglas told me not to long ago. My tires are about to go too. But watching this 350Z in the lead is like watching the moon on a cloudless night. On the hairpin right before that... there!" Allie said in her mind as she saw the mid speed hairpin, gripped her tires on the inside and passed Ellie. "You're not bad kid, but the 350Z you drive is like a godly devil, our cars have different abilities. I hope you realize that now, learn from those experiences and grow." Allie explained. Downhill start. "I just got word that Yajima got passed. I guess it's the end of it, she's done up to good but it's over." Adena said. "The girl made a smooth move and pulled it, there's no doubt about that, she was in total control of the race after that point and held off on passing until she managed to pull it off to a hitch, you have to hand it to her. It was all done to her one handed steering." Jill replied. "Dawn's technique is perfective that it becomes harmful to a driver like Yajima who mostly operates on instinct. Before she knows what's going on, she's synced up for the ride. I knew this from the get go that it would happen, was never a doubt on my mind. But that the stalemate is broken practically anything can happen." Jill said. "I don't get it, what do you mean it's broken?" Adena asked. "Yajima is free from being controlled she can regain her own pace and finish out the battle in her own way. It may look grim at the moment, but they haven't beaten us yet." Jill answered. The 350Z was still recovering ground to catch up. "Time to leave this kid in the dust, I'll have to use all of the tires grip and leave you wondering where you went." Allie said in her mind as she took the 7th corner fast and gripped it and after the tunnel section, she used the inside. Ellie saw it and did the same method to catch up. "How is this happening? What are you doing back there kid?" Allie wondered in her mind as she saw Ellie catching up to her. She gripped the inside of the curve of the right. "There it is, that's what she's gunning for." Allie said in her mind as she looked at her rear view mirror and looked back on the road. Ellie turned off her headlights as she pretended to disappear. "She's gone, but how?" Allie wondered in her mind. The black shadows were showing in Ellie and she performed a blind attack and gripped the inside of the turn on the 9th hairpin. "What the hell?" Allie wondered in her mind as she saw Ellie passing her on the inside while she's on the outside. She passed her and took 1st place. "How did this happen?" Azlynn wondered again. "Way to go to beat me with a godly technique like that. But the way how she did it. If she made one single mistake, she would have crashed to her death. My car has been setup for this course." Allie said in her mind. "I don't know what to say for this, but Dawn got passed." A member said. "You mean Dawn was beaten by some kid?" A guy asked. Ellie braked into the last corner, shifted down to 2nd gear and drifted. She shifted up to 3rd, the engine was pushing hard and the backfire which means that Ellie won the 7th run. But that's not over, it was now leading into the 8th run. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go!" Adena exclaimed as she started the countdown and the cars launched off the start fast. "Going into an 8th run. I thought this battle would have been over a long time ago. I don't know about you but my narrows are shocked." Adena said. "After a blind attack and a modified gutter run. I wish you could see the look on god arm's face when she saw what was happening." April replied. "Me too, it must've thrown a monkey wrench into her plans. But we knew Ellie was capable of the modified gutter runs and if we knew it then so did she so what was keeping her from pulling it earlier in the race? Maybe she was just holding it back until it all got too tough for her." Adena asked as she assumed. "No you're wrong. The truth is she could've pulled it off earlier even if she wanted to. She was completely under her opponent's control before of any lack afforded to do anything in her own. She'd lost grip on her tires. She was at the edge of defeat. It was that moment that allowed her to push herself for the first time. You could say it was like Ellie's escape from paralysis." Jill answered. "Sure that makes sense." Adena replied. "This is where things get tough. Dawn isn't so slack on the road that'd she let herself get fooled from the same trick twice." Jill said. The race was now an endurance test as it started to get longer and longer as Ellie and Allie were both sweating on the track. " *sighs* My head is still a total wreck. All I can do now is gun it and put as much distance from between us as I can. It's not flash but it should work. I've got to do this before fatigue kills my focus. I'll pull of my time attack line." Allie said in her mind as she was starting to get sweaty and she pulls off her time attack line. "How many runs deep are we? 7? No this has gotta be 8. Damn it, I am not gonna lose this girl. This is wearing the hell out of me but it's just gotta be just as tough on her." Ellie said in her mind as she shifts down and was trying to keep up with the RX-8. Allie steers into the next corner and Ellie's hair starts to blow as she brakes onto the next corner and attacks. Starting point. "After burning this much road time, the mechanical problems of the 350Z start to become a real concern. I mean what with her being beginning model car and all." Adena said. "I wouldn't worry about that, the 350Z is a rock. A buttload of time and money has been poured into that beauty's maintenance. She can take 20 downhills if she wouldn't miss a beat." April suggested. "Makes me feel better." Adena replied. "The only thing I'm worried about is the modified gutter run that uses the curve. It's different the gutters from the other sections of this area. All the stress here goes into the suspension, it's not good for her to use it over and over. But Yajima is smart I'm sure she's figured it out." April explained. "I dunno. If that's the way she's gonna win this race, she'll do it. It might just be a risk worth taking." Adena replied. They were taking the next corner and Ellie shifts up to 3rd gear. She hits the brakes as she was approaching the next corner. "This is weird, there's something different about this run." Ellie said in her mind as she was about to feel anxious about this endurance run. "I never cared much about my lines during a race. I focus on using the tires full potential on time. When I first started to practice my one handed steering, I realized that as long that I did everything I could to save my tires for the same time regardless of the line. Whenever I was in a challenging street race. I would always pick my lines to save my tire most efficiently. And there's my record line right there! To me, lines aren't the objective! Just the results of an excellent run!" Allie exclaimed as she shifted up to third gear and took the next corner. "I'm seeing something amazing happening right now." Ellie said in her mind as she was seeing how the RX-8 in front was changing differently. Allie was starting to pull away from the 350Z. Starting point. "If you want to be fast on the mountain, you have to be able to haul your ass into a corner with no hesitation at all. How well you know the course matters much on almost how well you handle the pressure you are feeling. If you're gonna be the faster driver, course knowledge is a basic point and a big one. That's the reason, I've put so much emphasis on practice with our expeditions lately." Jill explained. "Would that mean that the other drivers we've raced had always had the advantage since we've been racing on their home courses?" Adena asked. "Of course, even more so in a race with technique driven drivers. In that case, knowing the course can become a weapon, one that is impossible to defend against." Jill explained. "So what do you think happens tonight?" Adena asked. "...An endurance test, and the person who snaps first is the loser." Jill answered. The 350Z was drifting into the next corner but the RX-8 is pulling away from her. "She's pulling away from me? I don't get it! How is she doing that?! What am I doing wrong?!" Ellie exclaimed as she steers on the corner and drifts but then they were about to approach the next corner. "The goal is gonna close! I'm gonna lose!" Ellie exclaims in her mind as she shifts up and brakes into the next corner as she drifts. "Almost there! I lose this kid now and it's all mine! Damn it I can hardly focus on the road! Just a little farther!" Allie exclaimed as she shifts up to 4th gear and is starting to feel sweaty as she takes the next corner and pulls away from the 350Z. "I've got to do something! Anything! I'm running out of time!" Ellie exclaimed in her mind as she drifts to the next corner and shifts up to 3rd gear after she exits. She slams on the brakes and shifts down to 2nd gear as she grips the inside of the turn and the 350Z starts to wobble during the corner moments. Ellie pulls out of the inside and shifts up back to 3rd gear and accelerates hard as she backfires her exhaust but then.. the 350Z grips inside of the covered gutters again but this time it damaged the Z's suspension as Ellie couldn't pull out of the inside and was stuck as she was struggling to get out of the gutters. "Oh no.. what the hell have I done." Ellie said in her mind as she was starting to shake and feel scared that she damaged her car's suspension after she pulled out of the last corner. "Hmm. I wondered if she messed up her speed control during that curve." Allie wondered as she looked behind on her rearview mirror witnessing the 350Z wobbling down the road when she took the next corner. "And the suspension isn't responding... it's gone... I lost..." Ellie said in her mind as she was starting to feel how her car was starting to wobble around when she was slowing down. Allie was taking the next corner and looks at her rearview mirror and realizes the 350Z is no longer behind her but then she was starting to feel lightheaded as she was feeling dizzy but she slammed the brakes on the next corner and spun out. The crowd as shocked to see the RX-8 spin out. Allie gets out of the car and sits by it as she was feeling her head in pain. Ellie was driving down the course but then realizes Allie wasn't feeling good as she was shocked too. Minutes later. Finish point. "This could be a little tricky down there. I think we ought to get back to City Core to do a proper alignment check." April suggested. "Could it driven back into town?" Adena asked. "As long as you don't stress her out, she should do fine." April answered. "I'm sorry I jacked her up." Ellie replied. "Don't be down on yourself. It'll be fixed in no time." Jill suggested. "But.." Ellie stuttered. "I was the one who told you about the risks of the curve. That's why I told you to go for it, you remember that? I know you're beating yourself up because you lost in terms of technique but in the end you won the battle and that's what matters." Jill explained. "I guess you're right, but... I don't know..." Ellie replied as she was feeling down. "Hmph, it was a good lesson for you to learn. The point of the race was to get you to watch the lines, I'm not mistaken if you are driving are the lines that changed tonight, didn't it. Take everything you learned with you. It isn't like you need all the answers now. You're still growing you know, both you and this time. It's time to relax. Take a break. And considering the 350Z's condition I think we'll have Branden's hillclimb run and time attack instead." Jill explained. "Yeah, sure." Ellie replied. Minutes later. It was the beginning of the hillclimb run. The R34 was parked behind the 106 at the starting line. "About time, it's my turn to race now. Time to take down another god!" I exclaimed got out of the R34. "We'll do the hillclimb first guys. The pylon on the top of the course is your turnaround point. Once you flip that, you come back down. That's 1 run and of course it'll repeat if necessary. Does that sound okay to you sir?" Adena asked. "That's just fine. And since we're doing a mixed stage of both uphill and downhill. You guys have any objections to me leading the first run?" John asked. "No, no objections at all." Adena answered as she and Allie walked their ways. "Alright let's get started. And in case you haven't heard. I'm John Ragusa." John said. "And I'm Branden Lee." I replied as I introduced myself. The Downhill was now over and the Hillclimb is about to start!

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