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Yoongi POV

Seeing Honey fight earlier, had given me new respect for both her physical strength, and when I heard the reason why she fought, for her love of her sisters. I learned that the woman had called Honey's younger sisters 'half breed sluts pathetically seeking attention from BTS', and any person who called a woman that, deserved to receive the punishment Honey had given. 

Before the show, I sought out Valeria and asked her how Honey was.

"She is well, thank you for your concern. The woman only got to hit her a few times, and she's resilient, as well as remarkably tough. Her lip got cut a little bit, but it's alright now." 

"If it's alright for me to ask, does that sort of thing happen often?" I asked. 

"It's fine, but yes, it does. We four, Melody, Hope, Honey and I, we're usually the ones targeted, but the younger ones have gotten into fights to defend themselves, the thankfully rare times when that happens to them. Honey is more protective of Euphoria, Lilac and Rose than the rest of us, because she went through a lot of slut shaming and doesn't want the same to happen to them. Unnecessarily protective at times. I've had to take her out of a few fights that have happened just because of her bad temper, but with people she likes, she's the most patient and laid-back person I know of." Valeria explained, crossing her arms and watching Honey with Euphoria as she talked to me. I did the same, watching Honey. As Valeria said, she looked extremely laid-back and unbothered as Euphoria teased her about her messy shirt. 

"Your bond between sisters is very strong, isn't it?" I asked, and Valeria nodded, smiling as Rose got a piggyback ride on Lilac's back.

"Our parents are dead, so all we've had is each other."

"You don't have many friends?" I asked.

"You boys are the third group of people who actually wanted to be our friends... In our lives." I was surprised.

"Why is that?" Melody called to Valeria in another language, and Valeria responded with a wave, then said to me,

"I have to go practice, but Honey has finished her practice and is open to getting to know new people, you should talk to her. See you later!" She waved then ran after Melody, passing by Honey and saying something to her. Honey looked over at me, then came over by me.

"Hi." She said, seeming completely unlike the fierce fighter I had seen before.

"So I know you're probably thinking I'm fiery tempered, but it takes a lot to make me lose my temper, most of the time." She said calmly, putting her hands in the pocket of her jeans.

"I don't like to assume people's personalities until I know them better." She tilted her head, a large piece of hair falling out from behind her ear into her face.

"That's an abnormally nice thing to be in the habit of." She said, then sat down on the edge of the stage. When I didn't join her, she looked up and asked expectantly,

"You gonna sit down?" I shrugged then sat down, swinging my legs as I thought.

"So, what you want to ask?" I looked at her questioningly.

"People always have lots of questions in the beginning of acquaintences. It's normal, I don't mind. Ask away." I considered for a minute, then asked,

"Why did you and your sisters not have friends before now?"

"We were too busy with studies and working on getting a debut, plus we were too weird. Most people just didn't like us. Our first friends were the girls of Blackpink, then the girls of Momoland contacted us and they're our friends now too. EXO are really nice to us too."

"Of course they are." I muttered, then asked,

"What made you decide you all wanted to be singers?"

"Wanting to tell our own stories, help anyone we can. And it seemed like something we could have lots of fun with."

"Are you having fun with it so far?"

"Oh yes, we get to spend way more time just relaxing and having fun, doing things we couldn't before."

"Honey! Time to go warm up, come on!" Lilac came over, bouncing in place as she waited for Honey to get up. She did, then said to me in parting,

"Thank you for talking to me, see you later." I nodded, then watched as she raced Lilac offstage.
I sat on the end of the stage until my bandmates came out, just thinking. Jimin came out first and sat next to me, then he asked,

"Who was the girl that came and got Honey just now?" I looked at him curiously then responded,

"Lilac. She doing it to you too?"

"Doing what?" He asked.

"Sticking in your mind, drawing your attention to her without even doing anything unusual." He nodded, then looked at me and asked,

"You too?" I nodded, then spoke,

"I think all of us."

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