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Rose POV

Hope and Hoseok had finally become an official couple last night, and now I was just waiting for Jimin to ask Lilac to date him. Taehyung said he would probably ask some of us for help setting up a super romantic scene, so I was hoping he would ask me and Taehyung to help.

A week passed before any sign of Jimin making a move, then when Euphoria, Jungkook, Taehyung and myself were sitting in the dressing room together. Jimin came in, looking nervous, then asked,

"Tae, Kook, can I talk to you guys alone for a minute?" Jungkook and Taehyung looked at me and Euphoria, then nodded and getting up, followed Jimin out of the room.

Maybe three minutes passed before Jin entered, looking flustered and rushing, with Namjoon behind him. He looked at me and Euphoria, who stared back at him in confusion and curiosity. He froze for a second, then turned and tried to rush past Namjoon out the door again, but the leader of BTS grabbed him by the arms and turned him to face us two of Serenity's maknae line.

By now, we youngest were completely befuddled as to what was going on, until Jin blurted out super fast,


Euphoria and I blinked a few times, trying to deciper what he had said, then when we did, our jaws dropped and our breath ran away. Just as we regained our breath, Meg entered the room, looking at her phone, simultaneous with me and Euphorua shouting,

"Wait, what?!" Meg jumped and dropped her phone, alerting us to her presence.

"Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt, I'll go." She apologized in English picking up her phone, then I remembered something.

"Meg wait! Actually, can you help us?" I exclaimed, also in English. She tilted her head, asking curiously,

"With what?" as she came to stand next to me. Namjoon and Jin looked a bit dubious at me asking her for help, then a kitten crawled out of her big sweater pocket, crawling onto her shoulder where it started playing with her hair. Meg didn't seem to notice, looking at us as she waited for an explanation.

The first to speak was Jin, who spoke in Korean to me and Euphoria.

"Are you sure she can help us? We don't know her that well." I nodded, holding back a laugh as the clumsy calico kitten tripped over Meg's hood and tumbled off her shoulders, falling into Meg's hand as she calmly caught the small cat.

"She's very intelligent and has helped many of her siblings' fiancés propose, and you won't get to know her any better until you spend time with her." I replied, in Korean. Meg had seemed to give up, staring at the floor, lost in thought.

"Alright." Jin gave in, and Meg looked up as he took a step forward.

"We, would like for you, to help us plan something very, very...special, you know?" He said in broken English, and Meg bowed.

"I'd be honored." She said in English, then said in Korean as good as a native speaker,

"And I appreciate your efforts, but you can speak in Korean now because it will be a lot easier for you." Jin and Namjoon stared at her in shock, making us three girls laugh.

"Y-you can speak Korean?" Jin stuttered, in that same language. Euphoria and I couldn't stop giggling at their expressions, falling against Meg as she explained,

"I know about eight languages, but I prefer to let people find out on their own when I know their language. Plus, it's more fun this way."

"How did you learn Korean so well? You even have a Seoul accent." Namjoon wondered.

"I worked at a coffee shop in America for a few years, and one of the owners was from South Korea so when she found out how much I like Korea, she offered to teach me. It was easier to understand her Korean than her English, honestly." She laughed a little then asked,

"So what is this very important thing you want my help with?"

Me, Euphoria, Rose, Meg, Namjoon and Jin conspired for a while, coming up with a lot of good ideas.


When we had finished, about an hour and a half before we had to start getting ready for the show that night, Jungkook and Taehyung came back into the room. Rose and Euphoria glanced at them, then came over and sat by me, Euphoria actually choosing to sit on my lap for some reason. I just shrugged and rested my chin on her shoulder, myself being used to weird things being done by the Sankjin girls.

I noticed Jungkook staring at Euphoria and Taehyung staring at Rose, so I asked Euphoria in a whisper,

"Why are you guys avoiding them?" She replied in Spanish,

"Because they aren't going to tell us what Jimin wanted, and we want to know."

"Plus, they watched the new season of Bleach without us." Rose added, and I couldn't help laughing.

"Alright, whatever." I shook my head, then gently pushed Euphoria off my lap.

"Hope asked me to help her learn a new dance, so I need to go do that." I explained in response to Euphoria's whining.

"We will come watch!" Rose exclaimed, right as Taehyung and Jungkook looked like they were going to ask the girls something. I facepalmed, rubbing my forehead before I looked at the two boys, shrugged helplessly and made my way out of the room, not flinching when Rose hitched a ride on my back. 

"Unnie, what will it be like when Melody gets married?" Euphoria asked quietly, and I could see a look of contemplation growing on her face.

"Well, before the wedding you'll mostly feel excitement and happiness, with occasionally a moment where you think 'oh no, I'm losing a sister', but it won't be until a month or so after the wedding that you'll start to miss her. It will take a long time to adjust to, but in time, you'll get used to it. You'll still miss her, but it will get easier." I explained, and the two girls stayed quiet in contemplative thought.

"Jimin is totally asking Lilac to court him." Euphoria said, and we all laughed.

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