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Melody POV

It had been a busy few weeks. We girls had gone around Asia performing our new single, and hadn't had much time to relax. Luckily, we had just had more than enough time to relax and were enjoying the busy times.

It had been over seven months since we had seen the BTS boys, and I knew we were all looking forward to seeing them.

On a Saturday afternoon in September, in London, England, we were in a hotel room the night before a full day of promo. Valeria and I were sitting on her bed, looking at the schedule for the next few days.

"We are going to perform a cover of a dance on an Irish TV show next Wednesday, and we have to do it masked until someone guesses who we are." Valeria mentioned, and the other girls gathered around us.

"Can we do the boys' song, Idol?" Euphoria chirped, leaning on Rose's shoulders heavily. Rose shoved her off onto the other bed as I told them,

"It requires us to do two songs."

"Oh! Oh! Oh! We should do MIC Drop!" Hope shouted. I winced in unison with Valeria, then asked,

"Is everyone agreeable to that?" They nodded eagerly, so we contacted our choreographer and let her know, planning to learn the routines on Sunday, practicing the next days before the performance.

Doing the practices, talking about whether or not the boys would see it and choosing our performing outfits was exciting, and we made sure to not mention to the boys that we were doing it. We planned on wearing loose silk black pants with a tight waistband, a long poet style white shirt that hung down onto our thighs, the sleeves having long silk fringes that shimmered and flowed gracefully from the seam of the sleeve. We had long, loose light silk jackets that were almost in the style of trench coats, except for the collars. Our shoes were simple black leather boots, and we had wigs put on over our natural hair.With the wigs, I had shoulder length blonde hair, Honey had hip length silver hair, Hope had bright blue, rib length curly hair, Valeria had thigh length, curly dark purple hair, Lilac had rib length, wavy white hair, Rose had tye dye, hip length curly hair, and Euphoria had blue and purple galaxy style, wavy, mid-back hair. We all wore black face masks that covered our whole lower face, revealing only our eyes, which were masked by bright silvery blue colored contacts. Bands of white cotton were wrapped around our wrists, fringes with sparkles on them hanging on onto our hands. We didn't wear any jewelry except plain silver bands on each of our fingers, and on the day, we chose to wear single white rose studs for earrings.

On the day, we were amazed at how big of a crowd there was to watch us, and the adrenaline only added to our excitement to perform. After the performances, we stood on stage with the other masked performers, and were the last act to be unmasked. It was a lot of fun, hearing and seeing the crowd go wild when we were revealed.

A few days afterwards, we had a night off,  so we went to the concert BTS was having in the same city as us: Tokyo. It was a random decision, and we used masks as was the usual way of getting about with less attention than usual, and made it to the stadium without being noticed. We stopped at the merchandise stall, getting quite a few things before the show started, then met a few fans.

They were a group of five girls,  dressed very cutely, and their jaws dropped at recognizing us. We pulled down our masks and shushed them quickly, going over to them. They spoke in Japanese, which we had luckily learned during our break.

"We don't want anyone to know we're here." Valeria explained, and they nodded.

"Can we take some pictures with you? We're huge fans, and we love your fashion!" The shortest one said.

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