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Lilac POV

When Jeon Jungkook is nervous, you know something is up.

Not necessarily anything bad, but it has to be big in order to make that young man nervous. He was confident in ninety five percent of all things he tried to do, and it was very rare to see him nervous. So naturally, before the joint tour with BTS began and we were in Seoul to start the tour, when he went to Valeria to ask her where Euphoria was, I had to follow him. I mean, what else could I do? Obviously.

I followed him silently, and he kept muttering to himself as he walked, raking his hands through his long hair continuously. He eventually found his way to Euphoria, who was practicing her ballet in one of the dance rooms, and I hid as he knocked. She paused, turned off the music and looked to see who it was.

When she saw Jungkook standing there, she opened the door and let him in, leaving the door open behind him.

I snuck over to the door, crouching by the doorway without revealing myself, listening closely.

My jaw dropped as I listened to Jungkook ask Euphoria to court him: not from surprise that he was asking her to court him, but because I thought he would have asked her before now. I was about to leave when I remembered that couples in my family weren't supposed to be left alone for long, so I sighed quietly and sat down, resting my chin on my hand as I thought.

So far, the only ones in my family who weren't courting now, were Hope and myself. Why she wasn't courting Hoseok-hyung yet, I didn't know, and Jimin was sort of confusing me with how he was acting. He acted like he did want to court me, but he hadn't asked me yet, and I hadn't seen any sign that he had talked to Valeria about it.

I sighed again then Euphoria and Jungkook came out of the door, walking past me without seeing me...somehow. Don't ask me, I have no idea how. I got up silently and followed them, continuing to follow Jungkook when Euphoria went back to us girls' dressing room, because I was curious as to where he was going. Apparently, being as small as I am makes you quiet and trickier to notice, especially if you're wearing black slacks, black sneakers and a green camo t shirt.

I walked along behind Jungkook, my hands clasped behind my back and an innocent expression on my face, which made several staff members chuckle when they noticed me. I followed him until he went into the bathroom, then I wrinkled my nose and shook my head, refusing to go that far. I instead looked around, then as I was starting to get bored, I took my earbuds out of my pockets and connected them to my phone, listening to BTS' OST for their game they had released a year ago, mixed with other KPOP songs.

I jumped quietly behind a pillar when Jungkook came out of the bathrooms, now wearing workout clothes. I followed him, now curious as to how he worked out. I followed him to the gym, then hid behind some weights once inside the gym. I wasn't there long, before someone grabbed my waist with one arm, covering my mouth with their other hand as they carried me a short distance. When they let me go they kept their hand over my mouth as I turned quickly to face them, startled when I saw that it was Honey who had 'kidnapped' me. She smiled a mischievous smile Loki would be jealous of, then gestured for me to turn around. I now saw that we were behind the yoga mats, weights and balls that we knew the Bangtan Boys would never use. From there, we could see all the Bangtan boys working out.

Apparently they were being recorded by a film crew for a DVD, which only increased our caution in not being caught. So, we hid where we knew we wouldn't be hidden, and watched in amusement and interest as the seven guys worked out.

Yoongi and Taehyung seemed to have a laid back attitude to working out, but they still did it with determination and strength. Jungkook, Namjoon and Jimin were the most enthusiastic and seemed to enjoy working out the most, while Jin wasn't. At one point, Jin was supposed to be running on the treadmill but was just walking slowly, and Jimin ratted him out to their instructor, which made me laugh.

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