best of me

13 1 0

3rd POV

The mood was tense.

It was the night after the one just related, after the concert of the night, and Jin had just asked Melody if she would go on a walk with him, with Ana going along as a chaperone. When that had happened, Meg, Euphoria, Rose and Namjoon had all shared a conspirator's glance then returned to what they were doing inconspicuously.

At last, everyone was getting antsy and basically just staring at the door, waiting for Ana, Jin and Melody to return. Even Yoongi got jumpy when someone would walk down the hall, and it made Meg chuckle. She, having had seven siblings already get married, was used to this type of anticipation and wasn't nearly as nervous as the rest of them were. In fact, she was sitting comfortably in a swivel chair playing Piano Tiles, occasionally recording a nervous reaction the others had to a staff member walking past on her camera.

Finally, the door opened and Ana came inside, slightly out of breath, and immediately went over by Meg, who started recording on her phone. After a few seconds, Melody and Jin came in the door, stopping short when they realized everyone was staring at them expectantly. Neither moved until Lilac finally exclaimed,

"Did he ask you or not?!" Melody smiled and lifted her left hand, showing a diamond engagement ring. All the girls shrieked and jumped up, rushing over and hugging Melody tightly, while the guys got up and tackled Jin in a more manly way of expressing excitement and joy.

Meg and Ana watched calmly with reminiscent smiles on their faces, waiting until everyone had calmed down before they got up to congratulate the two, sitting back down again relatively soon.

"That means you guys will be quitting music, right? For good?" Jimin asked.

"Why would they do that?" Meg asked.

"Well you can't have a family and be in the music industry, there's just no way." Hobi explained, and the other guys nodded in support. Melody and her sisters however, raised their eyebrows and looked at Meg in expectation. She stood up and drew herself up to her full height of 5'10, looked Hoseok in the eye and said,

"I'm married with three children and currently pregnant, and I have a very active role in the music industry."

All the boys' jaws literally fell open in shock, and Ana started giggling at their reactions.

"You, you're pregnant?!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"You have kids?!" Namjoon exclaimed.

"You're married?! You're the most independent woman I know!" Jungkook exclaimed in his turn.

"You don't know very many strong women then, Jeon Jungkook." Meg said, sitting down again with Ana next to her.

"Wait, if you're pregnant, doesn't that mean you can't dance as much anymore?" Taehyung asked.

"That's right. In two months, I'll be taking much more of a back seat to choreographing and performing than I've had for a while, but I'll still be traveling and helping Ana for the rest of the tour."

"I thought the first three months were the hardest to get through?" Taehyung asked in confusion.

"They are, and that's why I need motivation to exercise and get out, so I keep dancing." Meg explained, then a staff member came in, and told them it was time for them to leave for the hotels.

Somehow, the Sankjin girls ended up in Ana and Meg's room, gathered on Meg's bed: how nine girls managed to fit on one queen sized bed is still a mystery to this world. Meg sat propped up by pillows against the headboard, Melody and Euphoria lying on either side of her with their heads resting on her lap.

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