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"I really think you should consider Yoonji..." Yoongi pouted, looking up at me. 

"Yoongi, honey, I'm just really not feeling naming our daughter after a character you played in a run episode.... Her name is very important." I said, patting his shoulder softly. 

"Okay, I understand, but she's going to be a daddy's girl, and we both know that. It would be precious if our names were similar. She'll love it when she's older." He raised his eyebrows, giving me the most serious look he could manage. He's not going to give up on this one very easily.

"Okay Yoongs, I'll THINK about it." I smiled at him, reaching for his hand, so he could help me get off the couch. He quickly stood up from his spot on the floor and pulled me up gently. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and waddled my way to the bathroom. Yoongi, of course, followed me. "You know I can go to the bathroom by myself, right?"

"I know, I know. You're carrying my precious cargo though; I just want to make sure you guys are okay. What if you fall, and I can't hear you because I'm all the way in a different room?" He pouted yet again, not taking his eyes off of mine. 

"Alright, but can you at least wait out here? I just need a little privacy." I pleaded with my eyes. I know his intentions are pure, and he doesn't try to get on my nerves. Sometimes, actually a lot of the time, it was just a little too much. He followed me everywhere. 

"Okay, fine. Go do your thing, I'll be out here." He said, opening the bathroom door, and letting go of my hand. "I love you, beautiful."

"I love you, too, Yoongi." I smiled and closed the door behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror. Beautiful? I think love really is blind, because all I could see when I looked at myself was dark circles under my eyes, puffy cheeks, swollen lips, and messy hair. This whole pregnancy thing was NOT easy. I couldn't help but think back to our first doctor's appointment.

****7 months earlier****

"Congratulations! You are indeed pregnant. We're estimating you're about 7 to 8 weeks along." The doctor said smiling at me and Yoongi, before turning to look for something in a drawer.

I looked over at Yoongi, nervous about his reaction. He hadn't really said much at all when I told him I thought I was pregnant. When my eyes met his, I was completely shocked to see the biggest smile I'd ever seen. I couldn't help but smile back. He was happy. He quickly took my hand in his, rubbing little circles with his thumb. He brought my hand to his lips, kissing it a few times. 

"Are we ready to listen to your baby's heartbeat?" The doctor asked, breaking the moment me and Yoongi were having. We both looked at her and nodded. "Okay, we'll try then! There is a possibility we won't be able to hear it yet, and we'll have to do a transvaginal ultrasound."

"This will probably be a little uncomfortable at first." She warned, before she started the ultrasound. I shuddered a little. I felt a little bit of pressure between my legs and I held my breath. I watched her tentatively, anxiously waiting to hear anything that resembled a heartbeat. I could feel Yoongi's gaze on my face, so I turned to look at him.

As soon as our eyes made contact, we heard a heartbeat. My heart fluttered. Our eyes grew wide, and I tried to fight back the tears that were threatening to come out. It all was over once I noticed the tears streaming down his face. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I was too overwhelmed by all the love and happiness I was feeling. Then before we knew it, the heartbeat started to sound distorted. We both turned out heads and looked at the doctor.

"What's wrong? Why does it sound like that??" Yoongi asked, the worry in his voice was very deep.

"Oh my! Nothing's wrong! What you're hearing is two heartbeats! Amazing!" She said, not taking her eyes off the machine.

3 {Sequel to 6,500 Miles} (YoongixReader)Where stories live. Discover now