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"Good morning! How'd my brave little boy sleep last night?" I cooed my son, as I lifted him out of his crib. "Today you and your sister are officially six months old!"

I set him in the play area I had set up for the twins, and walked over to his sister's crib. 

"Good morning daddy's little princess!" I couldn't help but smile, she looked just like her mother. I felt a slight sting remembering what happened six months ago, but the overwhelming love I had for these two babies of mine made it impossible to dwell on that for too long. 

I put her down next to her brother, and went into the kitchen to grab them some breakfast. After I was finished making their eggs and slicing up bananas, I put them in their high chairs one by one. I sat there just watching them eat their food, stopping every once in awhile to giggle at each other. I'd always imagined having children with Y/N, but it never included her not being in the picture. I felt the sadness creeping back in, threatening to take me over. I shook my head, and forced the sadness away again. I pulled out my cellphone, and dialed the number. I held my phone up until I heard the familiar voice on the other end. 

"Yoongi-hyung? What's up?" Hoseok said, his voice groggy and tired.

"I'm sorry Hobi, did I wake you?" I asked, my voice low and weak.

"No, no, it's fine. I was getting up anyways." He said, his voice becoming more clear. "Did you need something Hyung?" 

"I was wondering if you'd mind watching the twins for me? It's been awhile since I've visited her...." I said, trying to make my voice louder, but it wasn't working. 

"Of course, hyung. Why don't you bring them to the dorm, the boys have been dying to see them." Hobi said, before hanging up the phone. 

I cleaned the twins off, and got them dressed before heading to the car. After buckling them both in, I climbed in the driver's seat. I turned on their favorite CD, which happened to be a handful of piano covers I recorded for their mother after we met. It warmed my heart that they loved it as much as she had. I pulled out  of the garage, and made my way to the dorm. 


I walked into the dorm with the twins in each arm. I looked up when I heard a familiar squealing. It was none other than Hobi. 

"Seung Kwan! Seung Wan! Uncle Hobi missed you so much! Come here, lets go play!" He exclaimed, grabbing both the twins from me, and walking them to the living area. "Don't rush, we'll be just fine here!"

I turned and headed for the door before I was stopped by a voice I hadn't heard in a month or so. 

"Hyung, let me drive you. I have visited in too long either." He said quietly.

I turned and looked into Kook's sad eyes. He had taken everything the hardest besides me, which surprised me at first because I hadn't thought they were very close. When he opened up to me about it though, he said he was upset that he hadn't taken the time to get to know her like some of the members did. 

"Alright, Koo, come on. I'm driving though." I said, smirking slightly at my little brother. I walked back outside and climbed in the car. I could hear Kook's feet running after me. He climbed in the passenger's seat, and waited for me to start driving. It was silent for the first five minutes of the drive.

"When was the last time you visited? I know you've been busy with the twins." Kook said quietly, not taking his eyes off the road. 

"It's been a month now. The more that time goes on, the harder it gets for me to go." I said, ashamed at myself. I had no excuse not to go, I was just being selfish.

"Hyung, don't beat yourself up. You're doing your best, I cant imagine how I'd be in your situation." He finally looked at me, holding back tears. 

We finally reached our destination, and Jungkook told me to go first. I walked to where she'd been for the past six months. I couldn't bring myself to look anywhere but my shoes. 

"Y/N, I'm sorry it took me so long to come back. It's getting harder to face every day without you. The only thing that keeps me getting out of bed and facing the days are those two little miracles you gave me. I wish more than anything that you were here with us. Everyone keeps telling me that I'm strong, and I'm doing such a great job with the twins. They don't know how weak I actually am on the inside, or that the twins are growing up so well because they're half you. I'm barely hanging on here. I miss you so much." The tears fell down my face so fast, and before I knew it, I was on my knees crying. "Y/N, I just want to hear your voice one more time. I need to hear you tell me I'm doing a good job and that everything is going to be okay."

I stood up, and took her hand in mine. It was cold, just like it had been every time I came to see her. I buried my pitiful face in her neck and cried. All the tears I'd been holding back this last month were finally free. My whole body froze in an instant, and I stopped breathing for a minute when I felt her hand squeeze mine. 

"Y-Y-Yoongi?" She whispered against my ear. "Is that you? Where am I? Where are my babies?"

A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't updated, I just got home from a 2 week vacation! Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter! :)

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