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I was kinda getting used to being someone you loved

Eleven's Perspective

The phone's ring, echoes throughout the empty Wheeler household. I rush from upstairs to the kitchen where the landline is.


"Hey El, how are you doing," Max's voice crackles to life from the device.

"Hey Max, I'm doing good. How are you and Lucas? Are you enjoying your time in California while you visit your dad?" I ask curious as to how Lucas and her father were getting along.

"We're great and the trip has been totally tubular as Lucas would put it. My dad and Lucas have been hitting it off really well. I was a bit scared because well....... you know how important it is."

"Yeah, I do. I'm excited for all the other details for when you get back to Hawkins. What did you call to tell me?"

"Oh yeah. Are you with Mike or around anyone? Max has a very apprehensive tone with a hint of uncertainty to the mix. I can tell she's nervous and her playfulness has completely faded.

"I'm alone," I reply.

"Well El.... this has been on my mind for the past three or so days and I feel that you need to know. At first I didn't know if I should tell you but then I thought you should at least find out from someone who actually cares for you. I just want you to......"

"Max Mayfield you better tell me now," I say cutting her off from finishing her sentence.

"El it's about Mike."

My heart drops to the kitchen linoleum floor.

"What is it Max," I say as I can feel the pit in my stomach grow, until it's quite unbearable, but then Max's voice sparks to life.

"Mike...... he cheated," I can hear Max's voice coated with a thick layer of sadness for me.

My heart feels like it stops beating as the love excruciatingly drains from my arteries. Thoughts begin rushing inside my mind but receding just as fast. I'm left feeling empty minded.

"El I know I'm not there, but I'll stay on this phone as long as you need me. I'm sure Will and Dustin will be with you until Lucas and I come back. El?"

My body is encased in pain, it hurts all over. The pain, it's all coming from these channels throughout my body leading to the main vital area...... my heart. My heart beats with an intake of pain. It seems every beat of increasing pain prepares my heart for the shatter. Tears roll down my cheeks. The salty tears perpetually hitting my dry lips bringing me to reality.

"El. El, please know the party is there for you and we love you. We will stand by your side. El if you want to know how it happened I'll tell you but only if you want. El?" Max is worried and I can't lie to her so I won't.

"Thank you Max for telling me. I'm glad I heard from you. I'll talk to you later. Have fun with Lucas," I say. I know my voice sounds empty but it's too hard to project emotion. I hang up not wanting the painful details of how Mike cheated on me. I stand there numb in the silence as an earth shattering tsunami takes my under.

Tears leak but I don't feel or taste the salty mini liquid sign of my heartbreak. My knees fall to the linoleum but I don't feel a thing. I don't hear the tears turn eventually into sobs echoing throughout his house. I'm completely numb but the way my body physically reacts.

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