Under the Stars

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And you simply say to yourself
"This is her, this is the one"
That's love

Tonight he would say the five words he'd been dying to say. He had been practicing in the mirror for more than an hour continuously repeating the words. He had even visited Steve at the mall last week to get any pointers that might help. He wanted this night to turn out perfect. He'd been planning this night for a month and the only thing that could ruin this would be the weather.

On his dresser was a preparation checklist, which every box except that last had been ticked off. With his meticulous planning the last thing to do was pick her up and take her to the secret destination. To be extra careful he read over the list, looked into the mirror to make sure he didn't look like an idiot, and headed downstairs.

Making his way to the kitchen he grabbed the picnic basket and flowers. Nancy had kindly allowed Mike to borrow her car for the night, so he was all set. He set everything in the trunk so she wouldn't find part of the surprise. He hadn't told her much about tonight, but she was excited nonetheless.

Mike drove off as his nerves began to strike. He knew Hopper would give him shit once again for planning a late evening date. Hop had eased up in the last year thanks to Joyce, but he still wanted to kill him. He knocked which led to the locks quickly being opened. Nobody was in the living room which meant El had done it from her room. He was surprised Hop wasn't home, but that was a pleasant relief. He walked over to El's room knocking softly.

"I'll be out in a minute, but be quiet Hop's in the bathroom."

With that the stress of Hop's presence came right back. He was a fool to think he could just pick up El without having some type of lecture from him.

He stood by the front door so they could make a quick exit. El came out of her room and he fell in love all over again. He fell in love with her every time he set his eyes on her and it only intensified. He wanted to blurt the words right there, but he wanted to make it perfectly memorable.

"You look gorgeous."

She held his gaze as her heart slowly synced to Mike's heart. She was completely in love with the boy in front of her. She was full of excitement and anticipation for their date.

"You look handsome Mike."

They were both startled by the creaking of the bathroom door opening. That prompted El to hastily grab Mike's hand, so they could run to his car. She had been waiting all day to spend time with him and she didn't want to waste time by listening to the same speeches Hop gave. She didn't understand why he even tried, they were past the point of the newly couple phase. At times it didn't seem like they had, but it was a real established relationship.

Hop came out instantly making serious eye contact with Mike. One of his many tactics to scare Mike, but they never did. Maybe they did in the beginning, but Mike stands his ground.

"Bye Dad. I'll be back at twelve and I love you."

With that she and Mike ran to the car. She knew he was probably fuming, but she was in love and young. He pulled out of the makeshift driveway fast yet cautious.

"That was fun," said a smiling El.

"Hopper's is going to kill me."

They both burst out laughing picturing a pissed off Hopper. They were happily wrapped up in the moment.

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