The Sun Will Shine Down Upon Us

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Sunlight Falters Part 2

I never should've said goodbye
But maybe that's what stupid people do
'Cause you gave me peace
And I wasted it
I'm here to admit
That you were my medicine

She stared up at the ceiling discerning shapes out of the staticky dark. Her breaths were shallow as time passed around her. The memories of him swirled around inside her head which prevented her from falling back asleep.

She grabbed her hot cup of coffee which brought warmth to her numb hands. The television played in the background as she sipped her coffee thinking about last night over and over again. The leftover coffee in her mug became cold while her body lay sprawled on the couch. She had yet to let the dream release her from its grip.

The phone was in her trembling hand, but she quickly dialed his number before she could think anymore. Ring after ring her heartbeat sped up faster until she exhaled the breath she didn't know she'd been holding. Nobody had answered so she connected the phone back to the base. She sat on her couch wondering whether to go after her happiness.

The golden sun cast its light over her apartment living room, yet shadows lay splattered on the walls and floors. A backpack was secured on her shoulders while the keys jangled from her right hand. She scanned her eyes over her apartment before she closed the door.

She rested her head against the steering wheel for a minute before driving off. Her eyes were focused on the road while her mind could only think about him. Her chest tightened at the thought of him slamming the door in her face if he was the one to open the door. She was scared that it would be too late. The what if's were not easy to bear while she drove, so she let the music blare to keep her intrusive thoughts at bay.

Stoplight after stoplight of varying colors filled her journey, which she felt had happened instead of actually happening to her. Turning and driving down familiar streets of the little town that held a forever significance in her heart. Her eyes along with her mind had been present with the task of making it to the destination the latter half of the trip.

The beats of her heart increased once her eyes were set upon the Wheeler's house. She slowed her car down as she approached his house that held many fond memories. She didn't feel comfortable parking next to his car in the driveway so she parked at the curb. Her mind wandered where they'd be if she hadn't left and with that, she turned off the car off.

She filled her lungs with gulps of air before depleting them of the delicious oxygen. Since the car was off the only light left was the streetlamp a couple of houses down and the light by the front door. Devilish thoughts swam inside her head, hoping to stick the landing so she'd drive off, but she opened the door instead. Her feet moved slowly but her mind raced with millions of thoughts that before she knew it, she was at the front door.

She bit her lip as she turned her head back looking at her car. She wanted to run away as she had before and let this idiotic idea fade away. If she drove away now no one would get hurt and maybe one day she could learn to live without being forever happy. Her eyes again landed on the door as her hand shot out and knocked three times. She looked down at her hand as if it had betrayed her but in reality, it had done her a favor. Silence invaded the next minute as butterflies erupted inside her stomach. She shifted her weight onto her other foot as the door began to open. A small smile formed on her lips as she locked eyes with Mike.

"Hi," she said.

"El?" he asked with disbelief.

She could clearly see he was not expecting her to be behind the door and to say he was shocked was an understatement.

"I know this is sudden, but I had this dream last night and... now I'm here. I can leave if you want me to and I'll understand," she gushed. She held her breath for his response.

"Come inside it's cold out," he answered.

The tension in her shoulders eased at his words. The possibility of him slamming the door in her face was rather high in her mind so she said a silent prayer as she stepped inside.

"Are you thirsty?" he asked.

"I'm not but thank you," she responded.

She followed him through the house to the basement stairs. As she walked down the steps her eyes wandered over the space, which was exactly the same. Since it was exactly the same as her old blanket fort was still intact. They sat down on the couch but left at least a pillow of space between them.

Not being able to take the silence she blurted out, "Thank you for not slamming the door at the sight of me." She gave him a small smile as she finished her sentence.

"Why would I slam the door at the sight of you?"

"Because I left. I walked out and left a letter to tell you I had. I'm a stupid person with shitty actions that affect people other me. Then I come back after I had a dream that put things into perspective and I hope we'll be... something," she stated.

"El your not a stupid person and most of your actions aren't shitty. You also realize that your actions affect the people around which further proves you aren't stupid. I'm glad that you came back even if it was very unexpected," he countered.

"I really thought you'd hate me."

"I could never hate you. Because no matter how much I was angry at you for leaving I still craved for your touch at night and my heart would speed up at the mention of your name."

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry I let myself walk away because I let myself sabotage myself."

"I forgive you El. I forgave you a long time ago, but I can't lie that the trust between us is broken. I think the reason you left was that you were afraid, afraid that everything was going smoothly and that we were happy. I think you'll need to work on accepting that you're worthy of happiness because I can't express this enough, you are."

"I don't deserve you whether we're friends or something more," she whispered.

"But you do El because our past actions don't define us. Second chances and whatnot, you of all people deserve to be happy. I think we need to start as friends and rebuild the foundation of our relationship, but maybe one day we could be something more."

By this time they had scooted closer to each other only inches between them. He looked right into her beautiful eyes that held doubt she deserved happiness. He wished he could erase any doubt she had, but he knew she had to realize that on her own. He'd be there for her because the girl in front of him was the embodiment of his happiness.

He looked right into her eyes as he said, "You El Hopper deserve happiness."

The conviction of his words sped up her heartbeat and it clicked into place. Here he was in front of her and she didn't have worry her happiness would vanish. She took a breath and let the happiness in.

"I'll do whatever it takes to gain your trust back and to have you in my life again Mike. I agree that we should start out as friends and go from there. I also want to say thank you for believing I'm worthy of happiness"

"No problem, but I think I have to say thank you to that dream you had otherwise you wouldn't be here tonight."

The lines around their eyes crinkled as they smiled at each other. He casually intertwined his right hand with her right hand and lightly ran his thumb over her knuckles. He glanced at her lips before looking back into her eyes. His touch ignited her body and as they sat there, she began to feel the warmth of happiness.

-Idea for this continuation was requested by @Heatwave989

-I really liked how this turned out so hopefully you guys do as well

-Instagram: thehawkinspost_1985

-Any story requests you may have can be commented down below!

-Song: Happiest Year by James Young

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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