Chapter 3

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A/N: Hii! So, I'm gonna start posting my author notes up here! It's easier. WOW! I can't believe I have over fifty reads! You guys are simply amazing & it means a lot to me! I like this chapter & I hope you do too. Give me feedback, please!

x0x0, Heidiee.


As the night went on, we swam, roasted marshmellows, had a water balloon and a water gun fight. To beat it all, it was the most fun I've had in awhile. I have to seriously beg my dad to let me go places until he finally gives in.

You see, he didn't exactly approve of my group of friends. He said they were 'a bad influence' and that they 'would make me do bad things.' But, they were the complete opposite. They've never pressured me into doing things I didn't want to do. They accepted who I was and I loved them for that. But, I wanted to be like them. They had fun partying, drinking, cursing, doing crazy China while I was at home, reading my Bible because my dad said it was the Devil thing to go out with them.

He believed anything involving alcohol or drugs is a sign from the Devil. I couldn't help but laugh at his remark. Oh, and he also thought tattoos were bad. That's another feasibility why I was so drawn to Zayn. He did all those things. I wanted to come out of my shell and be the person I wanted to be because I don't think this was it. I have a feeling Zayn could bring out that side in me.

We were all sitting by the fire, telling stories and just joking around. I was sitting beside Zayn and realized how long his eyelashes were. I was jealous.

The cool breeze blew, causing me to shiver. Zayn notice and looked at me. "Are you cold?" He asked me, biting his bottom lip.

I nodded. "A little, but I'm fine." I told him.

He set his beer on the ground and took off his jacket, wrapping it around my shoulders. I gave him a smile. "Thanks." I said.

He returned the smile. "Don't mention it." He said.

Everyone was looking at us with a smirk on their faces. I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "So, we should play a game." I heard Harry say.

"Okay, what game?" I asked him.

Harry thought for a moment then smirked at me. "Truth it Dare." He said, mischievously.

Oh no, I thought to myself. Things get really out of hand when we played this game. They never really gave me any extreme dares, but that was about to change.

I nodded. "Okay, I'm read. Let's go!" I said, clapping my hand together, making myself look stupid.

"I think Zayn should ask you." Louis said, winking at me which cause my cheeks to blush furiously.

I looked at Zayn and I could see the sides of his mouth curve into a smirk. He agreed and looked at me. "Grace, truth or dare?"

I usually picked truth, but tonight is different. "Dare" I said, which came to a shock to everyone, except Zayn.

He thought for a moment then smirked. "I don't know if you'll do it. It's pretty extreme..." He playfully smirked, causing me to laugh. "I dare you to drink a beer."

Eleanor and Danielle looked at me, smirking as they laughed. They knew I would be too of a chicken and back out, but I was gonna prove them wrong. "Okay." I said with a shrug, acting like it wast a big deal.

Before Zayn could hand me a can of beer, I snatched his out of his hands and pressed it to my lips. The cold liquid hit my mouth and I swallowed it. The taste was different, but I liked it. I looked around the fire and seen all their eyes were wide. I laughed and shrugged. "What?" I asked them. "It's really good." I said.

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