Chapter 10

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A/N - Hii, guys! (: new update, woo! Sorry if this sucks and if it's short. I had to hurry up and write it because it's dinner time.

I really want to know if you guys like this story. If you read this, give me feedback! I can take critizism, c'mon. I need to know what you think or what your ideas are. 

Well, here's the next chapter. Hope you like it.

Grace's outfit is posted on the side.  

x0x0, Heidiee.


After arguing with my father and refusing to tell him what happened, we were finally home. Once I stepped foot out of the car, I walked quickly inside, slamming the door behind me.

"Grace!" I could hear my father yell, but I ignored him and went straight in my room. I collasped on my bed and sighed. 

Why can't my dad just except the fact that I'm growing up? I'm not a little girl anymore. He doesn't have to control everything I do.

My phone went off, and I answered it. "Hello?" I said into the phone, kinda annoyed.

"Hey, love." Zayn's voice appeared through the phone. I smiled. His voice seemed to calm me. "What's wrong?" He asked, clearly noticing my tone of voice.

I sighed, staring at the ceiing. "Ugh, where do I start?!" I said, throwing my hands up in frustration. "No matter how many times I say you're a good guy, my dad just doesn't seem to approve! Why can't he understand I'm not a little girl anymore?" I rammbled, letting  my thoughts take over. "I just need to get away from here for awhile." I said, softly.

Zayn listened to every word I had to say then finally spoke, "Come over then. We could watch a movie or hangout with Harry?" He suggested.

I smiled and nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "Okay. Come pick me up." I insisted.

"But, your dad--" 

"Ugh, you'll be fine. He won't do anything." I said, rolling my eyes. 

I heard him sigh but he agreed, ending the call.

I rose from my bed and went to my closet, pulling the doors opened. Scanning the racks of clothes, I picked out a cute sleeveless, floral brown top, skinny jeans, a white half jacket, and some brown shoes. After I put them on, I did my makeup and waited until Zayn texted me. 

Little did I know, the doorbell was ringing. I looked out my window and my mouth dropped. What the hell was he doing?!



I decided to not text her. I decided to be polite and knock on the door. As I stood there waiting, I finished my cigerette and dropped it to the floor, stomping on it. The door opened and I looked up, seeing her father.

I gave Grace's father a little smile. "Hi, I'm Zayn." I said, extending my hand out in front of me for him to shake it. My arm slowly fell after realizing he wasn't going to shake it. I stood there awkwardly, shoving my hands in my pockets.

Her father just stared at me, observing me for the most part. His arms were across his chest and his head was tilted. "Why are you here?" He finally said.

I shifted a little. "Uh, I'm here to pick up Grace..." I said.

Her father, Greg, I think, snorted and shook his head. "I don't think that'll happen, kid. She's busy." He said, slowly closing the door.

"Zayn!" Grace yelled, running inbetween the door, stopping it.

"Grace, move." Her dad said.

She shook her head, "No, dad. I'm going with him." She said.

Her dad looked a little taken back. "Pardon?" He asked.

"You heard me, I'm going with Zayn." She said, looking right at him. 

He looked at me with anger in his eyes. Before he could say anything, Grace pulled my arm and walked to the car. She told me to get in and ignore him and I did, getting in and starting the car.

After a while, I decided to break the silence. "What the hell was that?" I asked, glimpsing at her from time to time.

She shook her head. "Like I said, my father thinks I'm a little girl. Always feels the need to protect me when I don't need it. He also thinks you only want one thing, but you already go it and you're still here. I haven't told him that and I don't think I ever will. I'll let him believe what he wants to." She said, speaking her mind.

I placed my hand on her knee and looked at her as we were stopped at a stoplight. "Grace, I could never leave you. No matter what." I said, truthfully.

She smiled and leaned over, pressing her lips to mine.

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