Chapter 1

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My last days of high school, these 4 years have passed so fast. I'm glad that this part of my life is ending, or at least I want to believe so. The only part that I might regret is not seeing him anymore. Why am I feeling sad for not seeing a stranger? I know nothig about him, except that he works at a hospital. How do I know that?Well, the bus stop is right in front of a hospital and he likes to smoke his cigarett and drink his coffe outside, then he gos back in. It never takes too long, at most 10 minutes. I've learned this by seeing him in the mornig while wating for the bus to school. I took it like a hobby.

Finally the last day has come. I woke up late, as usual, grabed my jeans, favorite shirt and the trusty old batman converse. The hair was a mess but with a good ruffle I was good to go. I never paied attention on my looks in the morning, too much wasted time and for what? With the music tured up so loud I made my way to the buss station and I stopped.

How? Why? There he was,surronded by the smoke of his cigarett.Tall with a fit figure, always wearing his brown leather jacket made him look like he was doing a photo shoot. His face gave away no emotion, his cold blue eyes were pircing with every glare.But the thing I wanted to do most was to run my fingers through his blonde messy hair. Breathtaking. He was there like in the first day... I haven't seen him in 7 months, I was starting to forget (well not really I always hoped to see him). Maybe this is may last chance to say something.

Breath, I need to breath. What am I going to say to him anyway? It's not like I'm going to him and say: "Hi, you don't know me but since I was in 9th grade (at that time I was 15) I was, well, you know, looking at you from a distance. Don't panic I'm not a stalker. Now that I've grown up (I'm 18 ) and maybe is the last time I'll see you ever again, I just wanted to say hello." Yep, that's the perfect way to begin a conversation...

I slowly took one step towards where he was standing and not so slowly my heart began to beat faster. This is the moment of truth. But right when I was about to take the second step I've felt a hand on my shoulder, followed by voice.

"Whats up? You coming or what?". My frined Gerard said with a big silly smile on his face pointig at the bus. Great, just great...

"Yeah, sure off we go..." My last chance just flew off out the window and before I stepped on the bus I turned and saw him, he ws looking at me! My lips without listening to me curved into a small smile. I think that was may way of saying goodbye to my 4 year crush. Bye bye...

Did he see my smile? Was it weird? Did he also smiled? God I'm loosing my mind or what is left of it...

The last day has ended. From today on I'm no longer a high schooler. It's time to look for what the future might bring and open myself to new experiences. I'm goinng to build my careear as an architect and enjoy the ride. I have enough time to think about the future but now I'm gonna sleep, I'm quite tired. I've put my phone on the nightstand and closed my eyes.

Will I see him again? Nah, that's impossible...

This is like a short introduction. The next chapters will be a little longer. Hope you guys like it, this is my first time posting what I'm writing and it would mean a lot your opinion.

Enjoy, there is more to come.


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