Chapter 3

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    "Get out!" he snapped in a cold voice.

   "So,so noisy" I finally said when I got up to look at him after removig my hair from my face. In that moment I swear his expression changed for a second.

   He didn't look that angry anymore but the coldness in his ocen blue eyes was still there. His face wasn't the only one that changed, I also was taken aback by him. Blue eyes, soft lips, blonde messy hair and even the 2-3 days unshaved beard looked good on him. He was wearing a white shirt with a gray- blue tie and on top of the shirt had a navy blue jacket.   

   "Don't be angry" I mutter, slowly approaching him.When I was close enough my hand grabbed his tie and pulled him closer until our faces were inches apart. My lips parted and for an unknown reason I could't take my eyes off of his lips. I gasped for air and took a second to search his expression. It seemed he was as surprised as I was. When I let go of his tie, I pulled back and laughed awkwardly.

   "See? You are no longer angry." Indeed he was't ,but his new expression was something I wasn't able to decipher. Maybe because I was drunk or maybe he was a more complexe person than I thought. It was something about him but I could't put my figer on it. He was intriguing even for the dizzy me. What was about this stranger... but he looked so familiar...

   With his image in my head, my eyes became heavier and heavier suddenly I feel asleep. But my time to be sleeping beauty didn't last much, 30 minutes at most. When I woke up, I was still in his car but we weren't moving. I looked around but he wasn't there and I was covered by his navy blue coat. I opened the door and there he was, standing near a bench surrounded by smoke.

   "He is not...he can't be..." I murmured. The feeling of deja vu was so strong and still I couldn't figure it out. I was sure I've seen him before.

   "You ok, kid?" he said with a husky voice.

   "Kid? I'm not a kid." This wasn't the first time some said to me "kid" but coming from him, well, it felt different.

   "You are not? Because you surely look like one. 16? 17?"

   "24. Close enough" I said the last part as a whisper and took a few steps towards him and sat on the bench. After minutes of silence (it seemed such a long time) my stomach remembered that he is hungry. I've tried to mask the noise by coughing but it didn't work, of course. Even drunk I flushed crimcon red with embarrassment.

   "I guess you are hungry." I swear I saw a glimps of a smile. He was laughing at me! Just before I could open my mouth to say somthing he trew me a box with an ilustration of girl eating sweets. I opened the small box and 2 chocolate waffles were waiting for me. Without hesitation I took a big bite. That was sooo good the chocolate was melting on my tongue and the vanilla- mint aroma was just perfect.

   "I'm glad that you like it." The tone he said the words was playful, I think, and that came as a surprise.

   "I really do like it. This is my favorite. Thank you...sir." My childish voice turned into a mumble when I called him sir. Why did I do that for?

   "Sir? Fine, call me sir, kid." He said while taking a last smoke before throwing the bud on the ground and step on it. "Let's go." The cold voice was back...

  I told him the adress and in less then 20 minutes the car was parked in front of the flat I live in. The drive was a quite one, the only sound was the music tured on at a low volume. Juste before we arrived I could hear Let her go by Passenger playing in the background and his face changed again. This time he turned it off after you let her go. 

   He opened the door and helped me get out, but even with his help, my clumsiness was in the way. After the first step I stumbled and almost fell but fortunately he was there and grabbed my waist pulling me to his chest. With one hand, he kept me close in his tight embrace and with the free hand lifted my chin so I could gaze into his blue eyes.

   I was masmerised by him, his scent, smoke and cologne and there something more. While I was lost in him, his thumb ran across the corner of my lower lip. I couldn't help but gasp.

   "You had some chocolate left." He told me and released me.

   "T-Thanks" I mutter in low, embaressed voice.

   "Ada! Ada!" I've heared a voice shouting my name, but before I could turn around and see, I was grabbed by the hand and pulled towards someones chest. I lifted my head and a pair of green eyes were looking down on my filled with anger.

   "Paul..." I whispered.

   "You are dead drunk. Mike called me to ask if you made it home. He said you left an hour ago. I was worried sick. What are you doing with this guy, and in his arms?" Paul was shouting at me and his face was full of anger but also I could see he indeed was worried. "What have you done to her bastard?" Now, his attention was on the stranger.

   "You should teach your boyfriend some manners, because you were such a nice company." his smile was cold and full of arrogance. He turned his back and walked to the car.

   "If you did something to her, I will make you pay son of a bi--"

   "Stop it!" I hissed at him and held him from going after him. "He has done nothing wrong!" This time I couldn't help but shout at him.

   "Fine, let's go home." after he said that he carried me in his arms just like when you were little and dad will took you to your room. On our way I felt tired and drifted into a deep sleep but I can remember my last thought. Him. It was indead him...

The next morning when I woke up, the sun was blinding me and the smell of pancakes was in the air. Maybe Maya was is a good mood and felt like cooking, well, I can't complain. I was still dressed like the night before and smelling like alcohool and smoke, also my head was hurting and my stomach was a little upset. Great...

   "You awake sunshine?" Paul was standing in the door with a plate full of pancakes and a glass filled with orange juice.

   "Yeah, but what are you doing here?" Really, what was he doing here? I mean I was happy to see him, but it was unexpected.

   "Last night you were drunk and I gave you a ride home. And because I was tired I stayed the night." Paul laughed and ran is fingers trough the dark massy hair. If anyone would see us they would say we are couple. But in reality we are not , or at least for now.

   "I see. Thanks" I smilled and punched him playfuly in the chest while he was sitting on the bed. "You are the best, Paul!" He smiled.

   What do you think? Are things getting a little interesting? I hope so!!! Thank you all for reading my story and don't forget to vote, comment and stay tuned for more.

   My plan is to post every week a new chapter sooo there is more to come!


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