Chapter 2

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Ch. 2

5 Years Later

I need to keep running, I must find him. I looked to my left, then to my right but he was nowhere to be found. Where could he be? While running, the wind was pircing my skin and the air was filling my lungs with coldness, despite all those things I needed to keep pushing further.

One, two, three... without noticing my foot slept and I fell, and kept falling. All I saw and felt was drakness. I gasped for air but there was none, I searched for light but again I faced darkness. No, no,no...

"Ada, Ada! Wake up! Shhh, it was just a dream, ok? It's allright now hun..." The warm and calming voice of my friend was all I needed to bring myself together. After few minutes I was fine. The sun was up and it's light was killing my eyes and made me look all weird making silly faces.

"Now that you are awake sunshine, we need to go shopping, so move lazy girl". Maya is my best friend, she is smart, crazy, beautiful. We became friends in the last year of high school and our friendship kept on growing and now we live together. Pretty romantic, huh? She was the only one who stayed beside me when I was... well, when I was't me.

"Give me a second to change, or do you want me to go in my pj?" I laughed while pulling my pants down and changed them with some jeans stained by some red old paint(those are the jeans I usually weare while working) and a white t-shirt with the message I'm so mad. Now we were on our way to the art supply store and truth to be told that might take a while.

Maya, as a good frind she always supported my every cretive action and this time is no different. Most girls spend hours and hours at the mall searching for the perfect dress or shose, me on the other hand I spend hours searching for the perfect colours and materials for my work.

Once arrived home, I went to my little desk and put the materials around me thinking of what could I create next. But the peaceful atmosphere vanished when Maya entred the room shouting and laughing.

"Tonight we go out and have some fun!! I don't take no for an answer!!This night is for you to celebrate that you are a real architect! I so proud of you." She smiled and hugged then took my hand and started spinning me around. I have to admit that strangely I was in a mood for a party.

"Ok, tonight we party" I said laughing while opening the closet.


We now were in front of the club and all I could saw was a sea of people. Breath, don't panic you are not alone. I said to myself while adjustig for the last time my red dress. Ontop of the drees I had a blue denim shirt and thou I should've wore heals I choosed a pair of high red convers (classy, I know). On the other side Maya was walking confident in her green dress and high heels towards the guy keeping the line.

"Hi, Maya! Been a while." Said the man and kissed her cheek. He was tall, and not very muscular like how you'd expect him to be. The a black leather jacket mached his style, messy brown hair and a cigarette in the corner of his mouth and let's not forget about those green eyes. He seamd like a nice guy.

"Hi, Alex! I missed you. Come find us when your shift is over, ok?"

"Sure thing, now both of you go and have some fun. See you in a bit." He said the words and let us pass.

"He is a good friend of mine, long story, but he is such a sweet guy" she smiled. Maya had this talent of seeing good in people and the abillity of making all sort of friends.

Inside the music was loud and we slowly made our way through the crowded club, until we spottet a familiar face in the crowd.Tall, black hair and dark eyes. He made his way towards us holding 2 glasses in his hands.

"Drink up" he said smiling. "And congrats for finally beeing an architect Ada" He took my hand and dragged me to the bar.

"Thanks Mike, sooo you're buying tonight?" I laughed as I followed him.

" 'Course, I'm gonna get you drunk, you know me." Yes I knew him, he's been my best friend for about 9 years I guess,he is all just talk. But I like to let him think I believe everything he says. And so the night begins.

1 shot, 2 shots, 3 shots I just lost count after the 6th one. Maya dissappeared when Alex ended his shift and I was left alone with Mike. He looked fine even after all the drinking ( quite resistent) instead of me who was all over the place...

"Ok, you are tired and drunk I think you had enough. It's time to go home. I'll call you a cab.Sounds good?" He asked while taking me to the bar to sit.

"But I don' want to goooo!!" I protested in a childish manner.

"Because tonight is special I'm calling you a Black Cab" The next second he was on the phone. After a few minutes and anoteher shoot he took me outside, in front of the club.

"Mike, dear, come and join us" A bunch of girls approched him and took him away.

"The cab is black and has a yellow sticker on it, you can't miss it! Call me when you're home, 'kay?"Mike shouted at me while being dragged.

"Black car okaaaay" I shouted back. He looks quite fit these days, not bad Mike, not bad. I looked around and a black Volkswagen was parked in front of me. Without hesitation I opened the door and threw myself on the back seat.

"Take me home please" I said with a child like voice to the driver. He turend and looked at me cluless and angry.

"Who the hell are you and wht are you doing in my car?" he shouted at me.

Stay tuned for the next chapter. Thing are getting intresting! Tell me what you think!

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