he has to know...

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Error POV)

Me and ink staid in outertale for a few hours before going back to the void. The void was were I lived. It was empty and all white.

I liked living in empty place. It was easy to think in. Because. My cancer is in my head. It makes it hard to think when there's so much noise. It hurts my head so bad.

Ink drew a beanbag chair and we sat in it. I laid my head on his chest and smiled. I felt him pet my head and I calmed down. I forgot all my troubles. I just wanted to be in inks arms forever.

I love him. He's calming. And I don't want to let go. So that means I have to tell him the problem with me. But he will be so heart broke.


I have to tell him. I HAVE TO.

-sigh- this is gonna be hard...

I laid my hands on his and held them as I looked into his eyes. This is hard. I refused to tell him so I kissed him deeply.

Damnit! Why is this so hard!! I must tell him... But I don't want to break his heart.

We staid up late and visited other Au's aswell. Then we went to sleep together.

I woke up gasping for air. Its speed to my chest now. I can't breath. My chest hurts.

Ink tried to calm me. He tried everything. I slowly got my breath back and looks up at him.

He had tears rolling down his face dripping onto his scarf. He hugged me tightly. I hugged him back.

Ink POV)

I woke up early so I could make me and error breakfast. I went into the kitchen of the small house I made us then headed him gasping.

I ran to him and he wasn't able to breath. I put my hands on his hand and tried to heal him. Nothing happened.

He got his breath back and looked up at me. Tears fell down my face and I hugged him tightly. I put my face in his shoulder as his hugged back.

He seemed weak. I healed his cuts  I healed his pain. How is he still so weak? This is scarring me.
"I.... Love you inky" he said to me. His voice was weak and glitches out.

"I love you too error" I just wanna stay in his arms.


is it ok to cry... (error x ink)Where stories live. Discover now