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Sorry about the slow updates. I'm trying to update when ever I can!

Error POV)

And then. Everything was black. Quiet. And still

I passed out.

Ink POV)

I turned to see error on the ground. I dropped my ice cream on the floor and ran to him. He wasn't moving. I tried to heal him


I tried everything

"Error! P-please wake up!!" I tried so much to make error wake up. He just wouldn't. I shook him and whimpered. I rushed him to the hospital

They told me something about error. He has cancer in his soul and it spread to his head. He has less that a week. Why didn't he tell me? I'm scared.

I don't want him to die. I don't wanna lose my sweet ruru...

Error POV)

It hurts

My chest.


Why can't I move?! I-ink!

I want ink! My brothers! It hurts!. I hear voices. Its ink. I tried to open my eyes. I can't. I hear others. My friends. Family. I wanna wake up. I want to! I need to! I heard all my friends. I hear mama. And my brothers. There crying...

Fresh POV)

I was at home sitting down while watching TV when I got a text from ink. He told me to bring Geno and ma to the hospital. I dunno why he asked but I took ma and Geno to the hospital and. Saw error. Laying on a bed. Connected to a iv and heart monitor. I felt my heart snap.

Ink told us error has a week left. But he won't wake up. I don't wanna lose my big bro. He may have been mean to me. But I love him. I don't wanna lose him. I look over and see Geno crying while holding errors hand. I couldn't move. My chest hurt. My heart hurt. Some tears fell. If only my brother could see me feeling emotions. I don't wanna lose him. No one does.

Some of errors friends came. Like, nightmare. Killer, dust, reaper, lust, and horror. Were all there. Dream was too. We all tried to wake error. We did. But nothing happened.

I just want my brother to wake up.

is it ok to cry... (error x ink)Where stories live. Discover now