good bye..

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This may be the last chapter of the story! Hope ya enjoy!

Error POV)

I slowly opened my eyes. Everything hurt. I looked around to see ink. My brothers. My mom. Even my friends. Fresh was sitting in a chair, glasses off and tears falling. The poor kid. Ink was by me, asleep hland holding my hand. Then my mom. She was in a chair on the other side of me crying. I looked over at her slowly and weakly placed a hand on hers.

"" I smiled. She looked up and hugged me. Geno want in the room. " were g...geno?" I asked. I'm so weak.

"He. Started panicing. And lost his breath. He's in another room." Her voice was shaky.

Ink slowly woke up and held my hand.

Ink POV)

Error finnaly woke up. I held his hand and hugged him. I'm so scared and worried. I know he has less than one day left. But I don't wanna lose him.

He softly and weakly hugged me back as tears fell. "I don't wanna lose you ruru..." I sniffed and I cried. He kissed my neck. "I know.. I don't wanna go eather. But please be strong." His voice is so weak. I could feel my heart crack.  "I... I will ruru." I smiled and sniffed as tears fall. I am about to watch the love of my life... Die in my arms. He smiled and put a hand on my cheek and his hand was cold. I held his hand on my cheek and I started to cry again. I put my head on his chest. He softly pet me and coughed a bit of blood. "Inky... I think... This is my last day..." He weakly said. His voice was so broken. "N-no... Please..." I felt fresh put his hand on my shoulder. I started to cry again. "Please." I gripped errors hand. Fresh had tears in his eyes as Geno walked in. Error slowly closed his eyes. "I..I love you!" I cried. His hand began to fall lymp in my hand. "No! No! Please!" I began crying as his body became dust on the bed. My heart shattered into pieces. He's gone. "E....error..." I began crying and ran out and teleported to the void. I fell to the floor. "I...I can't be alone!" I cried and drew a knife and grabbed the knife off the paper and aimed it to my soul.

My breathing picked up as tears dripped to the floor. I heard errors laugh echo threw my head. I shoved the knife threw my soul as I coughed blood. I heard the other star sans' come running. Blue and dream. I fell to the floor. I saw error again. He put his hand out for me. I slowly grabbed his hand and faded.

As I slowly opened my eyes. I saw error. I smiled as I hugged him and he held me in his arms. He kissed my head and smiled. "Were in a better place now inky. I love you" I smiled. As everything slowly turned black. I knew I was okay. Because I was in the arms of my loved one. The one who I love the one who I care about.

Fresh POV)

I just watched my big brother die. I stared at his dust as everyone else left.

“b-brother....” my eyes filled with tears as I picked his clothes up. I cried into them. "Brother please come back." I cried harder. "I WANT MY BROTHER!!" I never thought he would actually die...

Geno hugged me as I put my face into his chest. I don't want one brother. I want both of them. I'm so scared. I stayed close to Geno. My heart hurts so bad

I cried and cried till I drew tired. Mom picked me up and carried me to the car. I sniffled and held onto errors navy blue scarf. I stared out the window and whimpered. I can't believe I lost my big brother. I felt more tears began to fall. I started to cry again. I whined and cried. I didn't care if I look like a baby. I just wanna have my brother again...

Geno POV)

I was in the front seat. Getting reddy to take my meds then... Heard fresh crying again. I felt so bad for him.. Error was very close to me and didn't really care to hang out with fresh. But I knew fresh was there with error on his last day. I wish I was I held my pills in my hand and looked in the mirror at fresh. He looks so broken..

I sighed and took my meds and slumped into my seat. Mom even looks broken. Her face was so red from crying. I looked out the window. Me and mom knowing I don't have to long to go eather.. But how are we gonna tell fresh?

I sighed. My condition actually got worse. My soul could shatter any day now. I felt myself began to shake. I'm scared about what fresh will do if I die.. I sighed as we pulled into the house. I walked inside the house and laid in my bed and looked at my soul. Its covered in cracks. I sighed.

At least I'm gonna be with error soon...

The end

is it ok to cry... (error x ink)Where stories live. Discover now