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Error POV)

Im feeling more pain today.

It hurts in my chest and I'm scared to tell ink. My soul isn't stable anymore. I can tell. I'm going to die sooner than I thought

I went to ink. He was creating another AU. I pulled his scarf.  "I..inky?"

He turned around and smiled. "Yes ruru?" He said calmly with a smile. "I was wondering if we could hang out more... Please?" I just wanna be with him. He smiled and nodded. "Of course!" He said. "Wanna go to tale? There on the surface and we could have more fun!". I smiled. I'd like to ha e fun with inky. I don't care were at I just wanna be with him.

---------time skip------------

Ink POV)

Me and error headed to undertale on the surface. We went to a carnival and he had a great time so did I. He had to stop a few times because he wasn't able to breath.

Mabey he has asthma and didn't tell me..? I don't know..

He won't talk to me. When I bring up if hes ok he just says yea and changes the topic. It worry's me. I love him and he loves me.

I just want him to talk to me


My soul hurts. My legs hurt. My head hurts. Everything hurts. We haven't been at the carnival for more than a couple hours.

I grabbed inks scarf in pain and fell over. He ran to me and picked my head up. " error?! ERROR!" he yelled my name but it hurt to talk.

My eyes were slightly open. And I was gripping his shirt with one hand. My soul ached. It was hard to breath. I could hear him crying. I don't want this. I don't wanna die. I'm scared. Please god please.

It all went dark. I passed out.

is it ok to cry... (error x ink)Where stories live. Discover now