Chapter 5

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Izuku was currently walking towards the Neighbors House, Which compared to his house was Huge.

Izuku's Pov:

Alright, It's pretty much tradition to greet your neighbor, we've done this a few times before, Even when we moved into the apartment.

What if i freak out, what if they're the typical snobby people you see in tv, what if they don't see me more than some random kid who looks like some type of beggar.

Don't think of that

Alrighty let's get this over with

He stops in front of the door, He dust of his clothes just to make sure and , he takes a deep breath, He Kno-

Wh- Why is Endeavor the number two hero here, wait why i'm i standing here like an idiot say something.

" Hello, Endeavor what brings you here?" Seriously that wasn't any of my business why I'm i asking him this could be his house i mean it wouldn't be a surprise considering he is on the top 5.

"I just came to pay a visit to the yaoyorozu family, Nothing out of the ordinary, May I ask why is a brat as yourself here?"

A brat this Guy doesn't even know me at all In fact we never even met

"Oh, Alright and to answer your question I'm the new neighbor along side my mother, Hence why i thought it would be appropriate to greet my neighbors don't you think"

"Tch, Alright Now excuse me i need to deal with some business"

I watch him leave

Finally Sheesh i thought that was going to take long, Now to actually introduce myself

Izuku knocks on the door, the door opens and a Tall man becomes visible

"Yes?" He asks

"Oh Yes, Hello Nice to meet you" * izuku extends his hand*,
" I'm your new neighbor along side my mother as well"

"Ah yes" * he shakes izuku's hand*
"The house was quite empty for a while the old neighbors moved to their old house back in their Home land"

So that's, what happened to them so much for investigating , Bye "The Case of the Old Homeowners"

"Nice to know a bit of the old Homeowners"

"Hmm, Don't just stand there come in, you can call me Tashi, If you called me,Mr. Yaoyorozu i would feel more old than i already do"

"Alright, Tashi though i do feel a bit odd since when i was a kid Mother always told me to call my elders by their last name"

"Well your mother taught you well"


"Now i would like you to meet a few of the staff if you ever need help and i'm not present you can ask any of them"

"Oh, It's not really nec-"

"Nonsense, Come now "


Izuku was currently sitting down on the couch

Wow everyone is so nice i was totally wrong about them

"Now Izuku was it?"

"Yes, Sir"

"I would like for you to meet my family"

Two females started walking into the living room

WAIT!? Is that ..
Oh god it is, it's the girl i met a while back

"This is my Wife, And my daughter"

"Hello, Nice to meet you"
*izuku extends his hand*

The older woman answered first
"Like wise, I'm Kuse as my husband has stated before i would prefer if you called me by my name rather than by my last name"

"Oh, Yes although i still do feel a rather bit odd"

"It's totally fine now ...

"Oh apologies yes my name is Momo nice to meet you"

No please tell me that wasn't a blush i saw.....

"Ah yes,*izuku bows slightly* It's a pleasure to meet you"

Oh lord help me i'm turning red as a tomato

Well it looks like this new life won't be too bad.

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