Chapter 20

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Izuku and Momo face each other and then nod

" I think we should have our quirks ready just in case"

"Yes good idea"

As izuku and momo got closer to an alley the sound it was an infant crying

"Hey Momo if it's alright with you can I ask that you stay here in case anything goes south you can call the authorities "

"What no we are doing this tog-" Momo was silenced by izuku as he gave her a quick peck on the lips

"Please I won't be able to live with myself if anything happened to you"

*Sigh* " Fine just be careful"

Izuku nods And then starts sneaking into the alley

Izuku's Pov:

As I get closer I see a black-haired man with a beak-shaped mask standing over a small child with white-silver hair and red crimson eyes and a woman whom I believe is her mother...

Damn, it Looks like the mother is losing lots of blood...Don't just stand here you idiot

"Darkforce manipulation" I mumbled these words...

How many times have I used this power I better do this fast or my sanity won't last long

The alley started getting darker than usual and there was an eerie feel to it

"What the hell, Who is-"  Before he could say anything I punched him and he was sent soaring across the alley to the brick wall at the other end

I went to check on both the child and her mother, As soon as I got there I checked the mother's breathing...It was faint but it was there, I took the child and quickly went to give her to momo

"Momo take the child and run to the nearest police station, I'll meet you there" Thankfully Momo didn't say anything so as soon as I got to where the mother was I covered the wound and tied as hard as I could so the bleeding could stop

As soon as I finished I went to go see the villain

"Fucking Hell, You can pack quite the punch huh To bad I have to kill you, Honestly you would've made a fine addition to the Yakuza-"

" First off let's just get this over with yeah? And I will never join a group of villains"

"Heh, You know what you remind me of someone I know... Almost the same first impression I had of him...Similar Quirk as yours "

"I don't know what you're talking about, Just Go to Sleep"

I give a sinister smile and then use darkforce manipulation combined with at least 20% of one for all to give him a big punch that once again sent him crashing to the brick wall and even cracking the wall.

Alright, now that is done... I go back to the mother, her breathing was starting to slow down... Wait did I hear right?!
I put my ear a little closer so I can hear, And low and behold She was trying to talk

" W here i is my daug h ter"

"I asked my girlfriend to take her to the police station, She's fine ma'am I already dealt with the man who was harming you both the police should be on their way to come collect him"

Did I just say momo was my girlfriend!?

As soon as I finished i heard a sigh of relief

"T hank y you, B but I'm af afraid it's to late for me, can you p p promise me s s something"

"Yeah sure" I said trying to hold back a tear or two

" C c can you take care of m m my daughter"

"I promise I'll take care of her as my own child you can rest easy "

"Thank you"
Those where her last words...

The cops came an apprehend the guy who was known as overhaul in the undergrounds When I go to the police station both Momo and the tiny girl we're sleeping on the chair, After talking with the police who were on the case They decided the child was best to be with me

I then carried both to my house after I made a quick call towards momo's father and explained and told him everything that happened he let this one slide but I'm pretty sure that I'm dead tomorrow

Wait So both Momo and the little girl are sleeping on my bed... Did I just get kicked out of my own room without knowing it!?

Now that I think about it I keep calling her child or little girl Maybe I should give her a name hmmm..... What about Eri? Yeah eri it means blessed with reason, She was blessed today

No worries, Ma'am, I will keep my promise, I'll cherish the little snowball with my whole heart...
I think I'm going to do it yeah Next morning ill ask momo out on a proper date and properly ask her to be my girlfriend.

There it is Hope you enjoyed

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