Goodbye Daegu

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Taehyung's Pov:
-I can't believe this! Why?! I have never been late to anything in my entire damn life so why now, right when I need to be there on time?!

Taehyung sighed as he tried to desperately put on his socks while brushing his teeth. It probably only made both tasks even more difficult but Taehyung didn't care. Not when he was running this late.
He has lived in Daegu for eighteen years now so it was very hard for him to finally decide to move. The grayish old city had been there for him for a long time. It had witness his first kiss, right behind that small cinema in the Main Street where he and Bogum (his boyfriend at the time) used to meet up every Friday. It had seen him crying desperately in the school's roof when his dad died two years ago from cancer. It had watched him crawl up to the top of the school's ranking and win the respect of all his teachers and classmates. And now he was leaving.

-Okay done! Now where's my phone..... Ah found it! Suitcase? Check. Wallet? Check. Jacket? Check. Well I think I am ready to go!
-Good luck sweetie! Remember to call me as soon as you get there! If you ever need anything, you know I am here for you.
-Thanks mom I'll call you as soon as I get to the dorms! Are you sure you will be alright by yourself.....
-Tae I have been an adult for 30 years now so I think I can take care of myself! Don't worry sweetie.
-I know mom it's just.... I am sorry for leaving you alone...
-You shouldn't be sorry Tae! You are going after your dream and I am really proud! Now go before you actually miss the train.
-Yes mom, bye. Love you.
-Love you too.

Taehyung didn't want to leave his mom behind. He knows she is capable of taking care of herself but since his dad died it had always been just the two of them and the thought of his mom getting home and facing an empty house made him sad. But he was going after his dream so he couldn't let the opportunity slip through his fingers. Not everyone can win a scholarship to one of Seoul's most famous universities! He was going to study at Seoul's Art School for free due to his amazing grades so that he could become a real artist like Van Gogh! Van Gogh had always been one of his favorites.
He arrived at the train station quicker than expected and here he was: sitting comfortably near a window watching Daegu escaping from him as the trees and houses moved so fast. The further he was from the peaceful city he called his home, the more he could imagine the busy and stunning view of Seoul right before his eyes.
The trip went really fast and suddenly he was in Seoul.

So that's it for the first chapter! It was supposed to be an intro to the story but I also didn't want it to get too long or deep right now because there is still much to happen.
English isn't my mother tongue so I am sorry for any mistakes... feel free to correct anything in the comments

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